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03 Sep 2007

India is birthplace of God.

It is said that we should take every word in the Murli as written on stone. If not today - tomorrow it will be proven true. There cannot be any matter of free association.

03 Sep 2007

shivsena Bhai has come back

02 Sep 2007

Dear Brother ex-l, Who has kicked the parent out? Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit gives the example of such religions that does not value the Father in the family. Whilst the Father is alive they will like to claim the throne of controller or even put him to jail so that they take his seat. This is the ...

02 Sep 2007

Is it possible that Buddists have borrowed the symbol. It is also said in the Murli that cinema is created for the purpose that Baba could explain the drama and use it as example. Now you know that no one has had this idea when creating the bioscope, but it does not make the statement false. Could b...

02 Sep 2007

OK, i understood.

02 Sep 2007

I don't know what is "oblox", and don't understand what is the meaning of "construct".

02 Sep 2007

Could be that descriptions are related to the Confluence Age, like Radha and Krishna being of two separate kingdoms (because there are no two kingdoms in the Golden Age, and there is only one kingdom), similarly the marriage - there is no marriage in Golden Age, birth, death, years could represent s...

02 Sep 2007

You should give examples if you would like to discuss concrete examples.

01 Sep 2007

Very often in a group it comes particular language like identification. For example, as children we used to have some expressions only we could understand. It adds to the feeling of belonging to the group and closeness.

01 Sep 2007

There are also used for propaganda, social and mental conditioning. Is there anything wrong with religious propaganda? I know here to be religious means to be strange. There is this firm image of the cold sceptic, the intellectual, that everyone becomes. However it seems that these religious person...

01 Sep 2007

We need to be clear about what is reality and what is free association or inspiration.

What do you mean by "reality"? How can we be clear?

31 Aug 2007

How would we describe that? The entire knowledge appears to be based around taking commonly place, already pre-programmed and existing items, and giving them new meanings. It seems to be a system based on ciphers and mnemonics. Yes, you know Baba (Brahma Baba) used to pick some flowers (roses) from...

30 Aug 2007

"Trinity Supreme Father Shiva only is the bestower of knowledge and salvager of all. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are born together. It is not just Shivjayanti [Shiva's birthday] but Trimurti Shivjayanti." [Mu. 27-09-75 Pg-3] "Children you write Trinity Shiva's birthday. But three pers...

29 Aug 2007

Dear Brother BKDimok,

Please, see an answer in the PBK section - topic "Trimurti Shiva?"

29 Aug 2007

Dear Brother BKDimOK, In the Murli, it is said Trimurti Shivjayanti. That means that there are three figures and when all the three are revealed then we can celebrate this birthday. But if we have only one figure, then we cannot celebrate. So these three figures have to be together at one and the sa...

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