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17 Sep 2007

It is never said that the world will end in 2004 or 2007. 2004 is said to be the end of the role of Shankar and 2007 the revelation of the third personality. It should also be clear what are we talking about when we talk about the End of the World. As we are dealing with spiritual matters it can mea...

15 Sep 2007

Yes, this is whatever Ravan also used to say. "If Rama is God he has to prove himself to me." Is God to obey Nietzsche?

15 Sep 2007

Dear Brother John, where did you get the predictions of the PBKs from? It is only due to some heard-narrated, half-understood, half-interpretated stories that there comes misundertsandings. When we'll be the end we can only know for sure afterwards. But as in buisness and evrything also the ones who...

15 Sep 2007

We are taught to be able to be alone even whilst in public. I hold no imaginary images about the BKs as i have had contact and made up my mind. These are my opinions and will always remain so - as are anyone else's. It is about the gap between the teaching and the practice, that we discuss how the B...

15 Sep 2007

We also used to be atheists before finding The Knowledge. And we believed even when it contradicted our beliefs. Whether it tallies with the scriptures or not ... it tallies because there is truth in the scriptures and not the other way round. Yes, it is a way to see things. In the Murli it is said ...

15 Sep 2007

At the time of the ritual practices in the past of Nietzsche He used not to come.

15 Sep 2007

Yes, you can just see it as new interpretation as you can see the BK knowledge just as new interpretation of Hinduism. Other is to see it as "God speaks". He does not hold scriptures means that he does not learn and then teach as all human beings do. He holds the Murli not to learn it but ...

15 Sep 2007

Science can in no way prove or disprove God. Science and religion need not contradict. For those devoid from religious emotions it comes the scientific explanation of the same. The observation that human beings are needy and can form an idea for God (eg like a parent) is correct, but it does not pro...

15 Sep 2007

Also the new is the God of the Gita - that who is the God of the Gita, that it is not the corporeal form of Dada Lekraj (the soul of Krishna) through which God reveals to the world. That God plays 3 parts of Father - Teacher and Guru through one personality and that only he is responsible (no human ...

Faith and believing

14 Sep 2007

Is faith and believing heretical? Is it something wrong or old? Children believe easily and are happy. When they play they imagine that the doll is living and that stones are potatoes. For them, whatever happens has utmost importance. They will cry with all of their heart when they lose the game as ...

14 Sep 2007

New in the Advanced Knowledge is also that there are two types of Brahmins. Good and bad, mouthborn - those that believe in the knowlege; and lapborn - those that are attracted to corporeal personalities. Likewise, that there are various types of Brahmins; 9 - 10 types of Brahmins as per the differe...

13 Sep 2007

Despite the fanfare title i think that you have just described the aspect of God like a parent. The way each one has his own parents - a universal parent that is parent to all.

13 Sep 2007

I don't think both principles of the probability and "as you sow so shall you reap" contradicts. They both work. For example we have not chosen our roles, it is like a lottery, but if you look you sow a seed and something come out of it. We do acts and there is consequence. Look also how h...

13 Sep 2007

There was an example of the Emperor Caligula that he used to be impressed with the Pharaohs of Egypt and liked to set his empire in the same way. But there used to be a difference and he did not succeeded. In Egypt, the rule used to be very centralized, in the hand of the pharaoh who is thought abou...

13 Sep 2007

Would it also help or risk damaging your faith if you spent close to "The Family". Yes, without doubt

Is it easier to maintain faith when you are alone or when you are with alike minds?

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