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07 Nov 2007

No, He used not enter both. The things form the beginning were not recorded at all. What they used to bury in Karachi were only things from Karachi or through early Brahma Baba (without Shiv). Please, note my assumptions. In the Murli it is said that "the way to recognise my entering is that i ...

07 Nov 2007

Since many of the things you share as Godly knowledge are not shared by anyone else (we know as God) but only you and this is what i mock to, then i should assume you have become God.

07 Nov 2007

If Godfather Shiva used to enter someone else in the begining to name Brahma Baba - Brahma, and at the same He enters Brahma Baba there would be two Gods. He used to enter Brahma Baba later from Karachi. We don't have Shiva's name in the literature of the beginning, because we don't have the recordi...

07 Nov 2007

I mean "them" is not meant for those who go into trance. From the Murlis we know when ShivBaba enters, he does in such an ordinary way that even the Chariot cannot feel and he teaches through speaking through the mouth and not through inspiration.

07 Nov 2007

"This one had a different name. I entered in him and gave him the name Brahma." If Brahma Baba got his name through trance messenger, in trance there is no entering. It is possible that in the statement, "I entered him" "and gave him the name" the two "hims" ...

06 Nov 2007

Of course you are right, but in the name of the cause, we have to invent some tactic. If they are big people then they like making big gestures. They could not provide it just because we need, no, they have to do it on their own. In every moment they provide the question will arise, why just now and...

06 Nov 2007

There is a saying that money will met 4 destinies. King will take, thief will take, fire will burn or ... i don't know the saying properly. Maybe destinies were five. Generally, if taxes rise; the government takes. Bank can fail, inflation can make 100,000,000 equal to 1 cent. I have heard stories a...

06 Nov 2007

So are you with us or against as regards having a full collection of Murlis to share? This is what i mean, that this issue is for creating confrontation. Whom are we asking for Murlis; enemies or friends. Are we not one family no matter we read it or not? I mean, are we to have them just for collec...

06 Nov 2007

I was looking discussion no 403 with ShivBaba (in Virendra Dev Dixit) where the issue regarding building buildings and money was raised and I am not sure i understood it well. But what i understood is that Baba (Virendra Dev Dixit) said money will be destroyed and people will start receiving heart a...

04 Nov 2007

In the Avyakt Vanis, the unlimited service is said to be the service through the mind. It is not that i would like to stop the collecting of Murlis, please don't take it that way Brother John but it is also some diverting people's attention in a way, is not it? Now that we also have the third, indep...

04 Nov 2007

I would like to make a simple statement. "I am Prajapita Brahma." You are not. Why should you be Prajapita Brahma so that you can be a fine actor. You can still be fine actor without being Prajapta Brahma. Why all need to be Prajapita, Vishnu, Krishna, Ram and God. and even Veerendra Dev ...

04 Nov 2007

In the common path of spirituality it is said that the "Earth is living" and they believe that the non-living earth is living. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit also says that the "Earth living", but it is just the opposite, that there is a living human being whose soul (mind, intellec...

04 Nov 2007

They have buried the literature in Karachi due to the believe that in the Copper Age it will emerge and become basis for the creation of scriptures. But, maybe, because here all are unlimited matters, then The Knowledge becomes buried in the mind and it is interesting that the one who becomes instru...

04 Nov 2007

Who is teaching RajYoga?? ShivBaba and to whom?? To me. First query: When did the study of RajYoga first commence?? For me in 2005. So can any BK or PBK say with 100% certainty that they are studying RajYoga from Shivbap? Yes, no, not from Shivbap, from ShivBaba. Shivbap is just a point of light so...

04 Nov 2007

Dear Brother shivsena, The message that you now spread that very much resembles the message of the days of Brahma Baba or of the beginning of the Advance Party (like "God has come", and "He has not left") you can see that all these messages were given by God himself (as for the b...

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