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22 Nov 2007

Dear Brother shivsena, This one Ram that you say is Bap, ShivBaba and Bhagawan, which one Ram are you pointing to? Is this Ram that you talk about - is he the Father of all the souls, the Supreme Father, this Father that there is no Father of his. Is he ShivBaba and Bhagwan always? There is this one...

19 Nov 2007

Advanced Knowledge is just pure Bhakti taught by mayavi Krishna and the soul who realises this fact, becomes mayajeet numberwise, and becomes eligible to come in the rosary bead of 108. by that time all the existing PBKs except 108 souls will realise that the whole Advanced Knowledge is Bhakti Plea...

19 Nov 2007

If the Supreme Soul speaks through the body, why should he say remember me in Paramdham? At the time of speaking he should be in the body, right? So is it not like cheating, misleading a bit.

18 Nov 2007

I also agree that it is not possible to not be attached to anything, because it is in our nature to attach. It is said that the deepest desire of the soul is to merge, to unite, or to have Yoga with, to link. That's why it is said that we should be attached to BapDada. It is not that we should not b...

18 Nov 2007

We have three bodies. One is the seed, the soul to which there is no cause it is forever, it is itself the cause of the subtle and the corporeal body. These two are temporary. So the soul is most important and this is what we look at. When we look at the souls - which is this one soul that is the Fa...

14 Nov 2007

If we listen to the spiritual Father, it is a good sign, but indeed only we are to know about ourselves. There are indication regarding these issues in the Murli, e.g. "Some children say i remember Baba all day long, but Baba does not believe, they are unable to stay in rememberance for even .....

14 Nov 2007

It is the same plural as in English, that is both for single and plural, but there are also cases when it is definitely singular in use. This topic has been discussed already. If the Supreme Soul who speaks is knowledgeful, knows the children and who will attain what, then if he gives directions, he...

14 Nov 2007

It is said in the Murli that, "I speak to you and this one listens in between". Murlis are not spoken to Dada Lekhraj.

13 Nov 2007

PBK case is strong for it does not rest on any human. Surely i may speak for myself only. The point was that if we search for the Supreme Soul we could find him (indicate him) through what he says and does. We should watch this to guess. Then this is interesting. Whatever others say he says and does...

13 Nov 2007

It is said in the Murli that, "I come in hell and give you the inheritance of heaven". So just because it is hell now, it does not mean he has not come. Just the other way round, if it is hell then it is very likely that he has come. Although it may seem ambiguous but i would also like to ...

12 Nov 2007

It is the same as a coin does not cost the same for someone in need or some rich person. It depends on how we use the money.

09 Nov 2007

Everyone has his own way of expression and we should allow that. Shivsena's inputs are marked with constancy. Although he may behave like Dharamraj, there is no ill feeling on any of the sides. Hope he will not hide and continue to post. It seems indeed that john Bhai's eyes are a lot in years-in-gy...

09 Nov 2007

We should be sure that the moonlanding is false, or else we fantasize.

08 Nov 2007

If the moon landings are ever proved to be bogus, what does that say about the comments in Murlis? Will it mean that ShivBaba becomes knowledgeful through coming to know from the radio, tv, newspapers and internet as we do? There is a saying from the Murli that some children come and sit in the gat...

08 Nov 2007

Since you don't have faith you don't need care protecting it. So you are our saviour. The proof is that there used to be some extraordinary happening in the beginning of the Yagya and if from the Murli it is proved that at that time ShivBaba used not enter Brahma Baba, then although many got attract...

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