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25 Dec 2007

Dear Brother ex-l, It is different. The conception of the point of light God has definetely existed before '69 because of The Knowledge from the Murlis that has come before '69 where it is said that God is just a point of light. In the Murlis it is also said that we cannot relate to ShivBaba without...

25 Dec 2007

If soul of Ram is bhagwan then who is Prajapita and Bharat?? Amongst the human souls there is one who is the oldest, the greates and this is Prajapita – the Father of all the human souls or Adam. How do you think will he be the one who will become Bhagawan or will it be someone else minor? It also ...

25 Dec 2007

Dear Brother, Even in the Murlis it is said that “Who is Ravan – definitely these human gurus”, so please get me right. We don’t need to have any personal guru in particular. True guru for all is one who liberates everyone and all the rest are false. The best example we have had who has thought us t...

24 Dec 2007

I think Maya is both inside and outside. Maypati bhagavan is the one who conquers it. (The soul of Ram who achives the title of Bhagawan. Since ShivBaba needs not fight and conquer any body-consciousness and Maya is the body-consciousness). My opinion is that we have to fight only our weakness insid...

24 Dec 2007

Dear Brother, It is not Jagdish Chander. Can this be in 1859. It is just a non BK literature reference that I found interesting for so long ago it raises the same issue that we have available now. Other point was where do we have reference for our history from. If we have it from a human being he wi...

24 Dec 2007

So you say that Ram will become 100 ashariri still Krishna will become 100 percent shariri in the same body, but then Ram will again reincarnate that means will lose this 100 % ashariri stage and at this time he will make the soul of Krishan no.1 pure soul that makes no sense, because he should have...

24 Dec 2007

Dear Brother,

I am not the God of the BKs or the PBKs, please allow the fault in me. If i have not understood well, or am unable to explain it means nothing more.

24 Dec 2007

In the beginning of democracy not everyone had the voice to vote, e.g. the slaves did not have this right, so it is the initial form of democracy. We cannot expect it will jump without development. What we aim is self-rule. It is not the kingship that we recognize in history. it is a rule a communit...

23 Dec 2007

In my opinion, in the BKWSU there is democracy already and this is the cause of the problems. I believe when there are more than one - two, three people that take decision it is a small from of democracy. We should not be misguided that because there are totalitarian methods then it is a totalitaria...

23 Dec 2007

According to the advanced knowledge, as far as i know, "Nirvana" means "beyond speech", and it depicts a stage of the soul whilst in the body, but also the world above this world where the souls are without bodies. It is the same as Paramdham and this atmosphere of peace and sile...

23 Dec 2007

Dear Brother, It is possible that it is just a way that i make my mind to think. For me it is easy to see that one person gets what he deserves in one life in the same way as in many lifes. If you would like to give an example with the child then you should have a specific one in mind and i think if...

23 Dec 2007

If you would be able to see the doer and the bearer of the result as one and the same in time, there will be no need to search for separate mechanism. You will find a straight, uninterrupted line of actions in which one and the same person acts. Each action makes his destiny. In each point of time h...

23 Dec 2007

Maybe topic should be separated. In the Greek mythology there is also the story that Zeus decided to destroy the human race and only Deukalion and Pyrrha got saved. (Shankar and Parvati). Then they started throwing stones (souls) all arround. The ones Deukalion throwed became males (rudramala). The ...

23 Dec 2007

There is no reason to believe it has been before 69. There is no need for evidence for the fact that they now teach that only a point of light is true guru, because we all know this to be so. The evidence that they have believed Brahma Baba as corporeal guru, is that against the will of the supreme ...

23 Dec 2007

If you were able to see the full story of many births of the child, then maybe it would be clear to you.

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