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12 Jan 2008

The way you know communism is only from the books. There is a lot of propaganda now and at the time of the "iron curtain" there were a lot of false propaganda on both sides. Today the greatness of the democracy is being propagated around the world. To a monarch or a democrat still it is cl...

12 Jan 2008

Devotees of all gurus, and a few pop stars, would say exactly the same thing. I agree. That's why i think we just have to find our own star. Can we have a fixed deadline and some guarantees? From one side you complain to when deadlines are given and on the other side you request such. It is always ...

12 Jan 2008

Dear Brother ex-l, So you say to me that i should wait some more 2-3 thousand years, for the evolution of the democracy enought to create it a perfect place? But i want to live well here and now. This body will not last so long. Can you compare something so old and something created for 70 years? It...

11 Jan 2008

It is not partial if everyone is happy with his own position and occupies his own seat that is meant for him, that he will never be happier with any other. All are different and are not suitable for every position. Everyone will be happy only wherever is his place, when he fits in the whole puzzle a...

11 Jan 2008

An independent judiciary (judges and legal system) is a pretty cool element of democratic social system. But how can it be independent? Do you believe it is normal for some people to judge others and based on laws that some third people had created. The law makers are dependent people (as anyone) s...

11 Jan 2008

If you now use schizophrenia (splitting of identities) to maintain your point, at other point you may have to introduce third soul.

11 Jan 2008

The Murli point you have quoted has to be interpreted correctly. Shiva is saying that ''only the one is called shri shri"; it means that Shiva is refering to Ram no. 1 soul when Ram attains the nirakari stage and not to himself (zero). Zero is never called shri shri. Zero is always neutral and...

11 Jan 2008

But it is also said in the Murlis that Maya/Ravan is not some soul, but it can come through some soul, circumstances etc that it can come in many form. I think each soul can play a mayavi role. We are blind may mean that we don't see the soul. When we are influenced by Maya/body-conciousness our eye...

11 Jan 2008

3. This is said only later in the Avyakt Vanis. In the old Sakar Murlis it is said that we should definitely write a letter at least once a week and if we don't write the Father understands we are sick or we have died. It is for the corporeal Father to know, but there should definitely be someone to...

08 Jan 2008

Is it the same one that is mentioned in the Murlis with the letter that Brahma Baba used to send him ..."Alaf got Allah, Be the badhshai (not sure of the spelling - kingdom)

I am sorry. Of course he did not send this to him, but to his family.

08 Jan 2008

a) I have read a big part but it is difficult to understand as the English is in very high style. If you could make a resume, then i won't have to read it. If you also know the part of the business partner you could tell page number. It should also be verified if this same busines partner is the one...

08 Jan 2008

In the Murli it has been the 84-th birth of Dada Lekraj - the soul of Krishna, (this is this one's - Brahma Baba's last 84th birth). If Krishna is child, then would his Father be elder or younger to him. It must have been the 84 birth of the Father also. Although he may have taken rebirth physically...

07 Jan 2008

Read 'Is this Justice?" It is clearly mentioned that Narian Shewakram was Lekhraj Kirpalani's sleeping partner. This is fine, but is it mentioned in the same book "Is this Justice" that this same Narian Shewakrm has been involved with the Bhaibund Om Mandli Committee? Where does the ...

07 Jan 2008

In a democracy the same decision will not be taken twice, because it is based on discussion. Someone will be more powerful today, someone else tomorrow. There won't be stable principles. Fight and competition are there written in the basic rules of democracy that eliminate fair play. If people can g...

07 Jan 2008

Brother shivsena used to mention somewhere that bindi Shiv cannot be called shri shri for which there is this Murli quote: 4.06.2003 "You need the directions of Shri Shri in order to become elevated. Only the One is called Shri Shri. Deities are only called Shri." Ram is a deity. He attain...

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