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Re: ShivBaba and Prajapita

29 Mar 2008

Dear Brother shivsena, In the 1st quote it is said that Father "comes". Can this term be used for the Rams soul who is always here? And in the third quote you say Krishna is Bharat. Do you say that Krishna himself is speaking the false Gita to cause his own degradation? I follow this debat...

Re: ShivBaba and Prajapita

27 Mar 2008

It entirely depends on us. It is said that the saagar (ocean) is both sweet and salty. We can churn and emerge jewels or mud. You have said that ShivBaba, but you should say whom do you understand to be ShivBaba - the soul of Shiv or the soul of Ram, because does the soul of Shiv churns and delivers...

Re: Symbols and Metaphors

26 Mar 2008

There was discussion somewhere about the 3 lions on the coat of arms of India that it has been said in the Advanced Knowledge that they represent the Trimurti and ex-l was providing the history of the symbol saying that there is a forth lion that cannot be seen. I have been watching a discussion VCD...

Re: Books, movies and websites

26 Mar 2008

Here's a couple of movies that have English : TV series : • Mahabharat, Movie : • The Mahabharata

Can one watch this or is there only information about the movies. There is also Ramayana. :D

Re: The Scorpion and the Frog

26 Mar 2008

In the Avyakt Vanis it is said that we say my nature for things which are not ours nature. There is another story that a saint saw a scorpion in the water and decided to save it from drowning, but it bit it, so he dropped it, so he fell again in the water. He took it again, but it bit it again, so h...

Re: The Scorpion and the Frog

26 Mar 2008

In the Avyakt Vanis it is said that we say "my nature" for things which are not ours nature. There is another story that a saint saw a scorpion in the water and decided to save it from drowning, but it bit it, so he dropped it, so he fell again in the water. He took it again, but it bit it...

Re: A witch hunt

26 Mar 2008

If you would like to know the unlimited meaning of smoking cigarettes it is drinking bad thoughts. In Hindi, it is said "drinking" cigarettes, so maybe in English we should say, "smoking bad thoughts". What about the pipe case? Maybe it could be some chronic case, some obsession ...

Re: A witch hunt

25 Mar 2008

I understand. We should not expect others as perfect and dream for fail proof life. We do desire this but Maya's duty is to come; we fall sometimes, sometimes we don't. It is just a part of the game. I, myself, would like there to be such a world with no troubles and no trouble makers. When there is...

Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

25 Mar 2008

I think when the soul is in soul-consciousness the mind becomes peaceful and fixed, it does not go here and there. May be in soul-consciousness there is no sufferring experienced, but these are subjective, so from outside it may look as if the face is glowing and happy. In soulconciousness also the ...

Re: A witch hunt

25 Mar 2008

I have been listening to and being influenced by useless matters that had made me suspicious and had made unnecessary conclusion.

I apologise to Tom. It is embarassing to have to claim "I am real".

Re: A witch hunt

25 Mar 2008

Andrey, you are free to suspect that Tom is a shadow of ex-l, but it feels like a wasteful thought and I don't see the point of sharing such doubts by posting them. This practise is just diverting people's attention from topics and draining energy. As long as there are no proofs, seeds of mistrust ...

Re: Where do we go from here?

24 Mar 2008

It is as if the forum failed in some way with this privacy/revelation, genuinity of personality, moderators/administrator things. We are facing the tamopradhan stage. It is not a very good sign the word "donation" that has been introduced and the mention of "financially supporting&quo...

Re: A witch hunt

24 Mar 2008

For me sarah is a real person and there is no doubt about it. But if the matter of genuine and made up persons has been raised maybe there is such practice. With the risk to harm a real person but i find this odd: it is th...

Re: Karma - is it all so bad?

24 Mar 2008

It is not matter of the ideas, but how we perceive them. To escape or change your mind to idea is only temporary solution and we will always get back to it for we will know we missed something there. We don't know definetely what is right and wrong and this is our problem with confusion in our mind....

Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

24 Mar 2008

I have talked (face-to-face) with quite a few PBKs and based on that I realized that we have diverse opinions. That was the only reason I started this thread. Dear Brother Cal(vin), If you are convinced there are many opinions why do you ask again to be convinced in something you already are convin...

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