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Re: What Can We Learn From The Children of Cults?'

08 Jul 2024

Preface I am sharing this answer from Quora regarding the harm that is done when children are exposed to 'adult stuff" and linking it to what children are exposed to in cults. You will notice whenever there is a ratings warning on media content that any rating other than "G"-rated (ge...
Pink Panther

Re: Meditation Experiences

03 Jul 2024

Dear Chetna, The best thing you can do is to stop having any contact with them. Delete them from your phone and email contacts. Do not contact them, avoid going near their centre. If they make contact in any way, do not reply. if you see them on the street, walk away. If they speak to you, simply sa...

Re: BKWSU Trademark Claim Shuts Down Independent BK Websites

04 Jun 2024

All very good points. I don't have an idea of how many BKs there are in Australia. The line defining who is and is not a BK is far more blurred than it's ever been. If we based it on who was considered a pukka BK back in the day, say, in the 1980s, rather than a "co-operative soul" or &quo...

Re: BKWSU Trademark Claim Shuts Down Independent BK Websites

03 Jun 2024

True but the fact they are doing it in Australia where the BK presence is very small relative to other countries shows that for all their effort, they are not going to achieve much. The main game is in India.

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

01 Jun 2024

Dare I ask such an ex-BK Dada-ji as you ... how does all that fit into BK philosophy, or BK philosophy fit into that? I'll refer to the BK view along the way.. I remember it said in BK classes that the first religion founded after the degradation of the adi sanatan dharma (more commonly known as Hi...

Re: BKWSU Trademark Claim Shuts Down Independent BK Websites

01 Jun 2024

Sometimes it simply better to leave such fools to play inside their little fantasy world than trying to reason with them. Given that migrants from India make up one of the largest growing group of migrants to Australia, if not the largest, it may become an issue here, especially as those who get len...

Re: BKWSU Trademark Claim Shuts Down Independent BK Websites

31 May 2024

Surely there are many people in India or of Indian extraction who are named Brahma Kumari and Brahma Kumar?

And what about other Hindu sects that use these terms and may have their own interpretations of their use?

I have met a number of people named Murli in my travels as well.

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

31 May 2024

Another point that confuses many people is whether being Jewish is a religion, or an ethnicity. In the past, these were not separated in most countries but, today, they have definitely separated. Many religious Jews are not Zionist, many descendants of Jews are secular and atheist. Those born outsid...

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

29 May 2024

It is worth reviewing the historical build up to the formal creation of the nation state of Israel (the formalisation is what I referred to). One of the reasons the Right Wing nationalists in India are exploiting the current conflict for their own ends is that the creation of the modern state of Isr...

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

28 May 2024

I couldn't watch it. So I am not sure what them main theme is that develops. I just don't know why people don't understand how this ongoing conflict is simply about equal civil and human rights for all, the same political rights and equal social opportunities for all. I don't know how people think t...
Pink Panther

Re: Meditation Experiences

24 Apr 2024

I've heard many BKs claim to have had "Baba giving them an experience", leading to them becoming BKs, or confirming their faith in BKism; dreams, visions etc. One would need to be a psychologist to unpack that. Memories change when new information is entered into the brain. Yes, true. How...
Pink Panther

Re: Meditation Experiences

22 Apr 2024

Two well-written intelligent posts. Thanks Sorova and ex-l. A pleasure to read. Sorova, your experiences and conclusions/suppositions are not uncommon ... for those who got something out of the meditation. However, it reminds me of the Black Swan example that is used to show that nothing can proven ...

Re: Another day, another BK front organisation: Onepoint One

18 Mar 2024

Not to mention the decades of wholesale destruction of the Brazilian Amazon rainforests where farmers slash and burn ever more areas to grow feed for the cattle that are turned into Big Macs - and now the Cerrado, a huge Savannah area also being turned to feed for fast food outlets ( not just McDona...

Re: Another day, another BK front organisation: Onepoint One

17 Mar 2024

ex-l asked "Clarification here, please. Oxford Analytica or Cambridge Analytica? It's not clear to me which, or what the connection is". In my post, immediately after I mentioned it, I inserted a link that goes to an article explaining that (knowing it may raise this question). It starts ...

Re: Another day, another BK front organisation: Onepoint One

15 Mar 2024

Aishwarya Rajkumar, a 2023 intern at Onepoint The BK centres that operate in countries where, for legal or tax reasons, they say they do not have "members', or in some cases, "students" - they can instead say they have interns - which in this modern age means unpaid workers. Now we'r...

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