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Re: Cold detachment

11 Jan 2013

Wonieka, I fully support your attitude and approach to most of the posts. I can see years of hard work in the right direction. The results are clear and, even mixed with other cults (which always helps), I can clearly see BK's essence footprint in your view, which is no more than self compromise wit...

Re: 2012 Committing suicide because of 'End of the World' fe

11 Jan 2013

Hi again. I have te feeling that 80% of everything posted in this blog (specially by 2 or 3 people) talks about those 2 or 3 things that, for westerners, are not important at all, basically everything related to The Cycle and BK´s idea of God. Is obvious tha these two concepts, as proposed by BK, be...

Re: Experiencing God

07 Jan 2013

Atter seven years of full inmersion in BK, and even opening a small centre, I obviously keep a lot of essential lessons, and believe me, the BK idea of God is not in the first one hundred list. One day, walking around Gyan Sarovar with Atan Prakash, one of the most fascinating members of the BK core...

Re: Experiencing God

03 Jan 2013

It is good to read a post from someone that has been through BK and other spiritual practices, especially because you can see that the important and transcendent spiritual experiences come together with self compromise, patience and emotional intelligence. Getting to know yourself is a great decisio...

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