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Good is no better than Evil. Are you kidding?!

24 Apr 2012

I often come across spiritual types professing that good and evil are equal, that you need to go beyond them, to step away from the duality of positive and negative. This to me appears on the surface to be complete nonsense so I'd like someone to explain it to me. Surely it is just a matter of defin...

When we change the world changes?

23 Apr 2012

I used to think that I did not have to do actually do anything externally in the outside physical world to bring about change. I actually looked down on practical day to day work to make the world a better place and saw my own subtle inner efforts as being superior. The philosophy was that if I expe...

Re: here we go again. ! is it time to get off the roller Confluence Age

23 Apr 2012

Maybe engage with him in discussions about what he is getting out of going to the BKs. Not because you are actually interested in the BK philosophy but because you want to find out more about what is happening inside his head about why he is going. I think the important thing is to engage in whateve...

Re: Conspiracy or misguided altruism

20 Apr 2012

ex-l wrote:I guess I would say it would be better if they were given what they needed, e.g. community structure and support without any of the delusion or coercion and manipulative End of the World stuff.


Re: Conspiracy or misguided altruism

20 Apr 2012

In essence you are saying that even if the philosophy is false it is better for some individuals to be trapped within it. That they need to be deluded. In a sense yes. It was a lesson I needed to learn. You are only trapped until you realise you are not trapped. The cage door is unlocked. And are w...

Re: Conspiracy or misguided altruism

20 Apr 2012

The paradox being that one can have "improved mental clarity and focus" at the same time as "suspending one's disbelief" about stuff like the 5,000 year Cycle and so on. This aspect still fascinates me; how otherwise clear thinking, intelligent people (like myself :-) can simult...

Re: Conspiracy or misguided altruism

19 Apr 2012

Can you be specific? "Bringing benefit" is a very general concept in the BK world ... If you said one of the benefits you received from your time in the BKWSU was the improvement of your PR and marketing skills ... I would believe you. :-D Yes, I must admit my PR skills probably did impro...

Re: Financial controller

19 Apr 2012

I think Ratan Bhai, assisted by Brother Brian, may have had responsibilities in this area, at least in London.

Re: Conspiracy or misguided altruism?

19 Apr 2012

Hello marley, thanks for your comments. It is difficult because it feels such a shame to have to leave behind all the positive stuff, all the love, lightness and friendship. But that is the core of the problem with the BKs; there is no escaping the fact that they are fundamentalists and therefore th...

Re: Conspiracy or misguided altruism

19 Apr 2012

How would you define "benefit" ... what kind of benefit have you seen/experienced ... how does it translate into real life? It had a massively positive benefit for me that very directly affected all aspects of my life. The mistake I made was staying in too long, way past the time I should...

London BKs appear on offical 2012 Olympics Welcome video

19 Apr 2012

London BKs appear on offical 2012 Olympics video, 28 seconds in (they're the group all in white, obviously).

I know four of them from my days as a BK.


Re: Conspiracy or misguided altruism

19 Apr 2012

I agree that dialogue is a waste of time as I know the mind set they are in and they will not compromise or believe you might have a valid point of view. And you are probably right about the inner circle too, they are definitely more knowing, although I do think that they still see their deceptions ...

Current ascension theologies

18 Apr 2012

After leaving the BKs I was still interested in spirituality and predictions of imminent global change. I've also continued to follow the evidence for life after death. If you also follow these areas you might be interested in my blog: Ascension Addiction Confessions of an Ascension Theology addict.

Conspiracy or misguided altruism?

18 Apr 2012

I was a BK for around 15 years based in the UK and I believe I knew the UK/London 'Seniors' fairly well. I was a centre co-ordinator for five years and attended a number of teacher retreats at the Global Retreat Centre, as well as going to Madhuban each year. I left the BKs because I eventually real...

UFOs and ETs

17 Apr 2012

Anyone else out there end up leaving the BKs because of their disbelief in ETs?

When I left I kept getting drawn into other Ascension Theologies that had an added New Age/ET twist.

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