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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

30 Dec 2016

I will write about my family tomorrow ... I have an elder Sister and I do have non-bk friends.

I forgot to mention about my experiences with Christian prayer or rather Jesus ... tomorrow will write about that also.

Thank you for your feedback.

What is the proof that we are on the right path?

30 Dec 2016

I think 'joy' we feel is an indicator of our current position in life ... the heart never lies ... feelings mirror our 'self image' which cannot be manipulated. Body language & feelings give accurate information of our emotions.

Inspiring life stories

30 Dec 2016

I think we can share some inspiring life stories here ... I would suggest Ms. Sudha Chandran's name ... she was a classical dancer ... lost her leg in accident but later continued giving performances with a prosthetic leg.

Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

30 Dec 2016

In 2011, I went on a stock trading course and my attitude changed. I became more confident and stable but again I was unable to decide my future and was very confused ... this site helped me a lot then. In 2016 March, a cousin of mine has committed suicide and the doctor told me this fear has morphe...

Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

30 Dec 2016

I was very spiritual as well as religious from childhood. I was always interested in mediation, Yoga and would like Lord Krishna a lot ... in fact, whenever I prayed to him, all my wishes were fulfilled. After my 10th, I learned 'SSY' - Siddha Samadhi Yoga . In my intermediate, i.e. 12th standard, a...

Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

30 Dec 2016

From my point of view, in my tradition's language, I'd question whether sukshmbindu is actually what the doctor's diagnose ... or just a little too "psychically open", and not fully in control of that. Recently, ~3 months ago my parents took me to a spiritual healer, he listened to my ent...

Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

30 Dec 2016

ex-l Brother, I want you to help with understand some phases of my life if you can. Back in 2009, something strange happened to my body. I was feeling very uncomfortable in the presence of Brothers. I used to get 'vaginal discharge'. This was not voluntary ... this was how my body reacted so biologi...

Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

30 Dec 2016

Thank you, humanbeing, for your feedback since it resulted in me pouring out my heart over here, and it is a sort of "mental catarisis" ... in fact, the counsellor I met with my parents in 2011 also told me to write a dairy of all the events I think have effected me - I wrote it then but t...

Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

30 Dec 2016

I think Stanford_prison_experiment is one way of describing what has gone wrong with our team in 2008 ... All of us were accopmlished engineers but somehow it out out into a 'control game' and ruined everything and everyone. I was trying to find a solution to such a situation to help someone else de...

Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

29 Dec 2016

About 'Stockholm Syndrome' mentioned by ex-l. I entirely relate to it since I never felt any hatred against the perpetuators of emotional violence. On the contrary, I felt & still feel a very deep bond with each of them ... strange but true (maybe this is because of the deep friendship that exis...

Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

29 Dec 2016

Dear Brother humanbeing, Firstly, I would explain to you my journey ... ex-l has talked about 'Stockholm Syndrome'. Actually, I suffered emotional abuse at my workplace through some Seniors. Initially we were on very polite terms - then friendship - then utter chaos ... In 2009, I became schizophren...

Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

28 Dec 2016

BKs don't give birth to Golden Age souls, non-bks, i.e. the 'Advance Party' souls like Mama, Dadi prakashmani do, i.e. BKs who have died and are born to non-bks give birth to Golden Age souls and it is a viceless birth. In Golden Age neither bkism nor any other religion is practised only 'soul consc...

Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

28 Dec 2016 Coincidentally, I came across this now. This may answer about Avyakt Brahma Baba Someone has said that the soul of Brahma Baba might have actually taken birth, like the souls of Mama, Dadis & even I felt, so but the Murli says Brahma Baba's soul stays...

Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

28 Dec 2016

It seems you do not believe that the BK organisation’s teachings come from God, as they claim and as is stated in the Murli. Either that or you consider God is wrong and you are right, or God is lying. I feel both during Sakar Murli and Avyakt Murli Brahma Baba receives messages from ShivBaba and h...

Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

28 Dec 2016

Dr. Emoto's experiment on different crystalline structures of water.


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