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Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

02 Mar 2012

You really are a poisonous little fellow aren't You ex-l? "Pass me the bottle"? You arrogant little sod. Several times answers have been presented to you, and each time you choose to ignore them. Label us a "defence league" if you like, I am sure it satisfies the paranoid nature ...
Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

02 Mar 2012

Well said orbit. You have encapsulated everything I was going to say. Thank you for such a balanced response.
Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

01 Mar 2012

This website is the enemy of no-one, it is a place of healing for those that have been deeply wounded and it is a place that hopefully has saved others from suffering such pain Mr. Green, no offence - but really? The enemy of no-one? I cannot imagine how Easton would have ever felt his organisation...
Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

28 Feb 2012

Ask him then. Simple. 0121 354 2746. Let us know how you get on instead of impotently shouting over the internet.
Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

28 Feb 2012

Professional ethics as regards therapy are very easy. You look at which association the therapist is a member of, you read their charter/manifesto/guidelines, you make a judgement on how they are performing. That is exactly what I did ex-l. Both with my own practitioner and with Easton Hamilton. As...
Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

24 Feb 2012

What bearing does my chosen profession have on debate ex-l? I am perhaps not "qualified" to judge professional ethics (are you?), but I have an opinion, and direct experience, which I believe should have some validity. I am sure you weren't trying to be condescending but that is how it has...
Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

24 Feb 2012

Wow, paranoia alert. I am an electrician, it's a business name.
Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

22 Feb 2012

Strangely enough I have eyes, a brain and a memory. I have read around the BK in the last couple of days, realised that I find the movement really quite bizarre and abhorrent, and related it to my experiences with Reach. The two simply don't tally. Full stop. I understand that I am not welcome here,...
Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

22 Feb 2012

If you think free speech is free to include personal attacks, accusations and defamation then i'd agree with you trucker. This thread contains all of those things and takes the standpoint that reach is a front for BKs. I disagree with that point of view. The tone is accusatory and, i believe, unfair.
Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

22 Feb 2012

I don't mean this to sound blunt ex-l, but have you thought about maybe contacting easton directly about this instead of asking endless questions and throwing down gauntlets which will never be picked up in a forum like this. I am sure if you spoke to him he may feel more able to fully engage in thi...
Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

21 Feb 2012

You don't have to believe me ex-l. I have not been approached by enigma or anyone at reach to post here. Your clumsy insinuation is not really worthy of debate.
Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

20 Feb 2012

I have not communicated with Easton about this, no links were sent or requested. I google searched "criticism of the Reach Approach" and this thread was in the top couple of answers. The topic thread title does indeed question, not state. But the line between questioning and stating is cro...
Bright Spark

Re: Reach Approach & the Brahma Kumaris

20 Feb 2012

I have read this thread with some dismay, and wish to offer an alternative point of view. Please forgive any clumsiness in tone or prose, but realise it is from the heart. I have received personal and couples counselling through Reach at various times over the past 8 years, always through my own vol...

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