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16 Sep 2007

Hoi peter de, Very true what you say - have been churning on this for some time now with the help of my other half (life partner). Where I am now with this is that ascending/feeling closer to the divine leads to a release of my blocked inner potential energy. This can be quite sudden and dramatic. U...

16 Sep 2007

Dear all, Sorry abek if I was too short with you - in a hurry to get away on holiday ... However, I wasn't at all trying to "dissuade me (abek) from exploring the topic on the basis of its title, i.e. God and the Devils are Lies". I (thought) I was just saying that I don't intend to abroga...

14 Sep 2007

Sorry abek , I agree completely with andrey - we really need to avoid jumping on his input, it's becoming a bit of a habit! :wink: God (or our higher self if you prefer) does have father-like qualities. We tend to focus a lot on this in various world faiths (perhaps because it's true?!). As I've alr...

12 Sep 2007

Dear all, Good topic - thanks to bro neo for starting it. I can now be considered as a representative of the monotheistic faiths you refer to. Remember that I've dabbled with BK over last six years, but I am also drawn to (especially Tibetan) Buddhism, have an Indian-bodied wife and am in the proces...

11 Sep 2007

Dear all, Like may of you I am not surprised, merely disappointed, at the turn of events. Admin has my complete trust and support and I am willing to follow any of the constructive suggestions you've all made (e.g. Paypal-backed "fighting fund", personal (non-anonymous) submission to Natio...

10 Sep 2007

I agree with what most of you have written, especially I am concerned about rejection of deeper parts of oneself that one mistakenly considers separate from one's true self Most of my developmental issues have been centred on the small self/me/ego (sub)consciously rejecting the path which God/the un...

06 Sep 2007

Thanks for this thread bro neo - a lot of food for thought/meditation, which I'll add to/combine with my own ex-BK/body-focussed method. The "CI part" is related to tuning in to the different systems within the body (respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, muscular/skeletal etc). You're qu...

06 Sep 2007

Dear all, I think this is a really good idea/development. In my early days in Gyan, I tried to get to grips with Hindi and got a BK document from GCH with translations of common Gyani words/phrases from Hindi into English. Maybe we should develop an informative and/or humorous ex-BK dictionary/thesa...

05 Sep 2007

Hello folks, especially peter de , I'd like to pick up on this part of the thread. In those early BK years the depression became a manic-depression syndrome (because of Baba pulling me up high again and again ...). My involvement with BK was different in many respects to yours but this "up-down...

04 Sep 2007

Thanks ex-I - loved it lots. Funnily enough, llamas and alpacas are a bit of a theme here at the moment. This weekend we saw some near Shaftesbury and my boss took a good picture of some near here in Wiltshire. God's obviously got something cool lined up for me whether in this life or the next - alw...

04 Sep 2007

Hello again bro neo - I'd agree with pretty much everything you wrote. Regarding human consciousness, I've heard Bob Proctor (of Born Rich fame) repeatedly typify the extra level of human awareness/knowledge with the phrase "You know that you know". On the subject of animals and souls, I a...

03 Sep 2007

Hello guys, I agree with both of you especially it's the 'God' in humans which separates us from all the other lifeforms on this planet and its this 'God' part of us from which the whole idea of God has come from I guess it's the word separates which may be the essence of paulkershaw 's question? Pe...

31 Aug 2007

Hello proy, I also saw and enjoyed the first episode in Michael Wood's series on The Story of India. It ranged from northern India to Turkmenistan which was one of the places the Aryans were meant to come from. I looked at the BBC website BBC The Story of India: Pakistan and North India . Not much i...

29 Aug 2007

Must be my wicked sense of humour but just loved this one so much it made me laugh out loud:
ex-I wrote:how touched they were by their life long fried going to Baba

03 Aug 2007

Thank you andrey for having the courage to say this I don't have a lot of experience of meditating in a group I probably don't have as much experience with group meditation as other forum members, but I've tried both individual and group techniques over the last six years or so. For me the results h...

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