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06 Dec 2007

The abused become abusers. :? The question may relate to who is strong enough to break these negative cycles. That is when we earn and move forward perhaps. The world is designed to take individuals away from themSELVES. Otherwise, pointing the finger at those who point the finger is not breaking th...

honest heart?

06 Dec 2007

I have a thought. An honest heart, is it related to the intelect and knowledge, or pure true feelings?

It is perhaps thought that Shiva does not so much have thoughts but simple pure feelings.

edited by humans ?

06 Dec 2007

The editing of the Sakar Murli is one thing, but saying that it has been done by "humans" is going a bit far Bansy. :lol:

transparency in all

05 Dec 2007

For those who think that war is breaking out, the "PBKs", or, A "PBK" has taken the opportunity to clarify what they as an individual see as the PBK agenda. It may well have been written by a "BK". So, if both factions have the same aim and object, why is there this div...

different experiences

05 Dec 2007

It is an important point. We can go along thinking that we all have the same experiences, then realise , years later even, that we were all experiencing something slightly different, according to the individual, their role, and capacity I presume. There is a lot of telling how it is and what Shiva i...

05 Dec 2007

Would I have to wear a tie :roll: :x :cry:.

discreet paranoid speculation

05 Dec 2007

We must move with the times. What you refer to is the past, when it was a fledgling organisation looking to expand and find the long lost souls. I would perhaps agree that BKWSU is capable of falling behind the times, especially the middle men/ women (better get that correct, as you say, they can be...

05 Dec 2007

I have heard it all now, toli terrorists? :lol: Let's be honest, few of us actually know what is going on at ground level here and now. This web site is trying to uncover the past history, and obviously there are those who don't want it to be uncovered. Perhaps we need to be clear about what we mean...

Re: the two towers...

03 Dec 2007

I have heard in PBK circles that Kampil has been under psychic attack from Mt Abu. Apparently the residents of Kampil (HQ of PBKs) have been inundated by sinful souls sent from Mt Abu. A special regime was set up by Baba/Veerendra Dev Dixit for the protection of the Kampil residents. I know of some...

02 Dec 2007

While you mention it, I am feeling some rather heavy vibes as a result of my recent posts, maybe.

Is THIS what you meen by love? Perhaps I need to go back to the drawing board.

Defaming the Yagya

01 Dec 2007

Call it wordplay, but I am slightly confused by the term "DEFAMING the Yagya". The term suggests that fame is the aim and object, and that fame, once attained, should never be challenged. How many times in the Murli have we heard it warn against seeking "name and fame"? Or is it ...

hippy clean

30 Nov 2007

:) Hello, today we will look at cleaning light coloured carpets and dealing with hippy students at the same time. First, get a bucket of soapy water, then grab your hippy by the skinny ankles and the back of the belt. You will find that you don't have to plug it in as its head will probably already ...

Links and networking

30 Nov 2007

I don't see why people cannot have a link to their personal web site etc where their music sits. It is both obvious and inevitable sooner or later perhaps. Destruction? Am I not already destroyed? What was left out? A number one hit? :lol: The drama will swing things if it is meant to be. Things wil...


30 Nov 2007

Consistency is not an easy thing to get. We all fluctuate all the time, some more than others. I don't think I am alone in this. I am glad to hear people talking about the "core" as that is the root of it all. Whether it is rotten or not, well, if there was more transparency perhaps we wou...

29 Nov 2007

When those who count the money have more authority than yogi souls, then "the game is up the pole". At which point, it has surely lost its way. Indeed, when the administrators are calling the shots over Yogi souls, something has gone fundamentally wrong. Anyway, what has music got to do wi...

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