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17 Jun 2006

Faith is a very deep subject. Go to a topic called FAITH to continue. It will take more than a name change before there is credibility. Spirituality and money are chalk and cheese, oil and water.

14 Jun 2006

I don't know. These things are self explanitory I feel.

Amrit Vela

13 Jun 2006

1 The world is asleep in your part of the world so the vibrations are calmer and more conducive for mditation / Yoga. 2 Lustful dreams are less likely if we sleep for shorter periods. 3 The longer we are asleep , the more body conscious we become, and the longer it is since we have been soul conscio...

rice dog

08 Jun 2006

Dogs love brown rice . It is not bad for humans either .

The Cycle, belief in identical world events every 5000 years

08 Jun 2006

(I have put these two together because I feel that they belong together. Feel free to start another thread called spinning The Cycle etc.) Yoga. The spiritual union between the soul/self and the Supreme Soul, relationship. Recognition. Belonging. Essence. Remembering. The word remembering implies th...

07 Jun 2006

Our faith should be in the self, One and Drama. Not an organisation .

05 Jun 2006

If people are not telling all, it means that they may have something to hide, or something which they feel that they cannot share with you / us for whatever reasons. Perhaps in the way that a parent will tell their child I will tell you when you are older. The " thumb shape " thing is a re...

05 Jun 2006

I think the best Maryadas should be extracted from the Murlis, wouldn't they? Well, that is the point, the marayadas do not come from the Murlis. The Knowledge from the Murli's comes from beyond, into this realm, while the marayadas were developed by us in this realm, with the purpose of helping us...


31 May 2006

Over 25 years, I have had enough honeymoon phaze's to sink the love boat, so where does that leave us? The centre is a surgery, people don't hang around in surgery's unless they work there or are getting treatment. I don't see any need to go to the centre if I am not working on myself at that time. ...

My Maryadas-Do's and do not's at "the centre "

30 May 2006

My Maryadas A thread for CONSTRUCTIVE comment with regards to approaching"the centre"; a chance to create your own Maryadas. (it doesn't have to be 10) 1) There is no benefit in comparing the self to others. Indeed, it can be destructive. We cannot play the role of another/s. We have a ro...

30 May 2006

I am not saying that there was human sacrafice in the Silver Age. Or even that there were reptilian genes floating around. I am just highlighting a Murli point. I did not speak the Murli. To observe a point of knowedge about something should not tar you with it in the next Kalpa, or are you sugestin...

27 May 2006

The sexual energy fly's the soul in meditation / Yoga . Without it , the biggest challenge is holding one's concentration and so the lack of ability to sustain experiences , mental postures . If we are not practicing Raja Yoga , it is debateable as to whether we need to retain this energy. Perhaps i...

Silver Aged visitors

27 May 2006

Let us go forward to the start of the Silver Age. I am not so sure about going backwards. Its a bad habit! We souls have never been informed as to the origin of the body's which we use as instruments. In particular, the genetic background. Sakar Murli - THE FIRST CONFLICT IS AT THE START OF THE Silv...


26 May 2006

I have copied this little blurb from Some physicists think that the past is only a long way from the future in the same way as your eyes are a long way from your feet. You can bring them closer, just by bending. The door to a time machine "could be anywhere" and the k...

name that org

24 May 2006

It would not be the first name change. Indeed there have been a number.

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