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29 Aug 2006

The Shiva shuffle? When we are in a constant state of bliss, we tend to dance around. It is us who don't get this simple concept and have baggage :x . Shiva is a real being, is there RIGHT NOW!, and likes to have fun, dancing in joy at meeting us is a real experience for that soul. A real soul with ...

Partitioning the whole self

29 Aug 2006

MIND PARTITIONING : from a Yin-Yang viewpoint - work in progress Souls who have been abused are thought to create a partition(s) in their self and separate the rest of the self away from the undesirable experiences in question. How abused one would have to be before creating these partitions, I wou...

24 Aug 2006

Perhaps one can consider themself a BK when they start wondering if they are a BK, and have made the crossover when they start to doubt that they are indeed a BK. I remember these doubts, ridiculous of course, but necessary perhaps. Then there is the post honeymoon times. The aim is not to become a ...

All souls are number-wise

24 Aug 2006

OK, lets give this baby its own thread. Lower numbers need not apply. :wink: Is the drama and nature the same thing? Is the Soul World part of the drama? Are souls number wise in the Soul World? (according to drama, or effort) If a soul is anti-numberwise, does that make them communist? Are pro numb...

24 Aug 2006

In the last/this season's Murli's it is said that, "when it happens, it will happen fast". What will happen quick? Most will assume it is Destruction, and they may be correct, but there may be more to this than meets the eye. Or am I looking for something which is not there? :roll: Fear wi...

23 Aug 2006

Even if the money goes to the Yagya, it is against BK principal to take money from souls who do not understand why and who they are giving it to. I cant imagine these souls have any awareness of what it is about. Still, it is all about looking after your own eh? Unless of course it is an undesireab...

23 Aug 2006

The milk ends up back on their doorstep the next morning. :)

23 Aug 2006

This is not a BK centre, so souls can churn as much as they like surely. I cannot see any place here for 'lets not talk about this, we should just be remembering Shiva'. Let the moderators weed out things, get them working hard, real hard :P . Otherwise, when looking at matter, the material world, t...

19 Aug 2006

So, what happens then? Will all my problems be gone? (What problems?) Will the world continue to hurtle towards doom, if it ever has, or does Krishna pull out a magic wand. Dadi Prakashmani (I think) has made it clear that there is no magic wand. This fairytale nonsense needs to be be married with a...

19 Aug 2006

Destruction reffers to the destruction of our weaknesses.

Fitting in with "THE TRUTH"

19 Aug 2006

There is a recurring topic which keeps emerging. One could be forgiven for thinking that God has come and judges souls on the basis of how much money and worldly status they have. How good they are at operating in a corporate manner with the desired skills. Try buying books as a Scientologist or oth...

08 Aug 2006

Saying that Shiva can enter anyone is one thing, it does not mean that Shiva IS entering someone simply because someone makes such a claim. There could be many eventually making such claims, and who is to agree or disagree? Personally, I think the sooner we get all these souls who are hanging around...

Joy divisions

08 Aug 2006

First we would have to ascertain what a "BK" is before we start sorting out the rest. As for rosary's and deciding peoples numbers while the game is still being played out, it may be better to take up gambling on horse racing or something, it could be less expensive in the end. There is on...

greasy spoon

05 Aug 2006

I do hope that Mr Bacon does not end up with egg on his face. I do not know him so wont judge (ahem!) I am sure he has not used his FLESH and blood to get any favours in this world. I am curious as to what goes on in the minds of the BK heads of state. I mean, does Dadi J know to what degree the UN ...

virgin rejects

05 Aug 2006

From a PBK perspective, the PBKs have been told by Father Shiv through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit that it is only the soul of Dada Lekhraj (Brahma Baba) which enters into the body of Dadi Gulzar to narrate the Avyakt Vanis and to meet BKs. Father Shiv does not enter into her body because she is a vir...

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