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Songs and Poetry etc.

14 Sep 2006

Pocket full of air 1 Look into the fire and see the flame of hope is burning look into the flame and see that hope is riding on a horse called change, it gallops to the dawn, the dawn of change 2 Listen to the sound of silence, reaching every land like wireless tuning in to source its passage, tapp...

13 Sep 2006

The Subtle Regions need to be cleared of all souls. Yoga is becoming hard work. The body does not have consciousness, the body's personality is etched on the soul, and so it is this which first has to be transformed, to the eternal self. Whatever works for the individual I guess. Simplicity. 8)

Authority comes from Yoga and not worldly status

13 Sep 2006

TRUE AUTHORITY COMES FROM Yoga. If by freak of nature we really are number-wise, then it is determined by closeness to God. The closer or, like God we are, the more power God will entrust in us. It is we who have the worldly experiences remember, God needs us. There are 3 issues here. There is nami...

love love love love love love love love love love love love

11 Sep 2006

I would like to offer my deepest love and best wishes to these souls. I feel that they will have been protected and well taken care of beyond their departure and wherever they are, may they be content. That should be enough, to say more may be patronising. However, it is a serious matter. One which ...

09 Sep 2006

I don't get it. Goats have beards, yet you cannot reach the summit with a beard. Or is it only in the foothills that this practise goes on. And, can we expect to find goat and sheep remains up on top of the mountain from last Kalpa?

09 Sep 2006

I am used to talking to myself, don't worry, it is marginally more sane than talking to brick walls. (No one is obliged to listen to anyone). The subject of capitalising upon our BK existence has been covered very well and I commend those for the information that has been uncovered. Perspective is a...


09 Sep 2006

THE SUN could be seen as Shiva's memorial. It nourishes all. Few if any living things can survive without light. Even in the dark of night, the Sun's (Father) light bounces from the Moon (mother) onto the darkened earth. The sun is always shining. The provider Father. We are highly unlikely to ever...

08 Sep 2006

There is much separation involved in BK teachings. It may help at first, but we may benefit more from bringing everything together now into one. This could be the experience for me personally over the years, that the spiritual life and the worldly life are all becoming one. Is this not the aim, to b...

07 Sep 2006

I realised at one point that I may well be having Yoga of the mind (imagination), which can be valid, but the direction is to have Yoga of the intellect. These words will mean something different to each individual. One method I remember working to some degree is to imagine the self as a point, and ...

Become like Father Brahma

07 Sep 2006

Follow the Father. Brahma. If I take this direction to its literal conclusion, I will not get involved in Raja Yoga/Brahma Kumaris until the age of 60 onwards, like Father Brahma. So what was I doing prancing around wearing whites at the age of 21-22? I am now 47 and have 13 years or so to play the ...

06 Sep 2006

If I wrote this in 6 months time, it may not be what it is today. We can have remembrance without performing any ritual whatsoever. The spiritual training I/we have received is designed to be part of our every moment. Sitting down to meditate at all is ritual, something which the path is designed to...

04 Sep 2006

Well, yes, but that was an honest lie. Or Brahma Baba's own churnings. Getting rid of old dead wood, thats right, thats what it was.
I hope no one judges ME on MY churnings or I may not fare too well.

02 Sep 2006

I suppose that if they think that they were Emperors and Empresses in the Golden Age, and have taken 84 birth in India which, of course, some of them must have been as Rajput, Mogul and even British Empire rulers then may be they think that they have ever right and ability to teach the Emperors of ...

02 Sep 2006

The notion of having babies is let go of when one thinks and feels that it is all going to be destroyed at any moment. The soul is then free to concentrate. With the reversal of roles, the female psyche is then given competition to focus on in order to emerge the male aspect, part of which is to co-...

30 Aug 2006

Is this the bubble syndrome emerging again? Not listening to those on the outside of the bubble for a better view of what it is actually like out there in the world. •If those who are on the outside are lesser beings, I am surprised that they don't enlist the view of lesser beings, to see lesser be...

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