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brainwash with sticks

10 Oct 2006

If the BKs have brainwashed me, they have not done a very good job of it. I would surely not think, say and do half the things I do/have done. Also, If the BKs do brainwash, it is certainly not to sexually abuse or beat people with sticks, that is something else again. Indeed, where is the brainwash...

09 Oct 2006

The BKs gave us words to describe things which we had not met before, experiences/awareness which only they have given us words to understand, which makes it very difficult to lose BK terminology. The likes of the Scientologists call the Soul 'thetan' or something. It refers however to the same thin...

09 Oct 2006

The question of serving others is strong here. The agenda moves on. We have been served, we may/will take more but if the only way to reach certain types/mind sets or even those with certain gene types is to take the money route. Then it may be that that is the road that the BKs will travel. Perhaps...

09 Oct 2006

Could it be that The Knowledge is saying, the Soul World is ALREADY here? I mean, how many miles up there is it anyway? How many light years even? It is time for the BKs to take the kiddies building bricks to the car boot sale. Simply letting go is the first step. The Soul World is a thought away, ...

09 Oct 2006

God says that WE are greater, so why are souls aiming so low? :wink:

I am light. So that is my aim. I am oure consciousness and have an original eternal nature, that is my simple aim.

Harry Tuttle - spiritual engineer

[Policy] Forum feedback and changes

09 Oct 2006

As it is a transparent spiritually democratic forum (it is is not it?) I feel that it may be helpful to have a thread where people can feed back about this forum in general. I will start by making a couple of points. It could be said that the Honeymoon Period of this forum is over; 1- Souls should b...

06 Oct 2006

I am slightly confused, are you lot sure that the dinosaurs don't emerge at THIS time?

04 Oct 2006

I think that programme was an M George prog and the BKs were just helping??? I got a call a few hours before to help. I would do it again tomorow without conditions, help others. It is all confused as to who and what progs.


04 Oct 2006

MG came around these parts a few years ago selling his latest book (at the time). It was an official BK event, promoted by the center. They used my mic and PA, I did not get any money for it, nor did I want any, Hey!, George!, I want my cut!. This con needs to be dealt with. How many others can we e...

Moving on

23 Sep 2006

This post has nothing to do with others as such and is a personal internal decision. Sweet Brothers and Sisters. I think I mentioned something about moving on from the BKs in a previous post. This forum is not helping me to do that. I hope that I have contributed something of value, as have many ot...

life service

22 Sep 2006

I presume that they are all getting down to the likes of Brixton and Hackney to teach the "lower classes" while promoting their marketed self. One idea may be to send them all on a junket to Darfur for 6 months to teach "life skills" there. "World service" for the needy.

royal beginings

22 Sep 2006

To put it crudely. Were a secret society to hand over power to the BKs, the BKs may decide who will be kings queens, princes and princesses etc. Radha and Krisna may be born to one of these appointed royalty, which would answer your question. Krisna has not been born yet. The BKs know who and when I...

left in the lurch

22 Sep 2006

Bap and Dada have been there all along. They could have given instructions which would transform what came down the mountain and be more palatable for the rest of the world. Why have they left many in the lurch? On the other hand, What about those souls who are still passing go? Have we all been giv...

collecting souls

22 Sep 2006

And, of course, there is the accumulating of souls. Converting.

This business of collecting/accumulating souls is a ropey area in anyone's book. What happens next? Are we all expected to return after all the bad behaviour and distorted justification for what has gone by?

the power to merge

22 Sep 2006

In an Avyakt Murli, this season perhaps, it says something about-'don't merge with me.'

We can belong to God with our mind and sit side by side and still have Yoga. Or was it Brahma speaking?

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