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16 Dec 2006

Shiva comes for one reason, to make us soul conscious, that is it, simple. Once we are soul conscious, or have enough know how to become so, there is no need for Shiva to play that role. God does not NEED us, it is the other way, up to a certain point at least. God says that we are greater, so what ...

16 Dec 2006

It really just depends on how good looking you are and your capacity to cause lust in the Sisters I think :). Otherwise, all centres are different in terms of size and practicality etc. If they are serious about this reversal of roles, surely it would be the Brothers who were in the kitchen. Also, B...

16 Dec 2006

They know where at least some Advance Party souls are, including Mama (in my opinion). And yes, it may be fair to say that there is much fairy tail spin to create a smokescreen, probably to protect these souls. I mean, consider the devotional behaviour that has been outlined in this thread, they don...

16 Dec 2006

Is there anything which is out-with cyclic behaviour? You mention God, but God is just another role which just another soul plays is it not? (I am also in bondage to the drama and must play my role sort of thing). Does Shiva answer to a greater authority even? May be the following question. Why shou...

13 Dec 2006

No offence intended here but, I seem to remember a Murli point saying 'don't call me Lord' or words to that effect. Does the term Lord apply to a lesser being than God? Any thoughts?

13 Dec 2006

In my language, Bap Dada is questioning the offering to departed souls (attachment, worship) and may even be questioning offering anything at all.

Perhaps they could offer it to themselves, being elevated beings. Self-respect may be the underlying thread therefore.

13 Dec 2006

This thread is perhaps not so much about Brian Bacon as, what he may stand for. We have no way of communicating with the very small group of people called the Illuminati. Nameless faceless individuals who obviously harbour vile feelings towards the majority. Predators have no conscience, they cannot...

12 Dec 2006

Others may benefit from this anyway.

I don't get much time on the net, is there anywhere here that I can catch up on this seasons Murli's so far (2006)?


11 Dec 2006

There may be better ways to put it, otherwise ... Imagine the clouds descend so low that we can hardly see our hand in front of our face. Everything would be obscured, blanked, we would Be blinded to all around us even though it was there. We would still be the same person through this, nothing woul...

11 Dec 2006

In the eyes of these people, I was a non-BK, weird. You sit with Bap and Dada, all 3 of us the same, then a few minutes later, some corporate dead head tries to put you down without finding out what they are dealing with. Another take may be that it is the work of Brahma Baba. I think he gets up to ...

09 Dec 2006

The BKWSU as an organisation have an awareness of male and female, but is it complete, or selective awareness? When the BKs think male female, it may be in the body conscious way. Based on keeping it in our pants, even though the official spin is about balancing ones own male female aspects. Any org...

07 Dec 2006

For me, the lack of self respect in this area comes from the awareness that this person has these speciality's and I don't. On the world stage, whatever, the Soul World seed stage experience says that we are all the same as such. The question then is, should this world be dictated to by what we are ...

07 Dec 2006

OK, I have heard enough, (not really), when I do eventually get out teaching, off my own back, (no thanks to the BKs) I will only be teaching working class people. If you are of a privileged background, you are not welcome in any such gatherings. So how does that sound? Is it the attitude of an elev...

Bhakti the future

06 Dec 2006

The spiritual transformation can be seen as a process, which means that there are souls at all levels at any given time. Within any centre, there can be those who worship Seniors (and may not even realise it) and there may be those who have, well, transcended such awareness, to some degree at least....

06 Dec 2006

Thanks for that honest research. I would like to say that, a few months ago, I saw a human reptile. I was awake. He had human eyes, and a bulky face, like a male ninja, or, human male with a bit of frog or something in there. There were no vibes or fear/threat. He was in another realm. I agree that ...

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