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05 Jan 2007

Purity means purity, it is the one thing which cannot be adulterated, diluted or twisted into something else. We can choose the level of practise and lifestyle we feel is best for ourselves, and let others do the same. As far as I am aware, there is no policy on this forum with regards to yes/ no TO...

05 Jan 2007

If we take away poverty, we take away much of the problem with regards to social deprivation. The BKs don't mention poverty much, no doubt because Destruction is coming, and coming and er ... We know that the ultimate issue is spiritual poverty, but simple practical outlook is OK at times I feel. Th...


05 Jan 2007

Nice story, though it seems a bit sad for souls to be panicking over a pre destined drama. Perhaps the panic is also pre destined. The practical question is; is God Shiva only interested in 108 souls, or does that one see all souls as equals? If so, what are the implications for us? Does it take onl...

05 Jan 2007

I am sure, like anything, it could become a form of Bhakti. We must consider that planets may not effect us, but are effected themselves, as we are, by the deeper element of drama itself and are therefore monitors/ a clock, hence they can be used, along with many other things, to give indications as...

BK Food issues

05 Jan 2007

One lump or two? Before throwing the toys out of the pram. We started refusing to eat tolli with sugar in it, over 20 years ago. It was not received that well by those in the centre at the time and those who followed, yet they not only got used to the idea but benefited themselves. There was this id...

05 Jan 2007

In sport, when the big guys play against the little guys, it is a game which the big guys can only lose. The rich are in the same position, even when they donate a lot, which may be similar to a poor person giving a little in the long run. And so it may be for those who benefit from privileged suppo...

22 Dec 2006

I have come across the plea for more money into the box also though, one gets the feeling that the pressure comes from London for centres to perform and produce numbers in particular. Karma no doubt given as the reason. Last year the Sister in my local centre offered to lend me the train fair to go ...

21 Dec 2006

If the term "cult" has come from CULTure? then perhaps there is nothing wrong as such with another culture, or, simply being different. The term cult has been demonised by the media, but it need not always mean "dodgy". Brahmin culture suggests a cult therefore.

Giving is taking (money)

21 Dec 2006

What of those who have given a lot to the BKs and now regret it? In my local centre alone, I have seen a bit of this in the past. I can only imagine that there may be a fair old trail behind the BKs of financial carnage, discontented, confused and no doubt angry souls. The intoxication will have us ...

20 Dec 2006

One of the biggest negatives to do with the BKs is this waiting for Destruction and Dharamraj. It is a cop out. You can hear it when they talk, they are going to become complete at a certain point in time in the future. Very negative. Our complete form is there, we only need to step into it. There m...

20 Dec 2006

I think it has always been said that we will/may experience a degree of persecution, then be accepted in a big way. So this will be the time of persecution then is it? :roll: Remain positive 8).

20 Dec 2006

The BKs need to consider whether they should be willing to compromise a little and work on other people's terms rather than their own, sorry, Baba's. Oh well, that's it then, we are all wrong and they are exclusively right. Flexibility is not a virtue, domineering totalitarianism is, or would appear...

20 Dec 2006

Science is yet to come clean with regards to other dimensions, even though they are meddling with time travel/matter transfer. How do you folks see things developing in this area as time goes on? For example, will the promised land come about when this dimension collides with another kind of thing? ...

19 Dec 2006

Oops, my Granny has been in my mail box again posting things. :wink:

Jesus calling London

18 Dec 2006

Oh boy, here goes, while this post is genuine, I will refrain from saying that it is the truth. I AM JESUS. I was Mama(?). I was born in 1959, so perhaps there are two of us in here after all, I don't know, but others do. Dadi Janki, I will now shake your regime so hard, you won't know what hit you....

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