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09 Jan 2007

Geller forgiving himself after taking the dirty money from telling the big boys where to find oil and minerals in Africa stinks. It will take more than growing a seed in your hand to fool me. I thought it was a bad career move by the BKs to get involved with him.

09 Jan 2007

Yes proy, I too am glad I have left. After about 4 years now of de-programming I am at the point where I can look back in amazement that I really believed all that twaddle. It takes longer than that. Also, We must consider that we may have been party to creating the path and principles in the previ...

09 Jan 2007

As the TV news gleefully informs us that Christmas profits are up, and expects us all to join in the celebration, I wonder if the BKs have released any info on their Christmas profits? Then again, these modern charities don't make profit do they, it is those who earn from them who make. Yes, this an...

08 Jan 2007

Regarding memorials, I am wondering if there is any similarity of birth time of New Labour Party (leader-Tony Blair) and the start of corporate BK-ism. I remember between 10-15 years ago, a mail out from London outlining which fonts and colours were acceptable in BK literature. I can see why perhaps...

08 Jan 2007

It is a good question. Lets just be glad I am not writing this this morning given some of the thoughts I was having , or, questions with regards to the most famous revolutionary the world has ever known: God. Of course, when you make posts here, you feel the anger of others. Is it worth it? I mean, ...

08 Jan 2007

If it is the same one, R Gibb has a personal macrobiotic chef, though I don't know if he is veggie, perhaps. I wonder if Dadi will do the same?

08 Jan 2007

I met L J once when he came to perform for a week. Lee is an expressive artist, which in my opinion is the type of person who needs to be put forward. There has been an awful lot of people sitting talking at people, without the powerful vibes. Rather than that, they may as well put on something more...

08 Jan 2007

Inner space is being skinned alive here. I was not serious about the bad vibes thing by the way. Anyway, I have worked it out at last- of these two shops, one is a normal going concern, a business whose SOUL purpose is to make profit for the owners. The other shop on the other hand, is a butcher shop.

08 Jan 2007

I have no problem personally with Dadi's classes, she says all the right things, understands what she is saying, and says it with an honest heart. Sometimes, when I hear her and some others speak I think, that sounds a bit like me, or me them and wonder what all the problems are about. The problems ...

08 Jan 2007

Just churning - The term dynasty refers to a period of time, or sovereignty, kingdoms and rulers, families and bloodlines even. The SUN DYNASTY (Golden Age) may be those of the sun, Shivalaya, the land of Shiva. Shiva the sun. Those closest to Shiva will reign over the land that Shiva built and the ...

06 Jan 2007

Education is at the essence of BKWSU. It is only a matter of time before they are in the schools and places of education. I can hear the Sister in charge's nails scraping down the blackboard as we speak. I am all for it, I wish someone had informed me that I am in fact a spiritual being when I was y...

06 Jan 2007

I like the thread, but cannot work out which of these two shops it is you are taking umbridge with. One of them is obviously giving off bad vibes or something. Perhaps the BKs are after the butcher's shop next door, and will knock the wall in between down, for the vibes of course. 'Hello, meat the n...

06 Jan 2007

How can Dadi respond if this forum does not exist? To put it another way, the BK method is to put thy head in the sand rather than confront such issues. Also, it depends entirely on what it is we are doubting. I tend to doubt the ostrich and its method of dealing with issues, it could easily get its...

06 Jan 2007

Many kinds of worms and insects also get sustenance in the moonlight, whereas they either struggle for life or die in the Sun light. The above sentence should not be construed to mean that all BKs are bad. What Baba means to say is that due to the gentle motherly nature of Brahma Baba, he could not...

06 Jan 2007

My apologies to tiny Dot for the inaccurate and blasphemous statement. :P However, it could be that I did read such a thing, but attributed it to the wrong person. I don't mind being wrong if it inspires posts from others and unearths more .info I cannot imagine that such a surrendered soul would ha...

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