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  • Forum: BK
  • Topic: The Arts
  • Replies: 37
  • Views: 93672

13 Jan 2007

The aim and object of the spiritual process is to live life itself as an art-form. Perhaps there was a time when we could just express without thinking, knowing that what we expressed would be pure, now, what with all these life experiences of thousands of years, and the traits developed, we never k...

13 Jan 2007

Come on now Brothers, Sisters do not fart, or sweat, you should know that, and Seniors don't even know the meaning of the word. With regards to clapping with one hand, we should laugh with one mouth and, yes, fart with one backside, and try to avoid farting from our faces. Interesting how souls don'...

13 Jan 2007

In last years Murli's point came up telling BKs that they should make them belong to you or to give then the experience of belonging. We now see Seniors hanging out with pop stars and politicians, which may be what they are being asked to do now. It does not mean that they are like minded, it may ho...

13 Jan 2007

There is the clutch of new BKs and there are the older ones. This situation of juggling with both aspects of the family has been going on for some time. I presume that there are things in those early 90's Avyakt Murli's which warn against speaking on forums in a way which challenges the current and ...

11 Jan 2007

We can see that the worlds land mass was one, and how it has fragmented, and continues to do so. Imagine what is was like when it was one land mass with no borders.

I agree, India is just another country, part of this one I am in even, part of all countries.

11 Jan 2007

Don't let me stop you, but as long as the shop does not represent the organisation, BKs can do any job they like. Perhaps it is the fact that it is his business (?) that raises :?:.

Excuse me sir, is that a parrot in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me? :?
  • Forum: BK
  • Topic: The Arts
  • Replies: 37
  • Views: 93672

11 Jan 2007

The arts may exist to remind us that life is in fact just a play, one which we can take far to serious. Theatre, films, song and dance are all individual plays in their own right. We will vary in our faith that life is in fact just a play. Artists allow others to see things from a different view poi...

11 Jan 2007

I am tired of dogmatic bully's. Souls telling me that I should have sex, trying to orchestrate and manipulate events to that end even. People imposing their own religious (way of life) dogma and personal issues onto others. Social bullying. Assuming that all others are as weak as them. Assuming that...

11 Jan 2007

I think the main point being made erlier is of clarification. The Seniors are examples who others follow, so it should be one code of conduct for all.

In other words, we all need to be kept informed of any changes in principles. Shrimat is - Be soul conscious and remember me.

Translating the humble Murli

10 Jan 2007

This as always is my own personal interpretation of what the Murli is really saying behind the ultra humble language of Bap Dada who refers to different groups with different labels. Lets see- "Kumaris"- You are pure and celibate, detach from the desire to bear children while on the path a...

10 Jan 2007

You just want to read about dinosaurs etc don't you? It is none the less our birthright. And it is one of these things where Baba may say, if the children ask, then it is my obligation to give it or tell it. I was given the yarn that they were too laden with Hindi Bhakti bashing for us Westerners, I...
  • Forum: BK
  • Topic: The Arts
  • Replies: 37
  • Views: 93672

The Arts

10 Jan 2007

I don't know about now, but in the old teachers hand book, artists were singled out for special attention. Something like- they are all egotistical swines. It is against BK principles to express ones self in an artistic way though they turn a blind eye and try to accommodate these arrogant types. We...

Sisters versus Brothers

10 Jan 2007

In the 25 years that I have been connected to the BKs, no one has ever given an explanation as to why the Sisters are in charge? Would someone from the upper echelons of power care to come on to this forum and explain in detail. Do these Sisters know why they are in charge? Is it just that they go a...

Cultural differences

10 Jan 2007

I may not be qualified to say a lot, but will give my tuppence worth anyway. The Supreme Soul emerged in India, does that mean that God is Indian? Of course not. Does it give Indian people the right to lay any claim to God, the Father of all souls? No. I have observed an infantile thing in the India...

10 Jan 2007

Mitra wrote::( Anybody in LONDON please tell this Brother to change his business [:!: It will be Godly service for you].

Umm, don't you mean, tell him to change his underwear?

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