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27 Jan 2007

Could it be that a bias and bitter site may be showing more unity and togetherness than the BKs? Or are BKs too content to post on a forum? More BKs will come if they know that they are not going to be pounced upon by angry people who blame the BK individual for their own past experiences. While we ...

26 Jan 2007

I thought drug use was prohibited in BK principles.

And, I have heard of Jayanti stopping off for a pizza in the past. Oops.

26 Jan 2007

So the only way for a PBK to give message to fellow BKs is through pamphlets which are generally given only outside the venues of the big programmes of the BKs, where new and old BKs gather in large numbers. Is it wise to do this? If I went to hand out BK literature at my local church gathering I w...

The Confluence Age

26 Jan 2007

It is the Confluence Age, a 100 year period which we are 70 years into, supposedly, and I have no reason to doubt. So, we have a 100 year period which may act as a drama blueprint / essence for the following 4,900 years (approx). So, the greater drama apears to be acting out this small slither of ti...

26 Jan 2007

Thanks for your honest and sincere replies. The first change I would make would be to impose a ban on the wearing of big fluffy / furry slippers, especially those with spongy animal heads/ faces. These feet gremlins are infiltrating the BKs with the view to high jacking the Godly agenda. Also, they ...

Solutions to problems

25 Jan 2007

Much has been said with regards to BK weakness and "issues" within and to do with the lifestyle and structuring. This is a thread for offering positive constructive solutions to the issues raised on this site. The spiritual Father does not come and destroy, there is also the offering of so...

Raised as a BK

25 Jan 2007

Most BKs have a recognition of self and God to varying degrees, a re-birth while alive whereas there are those who have been raised in a BK family with both or one parent a BK. At some point or other, there must be a recognition of Shiva surely as with the others. This subject will not disappear, is...

24 Jan 2007

I reserve the right to be completely impartial bias and downright bitchy towards others even. :lol:

24 Jan 2007

So, everyone including Bap Dada is shouting very loud for change, and the conservative big ship is struggling to turn around in the harbour. I think Mr Green's initial post merits investigation on an internal level. I have only ever posted on this site so that others don't have to experience some of...

23 Jan 2007

In Madhuban, up until the end of the spoken Murli (bap Dada), Shiva seems to be present, afterwards, when the parent plays with the children in a lighter way, after the role of teacher has been played, it may well be that Shiva has gone by that point, and may take leave at the end again. Just my per...
  • Forum: BK
  • Topic: The Arts
  • Replies: 37
  • Views: 93672

15 Jan 2007

They seem to accommodate anyone who fits their agenda, and anyone who does not, is rejected. A family business may be prefered rather than a corporate one :shock:. They can do this if they like whether we agree or not, or so it appears. I have no issues with Bliss or their product. There is fear tow...

15 Jan 2007

I have just spent an hour at the DSS (social security) with an occupational psychologist on the basis that the Job centre consider me unfit for the work place such is my fluctuating relationship with them and the way they go about supposedly helping people. My spiritual experiences have brought much...

15 Jan 2007

I have a confession to make, I have a Lakshmi and Narayan badge, it was given to me by another Brother (with clinical psychology issues) who felt he was not entitled to it and I was. I think Dadi may have even given him it, I reluctantly accepted it as he was adamant that I should have it. I bow to ...

Celebrity Big Brahmin (rejection)

15 Jan 2007

Hello and welcome to the Big Brahmin house where WE will brainwash YOU into accepting a camera on every street corner of the world, and turn you into voyeuristic creeps just like us, then you won't be able to point the finger at us, will you. And so, down to the real nitty grittys, yes, rejection, w...

13 Jan 2007

"Knowledge is power". Power has been attained through history by denying others knowledge, or indeed taking knowledge away from society. I do hope that you are not trying to spoil our good games are you? We cannot have shudras gaining knowledge, I mean, they could even become elevated bein...

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