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17 Mar 2007

It is Shrimat to go around with a glum face :lol:.

17 Mar 2007

I, personally, feel that this forum will have emerged at exactly the right moment. Well, obviously, but you know what I mean. Speak from your heart with the right motives and it may turn out to be service that you are doing by speaking out. Perhaps it is time to speak out. Perhaps it is time for the...

16 Mar 2007

I will go back and read all of the posts in this thread later, I read a number of them. My name was mentioned. I don't know that much about spooks etc. I feel vibrations most of the time. So, ask an airport which direction the planes come from ...? I will, however, be very open and honest with you a...

Alien observation squad

16 Mar 2007

Greetings earthlings, I am an Alien, we are here to observe planet earth and its inhabitants. We would like to ask some question and put to you some of our observations. First, after many attempts to turn procreation into a leisure activity on our own planet, we have abandoned all experimentation on...

07 Mar 2007

On my last visit to Madhuban I slept on a cold hard floor the first two nights. I was then moved to a dorm with maybe 21 of us. Mike George was in a nice little room next door with 4 beds and beckoned me through to take one. An Indian Brother appeared and said that the other beds were taken by he an...

07 Mar 2007

So, why don't we all forgive the BKs, get our whites on, and get along to the centre and let these lunatics loose on our feelings? I doubt it would be appreciated as, it is expected, and you would no doubt be expected to accept without question any further mental abuse from them. Remember, they are ...

07 Mar 2007

Until everyone is cleared from the Subtle Region, we will never know how much manipulation comes from beyond. It is time to clear the lot of them out of there, then the air may clear and be lighter. But then, the current LEADERS should be dealing with this as they are powerful souls with access to c...

07 Mar 2007

"Well, if they can do it, so can I". Sure, that is a positive response to the actions of a few greedy hungry types. Lets be like them to get even. Um, leave me out thanks. I would expect that a circular has been sent round all centres in the world informing everyone about any changes (as u...


20 Feb 2007


This is a real virtue, not that the others are meaningless, but with this one we really can make changes. Ever sat for a moment and forgiven everyone who as ever supposedly wronged you? I won't fill in all the blanks and leave some for others.

20 Feb 2007

LATEST HEADLINES- President has Big Mohini for lunch ...

Meanwhile in London: Queen has Dadi Janki for in beween meal snack ...

(Girls, if you are going to these places on service, mind and leave a note saying what time you will be back).


20 Feb 2007

I am celibate because I was always crap in bed.

What with all that incompetent fumbling around, opening the door to let the clutch out sort of farce. :lol:

20 Feb 2007

I would like to repeat that Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit is not our guru but our spiritual Father through whom we meet and listen to ShivBaba. I am not trying to push the PBKs out, but lets not avoid the original question or lose track of the topic. The quote above kind of says part of what I am gettin...

15 Feb 2007

Hey, come on, you don't let the right hand know what the left hand is doing if you want to retain control over many. Knowledge is power remember. Don't get me wrong, I would never accuse the BKs of control freakery. Seriously though, the more money any body of people accrue, the more serious, intens...

15 Feb 2007

But that is the beauty of this forum, some are longer in the tooth. In Celticgyan's post, it is obvious that he has gone only so far or deep into the path/ organisation, which is good. It means he is capable of making such statements, which we can then debate. So, keep the own goals coming celtic. :...

15 Feb 2007

"New York Brahma Kumaris Terrorists Connection and Behavior"

I presume the terrorists in question are the likes of Bush and other Al Quaida members. (?) Not to mention the global criminals within the UN

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