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10 May 2007

I have heard from a non-Bk source that we are developing subtle bodies, as if they are growing almost. Like the physical body (if there is anything in this), the constitution may be vulnerable in the early stages of development and so needs to be nurtured, strong foundations created. It does offer a...

10 May 2007

The term "confluence" in a spiritual sense, for me at least, came from the BK teachings where as "the Age of Aquarius" is from astrology or other. I am not sure how the BKs see things developing. There are many caste levels within the BKs so, like the "secret society" d...

10 May 2007

My last post may, of course, be innacurate. We never know where vibes come from. There may be others up at that time, especially those in my life where the drama seems to be off loading at the moment. Indeed, I am beginning to wonder if those around me are being manipulated to cause chaos in everyth...

08 May 2007

Hey, it may simply be that they had no interest in corporate big brother-ism, or they showed no inititive in capitalist Bk-ISM.

08 May 2007

Can you ask a question for me please? Who is it who continually destroys my life at every step? Did I say EVERY? I meant absolutely every ... I want names and places/ dimensions. Only a simple clear answer to the question is acceptable. And I don't want to hear the term "Karmic acounts". P...

08 May 2007

Someone woke early this morning and filled me with piercing foul anger. Was it someone who got up to meditate to change the self/world but chose a darker path instead? I am going to stop looking at BKs and start looking beyond for the culprits. I suspect some are allowing themselves to be used to ca...

03 May 2007

I seem to remember hearing of "Bliss" bringing in their own guy with a "finishing" device (multi band compressor?) so it may not be fully equipped (?). It is probably being used as a garden shed or something :?. I may be about to get a pre amp with my newly retrieved bank charges...

01 May 2007

It may not look much but I think upwards of 100k went into this MASTERING studio. Mastering is the last stage, when all the recording and mixing/effects have been done. I never did get in to see it after a few visits/attempts. The literature dept leaves much to be desired, I hope things have improve...

28 Apr 2007

The complete form is already there. It is what we are, naturally. The first step is to get a glimpse. We may run away at this, then come back later and slowly, poke our heads round the corner for a quick peak just to make sure that what we saw is indeed the case. The more we look, the stronger it be...

28 Apr 2007

A meeting? I am completely strung out. I have not had a meeting in a very long time, yipee!. :P You can text those of us who are on the pub crawl :shock: as to what is going on. Perhaps we could get a live link to the various pubs, then on to the Ministry of Silly Walks, or was it Sound? Otherwise, ...

Omens of Jupiter and Saturn

28 Apr 2007

An astrologer could tell you more, though I suspect it would amount to something similar. I have been trying to give some support to someone who is in meltdown and crisis in their life. They have been on their own with spirituality and diet in another city, have been influenced by others, complainin...

26 Apr 2007

We came into this world pure (I could put "maybe" after everything but it would get boring), and we expressed ourselves with trust and faith that we could ("maybe") run on auto pilot, freely expressing and interacting without having to check whether this and that is "pc"...

26 Apr 2007

If we consider our view of God from our younger years in life to however we see things now, there may be a big deference. But God is no more than that, just my Father. We have a normal Father child relationship where we transform and mature as with in the world. The day may come when God asks you to...

25 Apr 2007

No one can say for sure with regards to lust and punishment. Perhaps we could say 'It is not what you do, it is the consciousness that you do it in'. Can you love/ interact/ have sex with your partner without "negative" attachment? This whole subject will continue to arise as time goes on ...

25 Apr 2007

Where there are non-artists in control of artists, there will be conflict. I would not tell a rocket scientist how to build a rocket. From the viewpoint of Dadi's etc, well, they just don't know. They may not care what is causing this or that. If it is causing issues, then they are likely to see it ...

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