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26 May 2007

So, some news items may be fake or exagerated to divert :arrow: minds from the likes of the evil actions going on in Darfur and The People's Republic of Congo. The little girls parents mood became far too light after a few days and still is (sorry if this hurts). I only hope I am correct about her b...

BB leaving BKs

26 May 2007

I would be interested to hear more on the subject of Brahma Baba "leaving" the BKs. Is there a thread on this? Can you elaborate some more if no existing thread?

25 May 2007

Greetings earthlings, it is us again. We got a flat tyre in the Bhakti quadrant and so had to come back to your kind planet for help. Our hand book tells us to keep well clear of the Bhakti quadrant on the basis that it can cause obstacles and prevent forward travel. The odd thing for us is that, no...

Re: David and Goliath

25 May 2007

... I'd be interested to hear what sparkal's intuitions on it are. In some ways, that may be one of my gripes. That of being kept out of the loop. Kept on the periphery of everything. Not given the chance to have an effect. And I have had little to do with London over the years, enough to make cont...

25 May 2007

The building has left ex-l

25 May 2007

One question I would like to ask right now is: Is Shiva free? Is Shiva free to go between worlds?, among souls? The opposite might be: Is Shiva like a whale? Blissfully ignorant and passive to the agenda of hunter predator types who may abuse Shiva's powers? Would Shiva give this impression even to...

24 May 2007

Huh, many have tried and failed to leave this forum. So, how much did they offer? :lol:

24 May 2007

We interrupt this thread and go over to the news room for a news flash: The word "reptile" should never mean evil, sinful or negative. There may, of course, be certain types (?) who are more predatory, aggressive, competitive and lack basic compassion. And the words "senior BK" s...

Re: blending in

22 May 2007

Tiny dot : We are conditioned to say positive things and observe positive experiences of others, and so, when it's our turn to speak, we start relating positive experience and most often mixed with exageration. Any unpleasant experience, we just need to keep it to ourselves or re-invent our experie...

22 May 2007

What's to stop anyone asking her about the missing Murlis? If someone had a private interview with DJ would she answer honestly without tricks? How open would she be? Oddly enough, I wrote a little cartoon satire years ago called, "The Mystery of the Missing Murli's" by E NOD LIGHTON. It ...

22 May 2007

AS this is a thread about "the news", I thought I would cook up some fabricated lies and disinformation. So, remember, this post is all fiction. :roll: Here is the news ... the graphic symbol of the globe with some large beaked red monster curled round it slowly fades, and on comes our rep...

16 May 2007

Let us not villainize mediumship. We cant send all communication by physical means. Who's side are you on anyway? :lol: It requires trust and faith. Personally, right now, I don't trust anyone. No one is invited to use me as an instrument. At the same time, I will maintain a trust/ faith in the Supr...

was Om Radhe murdered?

16 May 2007

An extreme question but, was Om Radhe murdered in a pre-meditated manner?

15 May 2007

Prevention is better than cure. Eat "their" food and take what you get. I am talking about the corporate vampires who fill supermarket shelves with carcegenic rubbish. There is money in cancer. After raking it in at the bad food store (your diet begins in the shop) they then have the sub m...

12 May 2007

The BBC? NOW the BKs are getting in about one of the major sources of scum and darkness in the world. The more we know/think we know, the more repulsive it all becomes when we watch the BBC or other news. If people could only see what is being done to them. Fear mongering comes to mind, through disi...

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