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06 Jun 2007

We can be good people living simple lives without being an instrument for God. Not everyone can play this role(s), besides, being such means that people would start writing about you on the net, and all that worship at your feet?

06 Jun 2007

This is a rather valid and sensitive subject, the emotions. One could be forgiven for thinking that it has been removed from BK teachings. Does that mean that souls are left to work it out in the post BK fall out? This may be one of the most beneficial aspects of these forums for many. If people don...

03 Jun 2007

The one who does and does through others speaks through a body? Seems likely. What if Shiva was to start using a number of chariots? Would they all argue that THEY are the chosen one? The one who does and does through others may do through many as time goes on. We will need a bigger forum to deal wi...

03 Jun 2007

So, are the BKWSU going into the dating game? I wonder if they could fix me up with a click?

And, welcome senior.

03 Jun 2007

I notice that a Lucinda Drayton has been credited with being the author of music which was created by someone else on the BKWSU retail site; Resonate by Lucinda Drayton - BK Publications.

02 Jun 2007

The first step with regards to forgiveness may be forgiving the self.

02 Jun 2007

What experience would you equate with being in a hall with God since you are certain that that was NOT God? Is there a textbook expectation/experience that determines whether it is God or not? I don't have an opinion as such and welcome debate on the matter/none matter. Just when you think you have ...

31 May 2007

This lark of treating people (Brothers in particular) as taxi drivers is obscene. I cannot see how it can possibly help any "Brother" to be treated in this way just to maybe crush his ego. It is simply not on, by arrogant default at least. It is up to the individual to transform their own ...

29 May 2007

Sorry it took so long to get back here. I got £900 of MY money back from the Bank. I got an epson printer which prints colour on to CD. I have ordered a pre-amp. A "really nice pre amp" by FMR audio. I think the sight(Gear4Music) are ordering from the States. I already have a Rode NTK valv...

BKs branching out

29 May 2007

First, we should ascertain that there is such a thing as "the BKs". If there is not, then there can be no such thing as break away/ splinter groups. The collective of individuals called "the BKs" does not exist (OK, it has been stated already, but cannot be stated often enough). ...

The correct use of silence power

28 May 2007

If you want to use silence power to change the world, don't. Hear silence, listen to it, feel it, be it, emerge it as the environment around you, as your inner being but sending it to others/another may not be within the realms of correct usage. In other words, let nature do the work. For the majori...

28 May 2007

Perhaps I don't mean the oldest as much as, souls who don't seem to be getting anywhere because their "karma" has seemingly run out. Such a soul may be in their second life for all we know. Otherwise, we get a feeling for souls and whether they have been around for a while or not too long....

28 May 2007

Would anyone like to have a bash at estimating how many vessels of Shiva are currently in existence expounding Gods knowledge to the world?

And, how do we know that Andrey is not the latest incarnation of Shiva? :P

28 May 2007

Smells? The pulses cooked in the kitchen tend to gather in other parts such as the entrance hall and can smell like someone has dropped a big one. Opening the door/ window for a minute could make all the difference. Sometimes it may be better to take one's self away from the centre for a day or ten ...

26 May 2007

The term "greatness" is an interesting one. The world (or some) present big Arnie Shwartzenburger to be greatness. We, of course, know that greatness is a far more subtle and more powerful thing. Humility. Love. Simple, natural Peace. The little old lady who struggles to the shops who has ...

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