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05 Sep 2007

I missed this ... BK Brian Bacon meets the British Prime Minister's wife Cherie Blair to "Make Poverty History" at a Rights and Humanity event. I hope I have not posted this before. Should I take this whole "make poverty history" thing to be a reverse Satanic statement which say...
  • Forum: BK
  • Topic: The Arts
  • Replies: 37
  • Views: 93659

05 Sep 2007

In my experience, the BKWSU take on musicians who are already successful. They are not in the game of creating stars in other words. Of course, some play at master controller, or, fat controller. People who know little about music and everything about money and PR. That is just my impression from da...

05 Sep 2007

I must agree with the sentiments with regards to the immaturity of the language used in these trance messages. It gives me a feeling of, "did I really listen to that stuff ?" So, it shows us the progress that we may have made. I may post something more significant, or is it just longer, la...

02 Sep 2007

So, who are these religious idiots who waken people in the early morning hours? If I turn in after midnight when I am physically exhausted, I should not be waking at 4- 5.00 am. I am hearing reports from others of waking at 3.30am causing exhaustion and no doubt stress. Who are the idiots who offer ...

bye, once again

31 Aug 2007

I have given out a fair bit as have others over the Internet Both to the "BK" world and the world at large. I am changing now, I cannot handle my present existence. My friends are becoming actively anti spiritual, though, probably out of attachment and fear of either losing me or simply no...

27 Aug 2007

BKWSU obviously has issues to do with this forum which it does not resonate with. It would be simple for THEM to send a list to .info outlining the things that they would like to be removed from the site so as the Godly knowledge in question can be available to all around the world. I think .info wo...

27 Aug 2007

OK, here's the deal.

Put the money in a satchel, and put the satchel in the litter bin at the end of Pound (funny things memorials :roll: ) Lane.

If we see any cops, the deal is off and the Bhog dishes get it.

22 Aug 2007

The drugs don't work no more. Religion don't work no more. Politics is a waste of time. Marriage Don't work no more. Education teaches nothing. Surely everything cannot be useless can it? Are there things being discarded which may actually be of significant help in the enlightening of humanity? Perh...

18 Aug 2007

Sorry Mr Green, but your humility saddens me. It may even be the dreaded "politeness" sickness. Your every word underpinned by an air of, I don't want to cause trouble, maybe even guilt of some sort. Feeling obliged to accept bullying be it racial, sexist, cultural or sectarian; not to men...

14 Aug 2007

The whole idea of sending energy beyond is a question I would like to table. It seems to me that the energy is needed here and not beyond. Where is it going? That's a whole load of power. Are we seeing any constructive results from doing so? And why is there a picture of "Brahma Baba" in e...

13 Aug 2007

So, the Stepford Wives have started to comunicate? Since they have only said 'hello', I will do the same. I will joke around for the time being and may post something if there is anything to work to. Chop parts from the flute (of knowledge) and all you will get is hot air. Anyway, welcome Sister Jay...

22 Jun 2007

I tend to go with John and say that they have made up their minds. "Cult" is a bad word and bad for us and our children, while TV is great and cannot do any harm. Are there any positive programmes about cults on TV? I doubt it. Quite frankly, if you are cutting it in this world, as Monkey ...

09 Jun 2007

There is no need for apologies or guilt double light, not from you at least. My original questioning to your post was genuine and not trying to trip you or call you wrong. Perhaps I don't belong in this section as you say, but not because someone refuses to let me leave the BKs. Souls who spend a lo...

Re: ex-BK forum

08 Jun 2007

What experience would you equate with being in a hall with God since you are certain that that was NOT God? Is there a textbook expectation/experience that determines whether it is God or not? I thought this part of the forum was for ex-BKs. That's why I was posting my question here. I know the BK ...

06 Jun 2007

"Find Brahma Kumaris and Compare prices at ..."(web site) I think this just about sums it up. Are you people sure about all this. I have lived a slightly sheltered existence BK wise and am not sure what is going on . Can we expect to see more of this second hand car sales approach as time...

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