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BKWSU breakaway groups

16 Dec 2006

There appears to be a lot of chips on shoulders in this discussion group. For some reason people always want somebody else to take responsibility if they fall by the wayside. I hear talk of making the Dadis responsible and so on. Well, I was brought up Church of Scotland - a religion which is quite ...

15 Dec 2006

I honestly don't see the problem here. If you don't like the BKs then you leave - simple. Nobody holds a gun to your head. I have known people coming and going for years and the BKs welcome them home each time. I always remember the centre Sister saying to us that if we had an illness we go to the D...

15 Dec 2006

For all that I don't believe there is anybody sitting in a life of luxury at a BK centre! The money system may be fair or unfair - that is a matter of opinion but the money does not go on individual wealth. I don't see Dadi rolling up in a new Jaguar!


Awesome Video

15 Dec 2006

Awesome BKWSU video; Supreme Soul Coming back

Who is that? Brahma Baba's son?


14 Dec 2006

How many souls of ordinary religions take their lives each day? Do we say that such and such took his life because he was a Catholic and the church is all to blame? Does a bomber who was brought up with the Islamic religion (of sorts) and kills himself and others have the religion to blame? Or is it...

14 Dec 2006

When you say only the BKs go to heaven - this is a metter of interpretation. Heaven on earth or heaven? Both are a kind of heaven. Which would you rather have - Golden/Silver Age of heaven on earth or being in perfect bliss in the Soul World next to Baba? There appears to be a reward for everybody. C.

30 May 2006

We cannot use Science on teh one hand to prove a point and with the otehr hand disregard all of its findings. I heard about the resolution of carbon dating and it is true that if we date something new that it comes out at thousands of years old. However, for older dating the method becomes more accu...

29 May 2006

If everything went under water for 2500 years (except a few places) then the animals woldl be adapted to these places and when the earth re-emerged from it's slumber they would only have a few years to spread to other parts of the world and re-adapt. Same with humans - Indians have dark skins after ...

The Cycle and Science

22 May 2006

If we live in a cyclic universe then why don't we discover relics of our past? For instance plastics are supposed to take a long time to degrade so we should have been digging up relics of ourselves from previous cycles? Of course, after a big explosion I would expect a lot to be lost but there woul...

BKs at the UN

22 May 2006

The BKs go on and on about how they are consultants to the UN. I read on the net (and it could all be wrong) that they just rent an office there and that they over-exaggerate their relationship with the UN. For example I found this FAITH DEALERS: Those who take advantage of human spiritual needs The...

22 May 2006

Did you notice (and no offence meant here) that with the more senior Sisters looked rather masculine? Almost a male-female mix? Maybe this was the result of 'righting' the balance. Besides, the long twisted pony tails put me off many of the Sisters - they began to look cultish in their white and uni...

Re: The Brahma Kumaris: Spiritualism, Channeling & Psychicism

17 May 2006

They don't believe there are other souls 'out there' other than viscious ones. They told me that the viscious ones will tell you anything (that they are your Aunt!) to get access to a body. They come in by invitation and that is why they forbit such practices. Once they arrive they have the Karmic r...

When all the Dadis have gone ...

17 May 2006

What will happen when all the Dadis have gone? They are very old and surely cannot last another decade. Of course the BKs will tell us that the end of The Cycle will come first but suppose it doesn't! Will the BKs then become followers of a religion? (I believe it already is a religion since it has ...

Re: The Brahma Kumaris: Spiritualism, Channeling & Psychicism

17 May 2006

Yes I heard it was 3 months when the Soul entered the body - no dilly-dallying - straight in! Except when about 7 years ago a Dadi died. I heard that she spent a short time with Brahma Baba in the Subtle Regions before taking re-birth. To them there is no mystery - it's just straight from a body int...


16 May 2006

Another topic conveniently side-stepped by the BKs. EVen the most hardened skeptic would not deny that there just has to be some form of intelligent life out there somewhere (even on earth!). Not to say that they have ever visited us - that's a different argument so let's not go there at present. Le...

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