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Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

15 Jan 2011

ex-l wrote:Ah, well, you see ... that is obviously proof Baba must saved them because they were all meditating like crazy!

hehehehehe :D lol

Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

14 Jan 2011

I do not know if it is the Center you were assuming would be underwater cfile6 , but in any case I can say that my long experience with the BKs supports ex-l 's comments about confirmational bias. Yeah that is the one I am talking about, I just thought there was a good chance that it got flooded bu...

Re: Devastating Queensland Floods

13 Jan 2011

Yeah I was thinking the same think. Though funnily enough I think that one of the Brahma Kumaris centres in Brisbane has flooded and is probably underwater, since it was in a suburb that flooded and is near the Brisbane River. So much for the Brahma Kumaris saying all that stuff about their centres ...

Devastating Queensland Floods

12 Jan 2011

I know this may be off topic but... I don't know if you guys know but Queensland, Australia has be inundated with flash floods, in land tsunami's (that went through the city of Toowoomba). So far 12 people have lost their lives and around 50 people are missing, though it is feared alot more have los...

Re: New to the forum

08 Jan 2011

Thankyou ex-I for your continued advice. My husbands Father is not a BK. My husband's mother is a BK, she is vegetarian and doesn't eat onion or garlic, she wakes up at 4 am every morning and goes to her mother's house (with is a house with an ashram) and is a BK teacher there, she reads the Murli e...

Re: New to the forum

08 Jan 2011

I agree with most of what you said ex-I. My mother in law's husband was very abusive to her so I think this I what lead her to the BKs. I am australian and I live in Australia. I agree with you about the ashram, I couldn't live with that on my conscience knowing that I was some what responsible for ...

Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

07 Jan 2011

This reminds me of when I was in nepal staying at my grandma in law's house which was also a small BK ashram (you know the ones that are in people's houses). I swear there was some kind of spirit in that house. Also I used to get woken up by the BK's in the morning at like 6-ish, they are a loud bun...

Re: New to the forum

07 Jan 2011

Well, I don't know where to start. All of a sudden not only does my husband want to build a house in Nepal (which I am happy with by the way) but he also wants to build a second house that has a Brahma Kumaris ashram for his mum. I tried to tell him that I am not going to pay for that then he got an...

Re: Youtube Gurus

30 Dec 2010

Now there is the first positive practical solution regarding Mount Abu that I have ever heard. We can send ALL the world's mother-in-laws to the Brahma Kumaris in Mount Abu and get rid of them for ever. One way ticket only and no pocket money to donate to the Brahma Kumaris because ... ho ho ho ......

Re: Youtube Gurus

29 Dec 2010

Hehehehehe I agree that is pretty funny but at the same time it's a little pathetic. Is this from this years christmas? I assume it is ... my mother in law went to Mount Abu just over a week ago for 2 months, so I assume she would have seen this live hahahhahaaha. I agree to she seems to be getting ...

Re: Avatar

10 Dec 2010

Welcome, there might be, who knows ... ???

Question, are you and jacksong the same person? you have the same link ... ???

Re: Just a thought/question

30 Nov 2010

Yes, I think it is just a very good tool to make people do crazy things and give away all their money, property and time ... which, of course, the business of the BKWSU catches nicely. They have been telling their followers it is going to be 2 to 3 years since the 1930s. Imagine the stupidity of th...

Just a thought/question

23 Nov 2010

Just a thought/question Why are the BKs so obsessd with Destruction of the world? Instead of being obsessed with the destruction of the current world in order to make room for a new world, why not fix the world we have? And make heaven on earth through people loving and respecting one another? Let's...

Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

18 Nov 2010

i think this song sounds sorta like another song i've heard, i think they have ripped the melody of another song, which is not that surprising. :shock: :D

Re: Before you get sucked in by the Brahma Kumaris ...

09 Nov 2010

A sign that you've sold your soul to the devil is when you can actually put up with this crap and call it "good." Some of the shows I've seen were like amateur performances put on by your local church, except with the BKWSO it's always on a grand "show-off" scale. Used to make m...

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