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Re: Mr Green's Spiritual Thought for the Day

23 Oct 2010

Lovely! Wow ...


Re: Loved by a BK???

23 Oct 2010

I feel that's a harsh response ... so all BKs are damned as charlatans because some BKs got angry and did something wrong?

By all means raise the matter to the Zone in Charge. She will correct those ones who came and shouted at you. A very poor action indeed.

- Peter a.k.a. Sword

Re: Sword of Justice

23 Oct 2010

Yes, I am. I thought I was posting this in answer on the other thread but I must've clicked the wrong button. Sorry. I still intend to write a letter. I also think the more that I firm up my practice of BK Raj Yoga the more chance it would get read. If I am not a stable and successful practitioner, ...

Re: Loved by a BK???

22 Oct 2010

Wow, I've actually learned a lot from this forum in the end. I hope I am now ready and "steeled" to see potential injustice displayed to me by BKs. I actually think it was always inevitable given how human beings are. I am now more determined than ever to set a good example myself. Ciao, S...

Sword of Justice

22 Oct 2010

Thanks for your considered response, ex-I. I haven't written any letters yet. I have some thoughts on how to put forward some constructive thoughts in regards to caring for souls who are not pillars of strength. I think most of us go through periods where we need some emotional sustenance, have doub...

Re: Loved by a BK???

22 Oct 2010

I did not get the feeling Kate was out to seduce this guy, although making love or getting laid might just fix him. 'Being held', might just be enough too. Let's face it, Indian men have issue around affection that are not helped by the Brahma Kumaris. Yeah I did not either. Someone else posted tha...

Re: I am Hanging

21 Oct 2010

Hi Kumar, You have many, many options open to you now. Please don't despair. It sounds to me like you were a very sincere person. So what you did in BK is fine! If you need to move on, well great. You can have a wonderful and happy life. First of all, get rid of any thinking that life is somehow wro...

Re: Loved by a BK???

21 Oct 2010

I was fool enough to speak to them honestly and innocently about my spiritual experiences only to be laughed at and treated like one of many of the queen's unenlightened little servants. Looking back though, that day saved me. When I saw the amount of ego and lack of spirituality these so-called le...

Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

24 Feb 2010

Hi Tete, No, I have read that letter. I read it some months ago. I was quite touched by it. This forum does present serious and very good debate. That letter really does need an answer and it is time for me to answer that. - My heart went out to that person. The whole letter seemed to me to be a cry...

Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

24 Feb 2010

To swordofjustice and clearenow: I also thank you for winding down your PR speak. I think I understand your position better and I respect that. I was holding a similar position myself. I did it for 25 years, following all disciplines, dedicating myself totally, literally giving my bones, but allowi...

Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

22 Feb 2010

So this topic is one which has been present in both respectable religions and dodgey cults . I have met in my life some really lovely christians (Muslims too!). They are beautiful and genuine people, believe me. I can see with my adult eyes that they take some kind of sustenance from their religion,...

The whole teaching on Destruction

20 Feb 2010

Destruction, destruction. Mentioned often because this aspect of BK teaching can go so horribly wrong. People have panicked that the world is going to end and sold their houses. BK Murlis have said that the world will end in certain years and hello! It did not!! The banner for this forum clearly sta...

Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

20 Feb 2010

Hmmm ... firstly, thanks everyone for posting. Secondly, ex-I posted something specific to back his view. I have no dispute with that. I accept it happened exactly as he writes in terms of 1976 Destruction prediction and Dadi Janki buying land. My point about dirty laundry was only to avoid having a...

Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

17 Feb 2010

@ex-I Long reply. Yeah, I'll respond. I hope you can detect that I am being open and honest in what I write. - OK I understand. Your criticism is way more than just financial. That's pretty clear now from what you wrote. - You claim I am not clear, etc. In essence though, you're simply restating you...

Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

17 Feb 2010

Pete the only concern I have is, there is not any safeguards in place for policing the hierarchy of the organisation structure. There is an attitude that everyone is Baba's child and therefore cannot be that bad. This is too lax and does not work. The reality is that even if you are acting as much ...

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