Unwanted Dissidents

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Unwanted Dissidents

Post11 Apr 2015

Unwanted Dissidents

For me this is an importanted post and I am glad that I have come this far. There are others that are in more severe circumstances than I was at the time and I hope they also will reach this point for it is about them who struggle to be free and live their lives as they wish themselves.

The thing that most struck me when I was wtih the BK, in the 90-92 period was that knowledge that some individuals were unwanted, dissonants or rather dissidents.

I first came to know about it when I was attending a lesson about "cooperation". I thought it was about the virtue or maybe the force "cooperation". The teacher Trudy then told me that she had not expected me to be at that lesson as I was not cooperative.

I asked her what she meant by that because I was doing my best and I was with the organisation. The teacher then said that even though I was with them, I was not being coöperative.

When I still did not understand, she said in a rather angry way that it was not about being cooperative but that I had to be cooperative in working towards Destruction.

She aided that there were some people that were not cooperative in working towards Destruction. She told me they were embedded in the organisation but nevertheless were "dissidents" as they opposed themselves to Destruction, the Destruction paradigm and thereby weakened the organisation's strength and effectiveness.

Stricking was that all of the individuals they described were still in, with the BK. Most of them working very hard for the organisation. But nonetheless they, as she and Mr. Whaling explained, would in the future leave. Like others that had left in the past.

And they had to leave because they were blocking the way. Obstacles, so to say.

Then they talked about one particulair case which still makes me feel sad if I think back to it. It was the case of a young boy, roughly 15-16 years old (at the most) at the time (around '90 - '92). A young teenager.

After having visited Madhuban, he decided to stay there as he wanted to be closer to the godspirit. It was rather unexpected and at first the Seniors did not know what to do. But they assumed he would soon go home again.

But that was not what happened. The young man stayed and started fulfilling little jobs in Madhuban. And, by this, gradually worked his way up. And he was high in the hierarchy, way up high. As close as to Babdada as anyone could get. He was a personal assistant of one of the Seniors, they explained. As this was common there in India, I pondered about the significance of that until they explained that whenever that senior went into a trance that then Shiv Baba came into the body of this senior. So sort of to say, that boy was serving "God" then directly.

He was very obedient and humble as they explained. However, they observed a "flaw" in his character. It still makes me feel sick. But the case was, as they told me, that he was not really consistent with the doctrine and would oppose the Destruction paradigm. At least, that is what they made out of it.

And so, eventually, they decided that they had to get rid of him. They also told me that Baba, the BK godspirit gave instruction how to get rid of these "obstructive elements", to sort of disencourage them ... from being with and within the BKWSO. Following these instructions they started working on him. Isolating him from his family was one of the many things. Making him to do useless jobs during the day, another. Furthermore they worked on his character and said that he had to be without ego.

Each time that kid produced a false thought, they said he had to replace it with a "true" one. It was a way of breaking his resistance to change, as they called it. I said they were brainwashing the guy, making him to be a zombie. They said he had to be egoless if he wanted to continue. He was so high in the hierarchy that he had to make this step. And they blocked his way, waiting for him to do so. They reminded me that he was there of free will and was free to leave.

I thought of it being rediculous, shamefull. They defended themselves by saying that this boy was the only one in Madhuban blocking Destruction. "The only one", they repeated, as if it was so meaningfull.

Then Mr. Whaling entered the conversation, declaring that this boy would not last much longer. They were waiting for his collapse. His family had stopped sending him money for a while and they did not support him in any manner. Later on, the family resumed supporting him, I believe. Nevertheless he was getting increasingly depressed. He was all alone, completely isolated. But very strong. Very strong indeed. But he would not make it there. (These were the words of Mr. Whaling).

To me, this sounded like a horrifying story. I asked what they did to help the boy with his depression or depressive feelings. Mr. Whaling replied they did nothing to help him. They wanted him to be that way. The only advice the boy got, was to sit in a special kind of room. And he sat there for hours and hours. All alone. But it only got him more depressed. And they smiled and enjoyed it.

I am sorry for him and feel terribly sad thinking back to it.

I was at about the point of being frantic. And offered to talk with that boy and to see if I could do anything to help him or his family. They said it was in vain. He would not listen nor understand. And they forbade me to go to Madhuban.

They then even explained there were others like him, but a few and not as strong as he was. But still very strong. And they knew exactly who they were, they assured me. And they were waiting for them to leave too, as it was not allowed to block them and question the BKWSO.

Even at these people I was not allowed to talk. They say it would not help. But even to hear about their opinion I was not allowed. I was not allowed to meet them or contact them in any possible way ...

I asked them if these people knew about each other. They told me it was not so. They were isolated individuals within the organisation, unaware about each others existence. I was the only one knowing about them at the time, as they had told me, according to the story they told me.

I asked them if they would not unite and be of help to each other, or help to reform the organisation form within. Or to work towards respecting other opinions. I even asked if there wasn't an exit program for them.

Mr. Whaling told me that was not so. And that these individuals were alone and could do nothing to stop Destruction taking place. In fact, he told me, the BKWSO was already so far that they could not stop the organisation anymore. It had already gone to far, beyond that point. Even if they united, which was very unlikely, they could do nothing.

I told them that the organisation would meet other people not accepting their Destruction paradigm, outside of the organisation itself. The teacher then said that they all had to be either converted or removed one by one. Untill no one blocking by them was left.

To me this showed their mania, their weirdness, their urge to cleanse the world of so called "impure individuals".

They also told me in clear words that I either had to follow them in Destruction or leave. There was no more place for me within the organisation if I did not make that choice.

It was soon after that I left. But througout the whole period (from the first time I heard about the sad story untill about one year later) from time to time I hoped that his boy would leave Madhuban and return to his family. I feared for his fate.

And in all these years of lonely struggle I never gave up hope to once tell people and link up with those who were seen as unwanted, as dissidents "polluting the organisation" as they called it. And to tell about the horror I had heard and seen. And to tell them that they were not the only ones. They told me I would never get to this point but I did and I hope others will do also.
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Re: Unwanted Dissidents

Post12 Apr 2015

Astounding ... but saddeningly believable.

There's quite a lot of what I call "BK road kill" ... individuals crushed under the wheels of the BK juggernaut.

We will never know how many nor their stories, so thank you for telling this one.


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Re: Unwanted Dissidents

Post12 Apr 2015

Thanks Misty, for sharing the story. You certainly had chosen the right way ... the way of heart and following your inner voice.

They wanted this boy to be egoless and could not see their own ego ... they still can´t see it. Kudos to your courage for taking the decision to leave.

Many are not able to decide and keep hanging around which I think is much worse than even being a BK.
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Re: Unwanted Dissidents

Post12 Apr 2015

Obviously "surrendered" to the BKs translates as "submissive, unquestioning and unthinking".

It's better to aim be a buddhu, rather than a Buddha, in the BKWSU.

The BK leaders seem to travel every road looking for any Buddhas within their midst, and then kill their spirits off.

Poor kid. He probably only wants loved and accepted ... love and acceptance he was probably denied by his own BK mum because it was "impure" according to the old virgin crones that rule the BK kingdom.


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Re: Unwanted Dissidents

Post03 May 2015

Thank you ex-l and kmanaveen for your replies.

Unfortunately, they boy was enculted at a very early age, about 9 or 10 yeras old, I believe. Strangely enough none of his family members were BKs. He made that step on his own. What even made it more surprising, was that he is a West-European citizen and at early age, being teenager, decided to stay in Madhuban.

I guess there are many of these stories of children becoming enculted and they are so saddening. I hope he got out of the mess he was in.

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