A letter to the President [President George W Bush]

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A letter to the President [President George W Bush]

Post01 Jun 2013

As far as I know, in their history, the BKWSO has, on serveral occasions, written letters to world leaders in order to persude them to their religion. Via http://www.rajayogabrahmakumaris.wordpress.com

I came across this one.

I don't know if it's authethic. If the date is correct it was send to George W Bush. (*)
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003 08:06:29 +0800
From: Brahma Kumari Pari
Subject: God has told us that Christianity and Islam are going to be completely eradicated from the face of the earth.
To: “Mailto:Mbranparker (AT) Yahoo (DOT) Com (E-mail)”

Sweetest President of the US, Vice-President of the US, Senators and Representatives of the US and Sirs / Madams of the US Media, etc,

I am Brahma Kumari Pari and I am a Raja Yogi. Through the visions which you see through me, you will be able to see how Christianity and Islam gets completely eradicated from the face of the earth. It is currently the dynasty of the Christians. However, as the Christians and Muslims wage war against each other for world control, those of the Deity Religion (Hindu Religion) will gain the world kingdom. Then, the Deity Religion will spread all over the world again as it was before, and Christianity and Islam will be completely eradicated from the face of the earth. The Deity Religion dynasty begins with the creation of the new heavenly world.

As the Raja Yogis, of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, get more and more powerful, the destruction of the old world gets closer and closer. Thus, wars, the number of natural calamities like earthquakes, fires, wild storms, floods etc increases with time until the old corporeal world is deep within the depths of destruction. The fact that wars, fires, earthquakes, uncontrollable storms, floods etc are happening all over the world is a reflection of what is happening within the Brahma Kumaris. All these destructive natural calamities, wars etc have already begun.

The destructive process and the creative process are already in progress. But it will take some time for the whole process to get completed. When the fatal bombs of the 3rd world war (which helps to destroy the old corporeal world) are finally released, the winds, rains, earth, oceans, rivers etc become the servants of those who intensely practice Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga, and they will keep the atomic gases away from the region around the River Jamuna in Northern India because this is where the creation of the new heavenly world will begin from.

God has told us that the government of India will pass into the hands of the Brahma Kumaris. A time will come when the Indian government will no longer be able to control the situation in India. Then, the Indian government will be handed over to the representative of the Brahma Kumaris. (I will be there, in India, at that time.)

The representative of the Brahma Kumaris will be able to have control over this country, through the assistance of others who practice Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga. B.K. Letchu (current President of Persatuan Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Malaysia in Bangsar, Malaysia) will be one of those who will be assisting to control the situation in India at that time. Then, from there, the whole world will slowly come into our hands.

Though God tells us that the creation of the new world will only take place (in the material sense) when we ( Raja Yogis ) are ready, the fatal bombs of the 3rd World War will be released within the next 10 to 12 years. As the Raja Yogis get more and more powerful, the date for this fatal destructive process will get closer and closer. The fatal bombs that would be released finally are those which can kill everyone on earth unless the people are protected through various means. However, since there wouldn’t be any new souls coming down from the Soul World, and since all souls would be returning to the Soul World, even those who have kept themselves protected will die without leaving any descendant to continue.

Only the deity souls would be coming into the corporeal world at that time and the Raja Yogis of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University would be providing them with perfect corporeal bodies through the power of Yoga. The new world would be created in Northern India at about the time when the fatal bombs are released. Then, during the next 30 years, there will be expansion of this heavenly world and slowly, heaven will exist all over the world. Then, only the Deity Religion will exist and it will be the dynasty of the deity religion. Miracles are going to happen through what is happening in the Brahma Kumaris.

If you wish to have further information or clarification, you could contact me at :

No.30, Jalan PJS 9/30, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel: 03-56359037 or 03-56362419; E-mail: bkry (AT) streamyx (DOT) com; Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Post Box No.2, Mount Abu, 307501 Rajasthan, India ; Tel: 91-2974-38261 to 68; Fax: 91-2974-38952 /38883;
E-mail: bkabu (AT) vsnl (DOT) com

(*) It is considered that Vincente Fox, Mexican president at the time and a real BK promoter, was one of his friends.
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Re: A letter to the President

Post01 Jun 2013

Misty wrote:As far as I know, in their history, the BKWSO has, on serveral occasions, written letters to world leaders in order to persude them to their religion. I came across this one.

I don't know if it's authethic. If the date is correct it was send to George W Bush. (*)

(*) It is considered that Vincente Fox, Mexican president at the time and a real BK promoter, was one of his friends

It's authentic and it's part of a 70 year tradition of nearly every Brahma Kumari sending crazy letters to anyone rich, powerful or famous from Lekhraj Kirpalani down.

If you have not read some of the early ones, I recommend finding them on the forum. My favorite is the one to the 'military leaders of the world' actually encouraging them to enact marshal law and scorched earth tactics.

And Vincente Fox's contact person was Brian Bacon in his pre-OLA BK days. Perhaps with whom the SML (self-management leadership) OLA (Oxford Leadership Academy) era started for the BKs.

Do they really think world leaders really care? You tell me what is going on inside that mentality and what inspires it.

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