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married to a bk !!!

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Joined: 27 Jan 2005
Posts: 9

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:42 am    Post subject: married to a bk !!!

where to start !!
been married now for only 4 months, knew that he was in to bk, in the year before we got married he went to 6 meetings, so not a prob not into it in a big way,, just after xmas he become very withdrawn, moody we had a bad row one night when he said some very hurtful things to me, so next morning he go to meditaion at 6am, came back a differnt person, I cant forget what he said but can forgve, since then he has been going more and more, mornings n evenings,, I went to one with him,, only a samll meditating class, but after sitting in silence for 45 mins, one bk seemed to put me on the spot, asking why icame ? if i was happy with my life ? did i know who i was, how life could be so much better for me etc etc, I said i am happy only came for my husband, certainly wont be going again !!
he says he loves me, but i dont feel loved anymore, feel that he led me into false pretences..

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:07 am    Post subject: married to a bk !!!


In my opinion the BKs are not family first, they insist on celibacy, not having children and not building a financial future as the end of the world in near (new destruction 2006). Also, ask to have a talk and see if he plans on being celibate during the marriage? Big question, get it in writing!

I had to look you up (prior posts to remember you as you haven't been here recently). I hope it goes well for you.

Where is that Ex-London guy when we need him! Paging Ex-L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read his post to WC and maybe if we pray real hard he might see fit to visit and give us his thoughts on the subject.



P.S. Does he have a BK ring? Does he have a wedding ring?

Joined: 27 Jan 2005
Posts: 9

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 10:19 am    Post subject:

thank you for your reply have asked him when I first found out if he was to become celibate, he said no, but how would i feel, i said that sex is a very important part of relatioship in my view... so if that was case well !!!
I have my family so do not want children anyway so thats not issue, just feel totally pushed away, after last nights meeting I was the one that was made to feel an outsider, like i was a naughty kid a school,, dont like feeling like that..

as for the bk ring no he doestn wear one and yes he has a wedding ring..

thanks teresa

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:05 am    Post subject: Married to a BK !!!


Did he ever get the ring? Is the ring in the house? If he is still going to the centers and has the ring in the house you have a problem. Honestly, do read Ex-London's reply to WC or just look up his posts. Funny reading as he is a bit of a story teller and quite a hoot. I do believe he even suggests some reading material!

In the mean time write yourself a letter today before you get lost. If you begin to feel out of sorts, pull the letter out and read it. A message in a bottle to yourself for the day you need it. Keep telling (affirming) yourself you are wonderful, beautiful and smart. Don't let them BK organization break you.

Read posts to him from the ones that have left.



Joined: 27 Jan 2005
Posts: 9

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:13 am    Post subject:

Thanks Tete,
It is hard feel brow beaten, but at some time am a strong person with a lot of firends n family, my idea of enjoyment is going down local having good old gossip with them, chatting non stop bout anything n everything,, in general having good laugh..
dont get me wrong i do enjoy romantic nights with my husband, which im supposed to be doing tomorrow night, although my heart not in it, will go ahead,, I am a great talker so i would get nothing out of sitting in quiet, trying to find my inner self,, I have enough with keeping my outer one in trim LOL !!!

As for the ring he has never mentioned it, i have never heard anything bout it til you mentioned it, as far as i know he doesnt own one, i have never seen it put it that way !!!

have started reading posts of london, although not had to much time today as in work,, will try to read through them...


Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:17 am    Post subject:

What you did by attending the meeting was good. However, don't let anyone get at you or get in your way, BK or non BK.
Don't let your love be hurt by anything around you, including even your partner (applies to friends, family, colleagues, pets, etc). It will be them who are missing out on you. Let who and what you want into your life, the rest can go into the bin. Razz

Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 8:20 pm    Post subject:

Teresa wrote:
after last nights meeting I was the one that was made to feel an outsider, like i was a naughty kid a school,, dont like feeling like that..

Correct me if I'm wrong somebody, please Wink

But (depending how deep your husband is intending to get into the organisation) isn't any non-BK considered an outsider eventually anyway Question

That keeping up contact with the 'unenlightened' will only compromise your "stage" (and therefore, the possibility of attaining the Golden Age??)

Joined: 28 Nov 2005
Posts: 10
Location: Singapore

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:09 am    Post subject: Re: Married to a BK !!!

Tete wrote:

Did he ever get the ring? Is the ring in the house? If he is still going to the centers and has the ring in the house you have a problem. Honestly, do read Ex-London's reply to WC or just look up his posts. Funny reading as he is a bit of a story teller and quite a hoot. I do believe he even suggests some reading material!

In the mean time write yourself a letter today before you get lost. If you begin to feel out of sorts, pull the letter out and read it. A message in a bottle to yourself for the day you need it. Keep telling (affirming) yourself you are wonderful, beautiful and smart. Don't let them BK organization break you.

Read posts to him from the ones that have left.



Dear Teresa,

What's the meaning of the ring? Tell me. My bf (who's a BK) has a BK ring. What does that mean? Does that mean any special responsibilities? Enlighten me.


Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:20 am    Post subject: Hopefully objective with passage of time


Please read Gyaniwasi's full post in Hopefully objective with the passage of time as it is a classic and explains many things that you will need. He truly did a very touching explanation and Howie did a good explanation too.


4. Dadi Kumarka and Dadi Prakashmani are one and the same person. She is the Administrative Head of the BKs and has always been based in Madhuban. In earlier times (the ‘70’s and early ‘80’s) there were two heads: one was called Didi and the other, Dadi (Prakashmani). Didi ‘left the body’ in 1982. I remember her as a very sweet person who placed a silver ring on my wedding finger as a marriage band to signify my total commitment to Baba. [I had become ‘fully surrendered’ you see] Back then, it was felt that those westerners who visited Madhuban earlier (like in 1975) or who were considered extra-special (perhaps ‘Golden Aged’ material) were given golden rings. These rings had a red egg-shaped stone or glass material embedded in them with a gold or silver dot in the middle. As I said, we used to speculate that the type of ring signified your future status. All part of the psychological baggage we carried with us …

Also check out this link as it mentions your question about BKs thinking they are Angels under the thread Testimony of a former member of Brahma Kumaris.


Also check out the Play House and look for the thread with RING! Wink


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