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human evolution

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Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:45 am    Post subject: human evolution

What is the next step for human evolution?
Is it the development of the third eye that will create the next branch of the human evolutionary tree?
Is the avyakt form the next step in the species?
Idea Question Idea
om shanti

Joined: 22 Feb 2004
Posts: 167

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:08 am    Post subject:

Hi Wahl,
Thanks for opening this topic. I can't go into details now but off the top of my head the best exposition I've read on this is Ouspensky's The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution. Briefly, it is an introductory series of lectures explaining, among other things, Man's existence on Earth in seven categories i.e. 1. Physical Man; 2. Emotional Man; 3. Intellectual Man; 4. Mystical Man and Nos 5, 6, and 7 are higher categories of Mystical Man.

Mme. Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine should also give some insight. Check out The Mahatma Letters also (all available online.

I think you've entered the realm of the esoteric actually and for purposes of this forum we might need a sort of transitional discourse. One that I think might be helpful is Alan Watts's The Supreme Identity , which I've just started reading and which is a discourse on Western (Christian) theology and Eastern spirituality. I find it particularly relevant since it explains the very issue of our need for images as analogies for spiritual experiences and concepts, something we've been discussing under a...xbk's first post.

I'll try to rejoin this discussion when I'm less pressed. I'm interested in seeing how it develops since the BKs don't explain Man's higher development beyond stating the practice of "Purity" as the path to attaining deity status. Apart from attaining 16 celestial degrees I can't recall hearing the kind of insights or details given on esoteric paths. The reason might be summed up in an observation by one Coventry Patmore and quoted by Alan Watts:
The work of the Church in the world is not to teach the mysteries of life, so much as to persuade the soul to that arduous degree of purity at which God Himself becomes her teacher. The work of the church ends when the knowledge of God begins.

So ... question: Are the BKs essentially a "Church"?

"Those were the days my friend ...."

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:36 pm    Post subject:

Ouspensky's The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution

Thanks Gy, I found this link is really interesting.

om shanti

Joined: 18 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:38 pm    Post subject:

gyaniwasi wrote:
So ... question: Are the BKs essentially a "Church"?


i say yes Exclamation
The work of the church ends when the knowledge of God begins.

The BKs sure can't answer any deep questions and nor do the murlis... I am currently reading Blavastky's "the Secret Doctrine" having already read "The Veil of Isis" (which took me a year or so.... and i expect the Secret Doctrine to take longer... very heavy going - i can only handle a couple of pages at a time) - and i have already encountered in these books (written in the 1870's) almost all of BK gyan and a great deal more detail and fascinating concepts.. and I haven't even got to Book2 yet which is the one that deals with human evolution... However I can talk from my own near death experience 17 years ago which indicated that the planet is about to be reformed as per BK gyan, and that the next civilisation will be very paradise-like - I never saw any palaces or vemens or fancy technology, this was a garden, and the people were small (compared to now) with bigger heads, like childrens, but these were adults - everything was innocent and beautiful and loving - we swam naked in a pool and walked around playing - communication was largely (but not exclusively) telepathic. Put it this way, I was upset for days after the experience that it hadn't been for real as i didn't want back in THIS world after experiencing it!

So i fully believe in an impending new age - time is not an issue as, when we are out of our bodies between lives, millions of years could go by and seem like a blink of an eye. The new age will be very spiritual compared to now. Matter will be very subtle compared to now - we could walk through each other but won't, and we can create anythng we want or need with simple thoughts - real mind over matter. I can happily accept the Buddhist belief in multiple copies of the world - whereby there are seven copies of this world on different dimensions, and evolution moves from one to the next in a cycle (or spiral) - the first world is extremely subtle and basic, and each one gets more complex and more dense and material until our current version, number 4, which is the densest and most base. The next three will each be progressively less dense and more spiritually evolved. So by this theory we are about to migrate to version 5 where we and everything on the planet will be more spiritually advanced and less dense and material. And it keeps getting better until we are back to the start, then (they say) the most advanced of us will hightail it to a completely different and yet more advanced planet and start doing the rounds there.... who can say, but it sounds like more fun than doing exactly the same thing over and over again in a circle....


Joined: 22 Feb 2004
Posts: 167

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 10:50 am    Post subject:

Thanks for sharing this Howiemac! I really admire your dedication and energy in a renewed search. Seems like there's such a vast field to explore out there - and we are so wary of gurus now - that sharing is the next best thing as a sign post.

Whal: thanks a million for that link. I have a copy of the Fourth Way and read from it when I get the urge. They are most likely right in stating their 'proof-of-the-pudding-is-in-the-eating' advice, but many of us we are still suffering from the effects of indigestion and are very cautious about 'what to eat' Exclamation This business of 'once bitten twice shy' keeps recurring ... Any ideas on how to deal with that?

Again, one misses the after class discussions - outside the ambit of the Centre - which would allow for critical assessment and real sharing of experiences, which in turn leads to real spiritual growth.

"Those were the days my friend ...."

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:14 am    Post subject:

I think you are probably best to starve yourself Gy!
The thing is, I don't see why we have to attach ourselves to anyone or anything or any particular philosophy exclusively. There is a real art to be mastered in learning to keep your distance and, as Baba would say, pick out the jewels. Your truth will always resonate with you.
I am grateful for this forum because it has made me realise that there are other intelligent souls that have been through similar experiences as myself. When you are alone you think that you are the failure and the BK's are 100% on the right track. The Brahmins are on their own right track, that's for sure, because they are following Brahma, but it wasn't enough for me. So, now I'm picking up jewels wherever I can. I just have to remember to keeping polishing them!
om shanti

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 3:36 pm    Post subject:

I once had the opportunity to look through some of the boxes of papers at Yale University of Ouspensky's lectures, letters and so on, and in them there was a letter to Ouspensky from someone who had met with someone or other in the Sufi tradition in the mideast. The Sufi said that truth was like the hub of a wheel, and there are as many ways leading to it as there are spokes to the hub of the wheel. But it was important to find one's spoke and stick with it, because by jumping from spoke to spoke one got no nearer the center.

There may be many ways to the truth, but for me there is one, one that recognizes others, and can do so without condemnation.

quote from John Raithel
om shanti
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