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" Knowing God " and long term effects of hypnagog
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Joined: 11 Oct 2005
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Location: the Netherlands

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 2:58 pm    Post subject:

Pff, this is really hard stuff to understand when english is not your first language!
Want to say this: the 'higher world' is real, very real, and so are its inhabitants. When you surrender to this world, anything can happen. Maybe nice and good feeling things in first instance, but be warned! All ghostly and demonic contacts are there to tie you and not to set you free.
God doesn't want to contact you because you need some feeling or experience. He wants to have contact with you because He loves you and wants all the best for you. That's why he warns for all contacts with ghosts and demons, because you will lose your will and common sense. God created us with soul, body and mind in order to use it. He calls us to worship Him with all of our heart, soul, strenght and COMMON SENSE. Don't deliver yourself to something or someone, unless you know (yes, you can know, it's not maybe this or maybe that) for sure who or what it is. In all kind of religions there are demonic influences, because people can not make the difference.
Good luck in distinguishing ,
a God loving soul
Luke 6:27-38

Joined: 18 May 2005
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Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:33 am    Post subject:

sister wrote:
Don't deliver yourself to something or someone, unless you know (yes, you can know, it's not maybe this or maybe that) for sure who or what it is.... Good luck in distinguishing

I wish I knew exactly what is going on in the BK meditation rooms, especially during drishti when someone is conducting. For a couple of years I was "allowed" to conduct: at the centre I ttennded, this was a "reward" you get for being good, nothing to do with "channelling" ability. I always found it a demanding responsibility, but very rewarding in terms of spiritual experiences. The experience was cosnistently of spiritual energy flowing through you, in through the top of your head and out through your eyes (or forehead?), which you directed at the others in the room. I saw many lights around peoples heads, various colours, often large white haloes, sometimes golden crowns, and often vague shifting patches of colours above the heads. Often there was a powerful feeling of 'connection' with the other soul as you gave them 'drishti'. And the powerful feeling of connection above, where the energy was coming from.

My point is that I never 'knew' who or what this energy was coming from. I did feel intuitively that it was always very elevated and very beneficial energy, and that I was being used by benevolent souls or a benevolent power to reach other souls and hand on these divine energies, for their benefit.

I do not know, not least because discussion on the topic was consistently discouraged, what the people on the receiving end felt. But I do know that what I felt when on the receiving end of such drishti from others (and none more than Dada Janki) that the experiences could be very powerful and very uplifting. Sometimes you would feel burnt out by the energy, but this always seemed to lead to benefit also: the fire of yoga stripping away the rubbish from your soul... I certainly had no problem accepting all the standard BK explanations for what was going on - ie God's energy being channelled directly through a 'conductor' to other souls. But it may have been the energy of other angelic souls. I don't know, and I don't see how you can always tell. I always had faith in the entity or entities providing the energy, and on a few special occasions I was sure, as sure as I could be, that I was dealing directly with God, simply because the energy was so awesome (eg drishti from BapDada in Madhuban).

Whatever, I do believe that connection with divine energy through raja yoga is 'safe', in that you are vibrating at such a high spiritual frequency that the more base spiritual entites out there will simply flee from you and will not be able to produce an equivalent experience.

I don't believe the entities involved in BK channelling are in any way dangerous. I see it/them as God and the/an angelic host, working together, but I don't KNOW. However my experiences in this area have always been very positive and beneficial.

Joined: 11 Oct 2005
Posts: 8
Location: the Netherlands

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:09 pm    Post subject:

When I was at BK I never doubt that the energy I felt was from God Himself. It was all positive. When I left BK the problems started. I wanted to be 'free' again, but I've been teased terribly by bad spirits and demons, during the day, but also in nightmares.
Reading many stories of others, who were involved in any kind of cult, yoga or something else, the problems also started when they were to leave or wanted to be freed from such cults. As long as they stayed, nothing was wrong.
I'm happy for you, that you've been able to leave BK without such experiences. That's why I'm worried about connecting to astral world (as they say: the wolve dresses in sheepclothes).
Luke 6:27-38

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 2:16 pm    Post subject:

I saw many lights around peoples heads, various colours, often large white haloes, sometimes golden crowns, and often vague shifting patches of colours above the heads.

This has also been my experience on many, many occasions in my meditation, in BK company and sometimes, although more rarely, in ordinary every company. The accompanying vibrations are always benevolent, loveful and peaceful. This is soul consciousness. The last time I experienced this was this morning.................in BK company incidentally! Cool Smile

with Love

Joined: 18 May 2005
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Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:57 am    Post subject:

It certainly is refreshing for me to be able to share 'psychic' experiences gained through raj yoga, or as a result of it, in this forum, and to find that others have been experiencing very similar things. During 4 years involvement with the Brahma Kumaris, I sought this kind of feedback continually and almost never got it. There were one or two individuals who responded in kind, and to them i remain very grateful, but they were exceptional.

The BKs make a big thing of 'sharing' experiences, but on sharing mine the general reactions were blankness or silence or a rapid change of subject. I was told by the centre co-ordinator that I was a bit psychic and this might cause me problems. Meanwhile, for me, the 'psychic' experiences were what made it all worthwhile and 'real', the main reason I kept going...

I found the rigid control exercised over discussions of gyan and sharing of yoga experiences very dispiriting.. by the time I left the BKs it had become clear to me that many (the majority of?) BKs had little or no experience of the altered states that raj yoga produces... yes they would experience peace or well-being and at times would shine radiantly after yoga, but no light or other visions.

Seems to me that only a few get these experiences, and I feel lucky to be included. I suspect that the issue of yoga experiences was avoided so often because people were unwilling to expose their own lack of 'experience'... Confused

Anyway its good to out of the asylum and back in the real world... Very Happy

Joined: 11 Oct 2005
Posts: 8
Location: the Netherlands

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:07 pm    Post subject:

Would it be the same: seeing the light and colours aroud someone as you mentioned, and what aurareaders can see? Then it would be not only an experience of yoga, but some kind of gift?[/quote]
Luke 6:27-38

Joined: 18 May 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Scotland

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:16 am    Post subject:

sister - i suspect it is the same thing - i have seen illustrations by people who can see auras, and it certainly looks similar. i have only seen this when in intense yoga, and if it is a gift, then it is a gift from God Smile
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