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The siren call of hungry ghosts

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Joined: 26 Feb 2004
Posts: 98

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:32 pm    Post subject: The siren call of hungry ghosts

Normally, the "Good books" topic in the "Any and everything" forum would be more appropriate for a post like this. However, I think you'll come to understand why I posted this in the main forum instead.

This afternoon I was looking at the TV show "Beyond". At the end of the program, they very briefly previewed the upcoming episode, which is about ghosts, poltergeists and what are referred to in Buddhism as "Pretas" - hungry ghosts. Interestingly, it was said that these pretas feed off the emotions of human beings. What is intriguing is that the emotion that feeds them the most is fear. They apparently create the fear and then feed off of it.

Joe Fisher was mentioned. A competent writer, he had earlier written "The case for reincarnation", "Life between life" and "Predictions". His last book was "The siren call of hungry ghosts". It dealt with channeling. Tragically, burdened by personal problems, as well as claims that he was troubled by spirits who were angered by the book he wrote, Fisher committed suicide in May 2001.

You can read a bit about the book at these sites:




And here are a few sites that explain what pretas are:



Joined: 19 Apr 2004
Posts: 66

PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:25 am    Post subject:

creepy!!! Shocked

there are things happening we don't understand, me I just hide under the covers thank-you-very-much Laughing Wink

PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:36 am    Post subject:

You can simulate whatever reality you believe in. So I'd rather not believe in their indepedent existance ... either way it is, this attitude is simply the most beneficial Wink

Joined: 22 Feb 2004
Posts: 167

PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 10:05 pm    Post subject:

Atma: my latest screen saver is an awesome deep space shot from the Hubble space telescope. We live in a tiny part of a vast cosmos suffused with numerous phenomena. It's a tremendous hubris to suppose we're alone as "intelligent" beings in this universe. I say this as a preface to inviting you to check out the 'crackpot' views of a writer like David Icke who, interestingly, has a similar theory of beings feeding off the emotion of fear. In his case the beings are a destructive breed of aliens working in collusion with certain prominent world leaders including the royal families of England and Europe and the leaders of the USA. As a matter of fact one of their greatest feats was supposed to have been 9/11. See his book on the Matrix (can't recall the exact title now). Lots to feed on there Shocked

"It's a strange, strange world we live in master jack" and, in my state of evolution, I'm in no position to judge conclusively the veracity or hoax in any of this. What I don't doubt is the existence of different levels of beings existing on a scale of consciousness from microbes or 'lower' to arch-angels and higher; and in planes of existence from the material/gross to the spiritual/subtle (see, for instance, Omraam Mikhael Aivanov's "Angels").

It's a matter of scales of vibrations. Remember, matter and energy are interconvertable. Check out Fritjof Capra's 'The Tao of Physics', for instance, for an idea of vibratory scales bridging the physical and spiritual realms. I feel ghosts fit in somewhere along that spectrum - some are good/harmonious/beneficial; others bad/chaotic/destructive. I guess what matters is to have a good idea of where one fits in on 'the scale of being' while inhabiting Earth and to understand one's path of evolution.

"Those were the days my friend ...."
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