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Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:19 pm    Post subject: News Desk...

News Desk

Charlie Hogg ineterview January 17th, 2006:http://news.inq7.net/lifestyle//xbkchat/index.html"images/smiles/icon_wink.gif" alt="Wink" border="0" />



Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:12 am    Post subject: News Desk/fixed the link!

Charlie Hogg ineterview January 17th, 2006:

The link should work now. Embarassed


Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:05 pm    Post subject: The nonagenarian Dadi Janki

Dadi Janki's 90th birthday party article.




Joined: 22 Feb 2004
Posts: 167

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 1:53 pm    Post subject:

Thanks for the link on Charlie Tete. Check for reference under a...xbk's post.

"Those were the days my friend ...."

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 10:02 pm    Post subject: http://positivequotes.blogspot.com/

Brahma Kumaris in Mt Abu have started a Blog with the following:

Free Positive Quotes, Positive Thinking,Motivation Sayings,Inner Peace Thoughts,Love Poems

Free Positive Quotes Blog - Our aim is to provide Rare Positive Thinking Quotes, Help you to attain Inner Peace in your Life. Daily Motivation Sayings for you to Develop Positive Thinking. Special Love Poems, Inspiration Quotes and Thoughts to achieve Inner Peace. Develop your soul in a right direction with our daily positive thinking quotes and making it attractive to God. Enjoy and Feel Positive, Spread Love, Peace and Happiness every where.

They post a daily thought....this may be of interest to current BKs and others here. It is a little like their positive thoughts book they sell. The comment section is lacking as is common with all Brama Kumaris sites. So, here is the link:




Joined: 08 Feb 2006
Posts: 27

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:53 am    Post subject:

Charlie Hogg interview January 17th, 2006:

Hogg says that the less influenced you are by people, the more you can help them. “Even when a mother has a desperately sick child, a nurse is better to look after the child because the nurse is loving but the nurse is not so caught up in the worry. It’s a blessing in life when you don’t feel so influenced and so sensitive."

The past year, my son was at the hospital for three days. He was a baby (1 year old) and he was frightened because he took medicine by vein and It was difficult for the nurses to find the right vein... I slept in a chair with him on my body and he slept holding his father hand because he wants to feel secure. It was terrible. He was really sick and frightened. When we left the hospital, doctor said that he could has nightmares and wake up at night screaming. But there was a chance to this not happen and he forget the hospital quickly because we, the parents, became close all the time. We return to our home and he never had any problem with nightmares. He continue to sleep alone in his bedroom without problems.

I believe that parent´s love cannot be substitute for any nurse.
Of course Charlie didn´t has experience in this subject and talked about theory...

regards for all
   MSN Messenger

Joined: 09 Nov 2004
Posts: 102

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:17 pm    Post subject:

Sanvean wrote:
Charlie Hogg interview January 17th, 2006:

Hogg says that the less influenced you are by people, the more you can help them. “Even when a mother has a desperately sick child, a nurse is better to look after the child because the nurse is loving but the nurse is not so caught up in the worry. It’s a blessing in life when you don’t feel so influenced and so sensitive."

The past year, my son was at the hospital for three days. He was a baby (1 year old) and he was frightened because he took medicine by vein and It was difficult for the nurses to find the right vein... I slept in a chair with him on my body and he slept holding his father hand because he wants to feel secure. It was terrible. He was really sick and frightened. When we left the hospital, doctor said that he could has nightmares and wake up at night screaming. But there was a chance to this not happen and he forget the hospital quickly because we, the parents, became close all the time. We return to our home and he never had any problem with nightmares. He continue to sleep alone in his bedroom without problems.

I believe that parent´s love cannot be substitute for any nurse.
Of course Charlie didn´t has experience in this subject and talked about theory...

regards for all

Glad to hear your baby survived that experience with his sense of security intact. Hospitals are sometimes helpful, always dangerous. The only way to ensure that a loved one be safe in that environment is to stay with the person around the clock,study the issues for yourself, be prepared to ask questions in every single meeting, ask for extra meetings whenever an important decision arises, review the results of every single blood test or other lab test, make sure to repeat any tests that show a worrisome result,and stay calm until all the data comes in. Be cautious about pulling the trigger for some big surgical procedures or powerful medicines; there should be convincing studies dealing with the condition, gender and age group of your person. And then if you can learn some alternatives to the ice pillow for fevers and the suction for vacuuming out the person's throat, and any other techniques from traditional medicine, you run a much greater chance of helping and a much lower risk of injuring the person. Most medical decisions are based on not much more than high-school level knowledge of anatomy and biochemistry, ofen not based on knowledge at all, but merely conventions of which the vast majority have not been scientifically reviewed.

I am not talking about the best of the best care, which can sometimes be good, but about routine care, which is very often bad despite honest intentions and dedication on the part of doctors and nurses both.

That quote from Charlie is the bread-and-butter stuff they have repeated year in and year out since I first heard such talks in early 1982. So not worth worrying about. These are the same kinds of stories as all the knee-jerk, guilt-inducing cr*p that looking in retrospect I can see there is nothing in it--just the faith of the fearful--so why get upset and even bother to call it cr*p.

Someone once approached science-fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon at a convention and said, "90% of science fiction is cr*p." His answer: "90% of everything is cr*p." I would say that holds true for religion, auto mechanics, and doctors, and a whole lot else.

It is a fallacy, I believe, that a formulaic application of philsophy or technology could ever approach the successes of the dedicated best and brilliant. "Just paint colors in these numbered areas and you can achieve the successes of Van Gogh or El Greco."

Joined: 05 Mar 2006
Posts: 8
Location: Oxfordshire

PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:07 pm    Post subject:

I agree with Tete. Babies and children need love and care. Humans need to love and care and to be loved and be cared for. It is an essential part of us to be in relationship. I remember the first massage I had after leaving the BKs. I wept out of relief from the starvation of contact. It affirmed me; made me glad to be.

Cuddling the little ones, hugging your friends, holding the hand of a troubled soul are just a few of the beauties of life. If that is body consciousness, bring it on! Very Happy
If God wanted me up at 4am, she would not have invented sleep.

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:23 am    Post subject: SATYUG IS AS SURE AS DEATH


This article is by far the most truthful I have come across in the public arena as to the BK beliefs. Idea The writer Suma Varughese from www.lifepositive.com is a true credit to journalism. Very Happy Most articles I have found have been full of fluff filled with BK PR material... this one is worth reading and is truly objective.

For the full article click on the link below:


Life Positive, January 1998

The BKs believe that as the millennium approaches, and the calamities of Kaliyug assume more fearsome proportions, more and more will reach their doorstep, all of whom must be accommodated. So what horrors lie ahead of us and what will Satyug be like? The BKs have all the answers. The Kaliyug scenario is grim enough. America and much of Europe will be destroyed by a nuclear bomb, and Australia will become an island. Much of the earth's land mass will be submerged. India will suffer a civil war. Mumbai will return to the sea. As time goes on, grain will become inedible and there will be no drinking water. Money will be valueless.

In order to withstand those days and give succor to the suffering, the BKs are urged to develop themselves and become spiritually powerful. But cheer up. All this is necessary for the glorious dawning of Satyug. And the prognosis is good. Laxmi and Narayan will be the ruling deities. Under them, all will live like a happy family, without regard for status and hierarchy. There will still be servants and masters, but the arrangements will be informal, as in a family. While some will be wealthier than others, all will be prosperous. There will be no courts, jails, judges or lawyers because there will be no criminals. Likewise, since all will be free of desires, there will be no accounting.

People give what they have and those who want take. The weather will be perpetual spring. Fruits of all flavors will ply year round, so that instead of cooking, all we will need is to use the juice of whatever flavored fruit we wish for. Cooking, if any, will be by solar power and planes, our main form of locomotion, will be sourced by atomic power. Birdsong will be as melodious as a musical instrument, and musical instruments themselves will play at a touch. Everyone will be an artist, and there will be an abundance of music, art and games.

Life spans will increase to 150 years on an average. Males will not have a beard. And yes, reproduction will transpire through yogic power and not sexual union. Now for the catch. Only 900,000 souls will make the grade. If you would like to be one of them, you know where to go and what to do.



Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 1:25 pm    Post subject: There's something about falling

Personal account by an XBK:

New Straits Times Online
April 3
Paul Menezes talks about his transformation and journey through life’s peaks and valleys. ANITA ANANDARAJAH writes.


However, after 10 years in meditation, stress came back to haunt Paul. Meditation had become his other obsession.

“Position, power and desire were overwhelming. Yoga is no different from the outside world. I was disillusioned and frustrated with myself for not understanding.

“People see us as humble but as time went by I felt like I was lying. I wanted things — I wanted a car. My body doesn’t deal well with stress. It was time to make a change again.”

He knew it was time to return to the business world.

It was a long climb from the bottom where he had to learn how to use a computer, a skill he missed out on in the years he was away.

Joined: 24 Feb 2006
Posts: 21

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:38 pm    Post subject: article

Hi, Tete,

who is this guy? how did you find this? so now he is not a BK ??

curious....but he is right: we have to feel good about ourselves !! Cool

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 7:51 pm    Post subject: News Desk


I have a little news alert I use to let me know of any BK PR or BK related stories. Some are just PR stuff and I check them out and file them, others like this one are of value in that here you have an XBK speaking to a newspaper and telling his story. Smile He is honest and has innocence about him.

I have a couple other stories I will post that just arrived at the filter stage and will post later. This is significant as others will begin to tell their stories too. There is hope yet.

The criteria I use is that the stories have to be BK related and in the public domain. So, I for one am glad that he is happy and getting on with his life and showing a big smile at that...got to love em for that!


P.S. Drop a line if you are in my area.

Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 10:01 pm    Post subject:

Tete wrote:
The BKs have all the answers. The Kaliyug scenario is grim enough. America and much of Europe will be destroyed by a nuclear bomb, and Australia will become an island. Much of the earth's land mass will be submerged. India will suffer a civil war. Mumbai will return to the sea.

"Australia will become an island???"

I knew the BK Seniors in India are largely uneducated, but...uh....!? Shocked

Someone better call the Aust Army back from Iraq...this is serious! Laughing

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 2:15 pm    Post subject: Sectas: Control del espíritu y reforma de los pensamientos

Tomas, Sanvean and Bluewing,

I found this report by

Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Eloy Rodríguez-Valdés

Características, funcionamiento y consecuencias psicosociales del fenómeno sectario.


after searching an academic report review where it mentioned the Brahma Kumaris as one sect that was studied and a mention of interviewing ex-members. I still don't have the complete report (this seems to be a major part of that report) and my apologies to the others in that it is in Spanish but the material within the report merits discussion as it mentions many of the topics that XBKs are speaking of here, including why XBKs are here in this type of forum (it mentions it within the report) and it gives conclusions/findings.

In the academic review where I first saw this mentioned it gave several points in English taken from the report and one that was of interest to me. The need to suppress, hide ones involvement in such a group (the reasons for this) and the freedom of coming out (We see XBKs that are already at that stage here on this forum)...coming to terms with ones association with said group in a public way. Idea I am not there yet Shocked even as an NBK but it does give me hope in knowing that eventually it will happen...and it will be OK!

* Brahma Kumaris (Universidad Espiritual Internacional)

Las Sectas Destructivas se pueden CLASIFICAR en cuatro grandes
grupos, a saber:

Sectas Destructivas: Serían aquellas sectas destructivas que no se
encuentran clasificadas en los otros tres grupos. Abarcaría a las
sectas más importantes, peligrosas, numerosas en cantidad de
y muchas de ellas con varias décadas de existencia. Entre otras
muchas cabría citarse las siguientes: Ananda Marga, Brahma

So, in closing can you read the report and share with the others (in related threads on the forum....) as you are all XBKs.

Thank you in advance.



Tete Quoted an article by writer Suma Varughese for www.lifepositive.com:
The BKs have all the answers. The Kaliyug scenario is grim enough. America and much of Europe will be destroyed by a nuclear bomb, and Australia will become an island. Much of the earth's land mass will be submerged. India will suffer a civil war. Mumbai will return to the sea.

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 5:22 pm    Post subject: Meditation QA's

What Are the Dangers of Meditation?


Monks and Sex

A Tale of Two Paths: The Renunciate and the Householder

Egolessness and Detachment

Did you know? There are Love Meditations and Hatred Meditations Shocked


How to Make Yourself Miserable in Meditation


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