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I thought I'd left before...

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Joined: 03 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2005 4:15 pm    Post subject: I thought I'd left before...


Now I can firmly consider myself to be an xbk! before i was just angry with the bk family and quietly left, my faith in Baba (Dada Lek.) was fainter, but still quitely within I thought I will return and gain my place albiet numberwize in the goldenage! for years as this" lapse-brahmin" I put on hold so much, believing myself to be a failure, unable to commit to god, had lost interest in the "real world". When suddenly against the odds I became a mother, and it has changed my life around! Discovering this site has felt empowering. I love to read the articles, previously I thought all exBK's became invisable! fade away good to see so many beautiful souls having got their heads back!


Administrator's note:

XBKchat extends a warm welcome to flipper. Flipper made this post in the "Visitors' Comments" forum. However, while members can RESPOND to posts started by visitors (ie non members) in the Visitor's forum, members cannot START new topics in that forum. And flipper is now a member of XBKchat. As such, we have transferred this post from the Visitors' forum to this the main forum.


PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 12:31 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti Bhai!

Flipper welcome and enjoy. Very Happy

Why where you so angry?

Take Care,

Joined: 26 Feb 2004
Posts: 98

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 5:37 pm    Post subject:

Welcome to the club flipper! Papaya, you ask why she is angry. Maybe some answers can be found in this review of Liz Hodgkinson's book "Peace and Purity" on Amazon's site. Here is the link:



Reviewer: A reader
This book was given to me. It is a very well written and informative book. But the real truth about the Brahma Kumaris is hidden to the public, very much as Scientology is hidden to the public. Here are some of the hidden real truths about the Brahma Kumaris:
Are they a doomsday cult or a nation of sheep? They believe the more money you give to their organization, the better your position in heaven will be, or as they inisist "the greater your fortune will be". Wealthy individuals and celebrities are considered to be VIP's by God. Since when did God consider bank accounts more important than virtues? If Members fail to follow their principles they will become a servant in heaven ("Golden Age" as they call it). Servants in heaven? Aren't we all equal in heaven (Golden Age)? Speaking of heaven, they believe they will be the first and only ones in heaven. Not even Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Princess Diana, John Kennedy, Jimmy Stewart, etc. will be in the Golden Age.

The Brahma Kumaris (B.K.) believe that God told them the world is only 5,000 years old and will be destroyed soon. This is why many of them will quit college or will make no effort in earning promotions at work. If the world is only 5,000 years old, when did the dinosaurs appear? When were the pyramids built? How about the meteor craters in the Southwest? Where was Moses? The irony here is that although they preach that the world is coming to an end, they themselves will invest in the stock market and in retirement plans such as IRAs and 401Ks. Why loose weight, buy a house, or get an education when the world is coming to an end? They are brainwashed into serving the leaders of the organization in order to gain a higher status in heaven ("increasing their fortune") before the world ends.

B.K. follow a strict vegetation diet in which food can be eaten only if cooked by their members. You are not allowed to eat food even if your grandmother cooked it. However, many cheat and are not vegetarians; they dine in fast food chains and restaurants. Their unbalanced diet creates obesity and malnutrition among men and women. Many women become human hippos or end up looking like extremely flat chested skinny boys. This could be the reason why so many women (even those in the "higher status according to God") will leave the organization and become sexually insatible when they regain their former healthly figure and once again experience lust (which is forbidden because celibacy is required to enter the Golden Age.)

The once timid women will soon begin to shop at Victoria's Secret because they were required to cover themselves in drab white clothing. They flaunt themselves in extremely revealing clothes as a means of defiance. The men and women that leave the Brahma Kumaris can once again enjoy going to the movies, rock concerts, reading newspapers or novels, watching television, dating, sports, exercise, shopping, and traveling. All of these are forbidden to the Brahma Kumaris lifestyle in order to go to the Golden Age.

After being told daily by "God" that "you are impure and degraded souls", there is eventually a need to escape and return to peace and happiness in the life before the Brahma Kumaris. This explains why so many of them start partying with alcohol and drugs after experiencing such brainwashing. Many of the "deserters" become leaders, managers, start their own business, graduate from college, earn promotions at work, and most importantly, gain self-esteem and the ability to think and reason for themselves once they leave the Brahma Kumaris. However, their return to society is always haunted with guilt and hatred due to remembrance of their once abusive and perverted lifestyle. Although the suicide rate is low, this data is hidden from public view.

Remember, the members will submit excellent ratings on their books and CD's to gain potential buyers! Don't be their next sucker!

World's largest doomsday cult or a nation of sheep? You be the judge.

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 7:36 pm    Post subject:

Dear Atma
You presented a good investigation of some one about BrahmaKumaris, but it is lacking real investigation yet. I would have conclude same as that if I dint find the surrounding of peace while remembering, if I dint find accumulation of energy while rememberance. Also the lost of energy and stress experience when I dint have rememberance following shrimath. Not exactly I am trying to say that the experience I had is unique...it is of most of the BKs.. I have seen the sign of strength when with rememberance irrespect of the other circumstances. Why all this ?you can find it out yourself if you truly with heart remember him and say your desire to wake up early morning to him to do meditation. To my many surprises ( but it is no more surprise to me) I woke up as supreme soul waking me up. One time some hand trying me to wake up, one time shaking of bed to wake me up and all like this. Do I have to investigate any more the reality in Brahma kumaris? I have experience of existence of shiva, supreme soul..but it does happen only if I am true to heart about my shrimath. Shrimath I mean following of celibacy ( this is most imp), rememberance( as much possible) and churning of spirtual values and strengths.
However the shrimath what I am saying is we find in all religions but the difference is the knowledge. Christians say jesus , Muslims say allah, and other religions say some other as God. It is not strange thing or new thing to follow shrimath. I think one should investigate or only can investigate any organisation by collecting all his experiences and understand the truth why one has rejection feeling. Probabaly it needs higher level of investigation, which is on your own self ..........also this is called as honesty to your self.
Anyways its my opinion..and I know truth is always people fail in shrimath.
with love

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 1:02 pm    Post subject:

Dear Flipper
Sorry for your bitter experience in BK family. My reply above was to 'Atma' on my opinion about BKs. I know there is great life out of BKs, and I appreciate your decision in context to your situation. Even what I think is that we can't force and drag the life if there is no progress or happiness. Instead it is better to live life out in your lokik family and observe your life carefully not missing any happy moments. Welcome to share your experiences.
with love

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 7:35 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti Bhai!

From my experience many things are simply temporary happiness.

Look at Elvis Presley, Marily Manroe they had what many would dream of yet lacked happiness.

Peace of mind is what most really want.

Take Care,

Joined: 03 May 2005
Posts: 14
Location: england

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 7:26 pm    Post subject: I thought Id left before......

papaya wrote:
Om shanti Bhai!

From my experience many things are simply temporary happiness.

Look at Elvis Presley, Marily Manroe they had what many would dream of yet lacked happiness.

Peace of mind is what most really want.

Take Care,

Em not really a comparison is it ? IN answering your earlier question, I wonder if you mean "How" could I be angry with the BK's?

I felt leading a sanitized life to be unreal, yet that is what was being encouraged. In joining the" great unplugged" You too can experience Peace and Happiness yet it is a very temporary experience, and reley heavily on the work being done by the masses, yet these "Masses" ie the rest of the population, the blissfully ignorent, are just plebs (shudras). The BK's long to be recognized by everyone else. All that PR about how you can experience Peace and Happiness is just advertising, and its misleading. and another thing what have the BK's got against the word" Guru". ?
Are not the Dadi's now guru's in their own right? publishing books , holding seminar's all those devoted BK's like Bees round a honey pot, catching every word., bathing in the dristee?
Words are very powerfull and what has enabled me to distangle myself from the BKweb is to use a common language. To take resposibility for my self and appreciate being me.
love and regards Flipper

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 1:27 am    Post subject:

Hello Flipper,

what have the BK's got against the word" Guru". ?

I think that the only problem with the word guru, is that it implies exclusive surrender of one soul (devotee) to another wiser soul (guru) and that there is no possibility of the devotee attaining God without the guru there for guidance. The BK philosophy is that every soul is capable of attaining a deep relationship directly with God through yoga. The only guru therefore, is God, the Satguru.
Raj Yoga (the highest union) is not advocated in any other religion because there is always a human being that is 'declared' as the link with God. For instance, Christians say that there can only be salvation through Jesus Christ and, now, it is even said that Jesus Christ and God are the same soul. Very confusing? The Pope is another human guru.
The word manmanabhav has a very beautiful meaning. I have heard many different translations, but for me the expression 'put your mind in Me' is the most attractive. God is asking me to become silent and 'sit' beside Him so that He can teach me. It is a very subtle process that needs experimentation and practice, hence the emphasis on meditation.
with love

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 2:09 am    Post subject:

God is asking me to become silent and 'sit' beside Him so that He can teach me

Dear Wahl
Well said above quote. One need to have this motivation on self that God himself teaches. Also one can have this by having firm faith, which should arrive from ones own experience.
As faith and experiences of self & others grow up, probably I hope there would be more silence prevail in group of BKs and instead of monologue there would be more dialogue, where each and every one in group of BKs will participate as a leader. This definitely lead such a way that people will say BKs are special, but not Dadis, senior brothers, senior sisters are special in BKs.
And I also seen in Avyakt murali shivababa encouraging plans only of group but not an individual.
with love

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 2:28 am    Post subject:

Dear bhai

Also ones all BKs start feeling similar experience, then we BKs all are near to reveal Shivababa, supreme soul to the world. And this similar experience in all brings golden age naturally.

with love

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:22 am    Post subject:

om shanti

Dear Satish bhai,
It is very true what you are saying. It is so easy to get carried away with the influences and environment of the BK organisation. This is not to say that it is a bad organisation (far from it), but that it is, in essence, a group of invididuals, each with a different identity, history and sanskars.

with love
wahl Smile

om shanti

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 8:50 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti Flipper Bhai!

I am glad your happy this is good.

I hope you have better experiences with bk's.

They are not all like this or that.

Take Care,

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:28 am    Post subject:

Hello Flipper,

You are a very honest and open soul.
Words are very powerfull and what has enabled me to distangle myself from the BKweb is to use a common language. To take resposibility for my self and appreciate being me.

I think that this is very sound advice that you are giving yourself. 'Murli speak' can drive you bonkers and often does nothing but create unecessary barriers. I only really like to hear the murli from the horses mouth.
Although, I think that the entanglement you talk about applies to everything around us.......... in terms of ALL relationships and ALL circumstances There are hundred and thousands of webs, so keep your third eye open very wide. Smile Smile
good wishes Flipper

with love

om shanti

Joined: 03 May 2005
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Location: england

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 2:19 pm    Post subject:

Dear Wahl

Thankyou for your good wishes they are returned with love.
With reference to your reply to me regarding guru's, when you say"there is always a human being declared as the link with god"
I agree, and preassume you include dead ones? ie the ghost who enters dadi gulzar at madubhan. As a bk I was encouraged to fix my eyes on his photo, when I meditated, desired a link with the Supreme ., I was told that way it was easier. You couldn't enter a room at the center for photo's of "Bhrama Baba". Such intensity resulted in Bhakti , that still in a drawer lies a once prized portrait.
Im dealing with that one!

Best Wishes

Joined: 19 Jan 2005
Posts: 187
Location: Essex, England

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 4:31 pm    Post subject:

Dear Flipper,
I agree, and preassume you include dead ones? ie the ghost who enters dadi gulzar at madubhan. As a bk I was encouraged to fix my eyes on his photo, when I meditated, desired a link with the Supreme ., I was told that way it was easier. You couldn't enter a room at the center for photo's of "Bhrama Baba". Such intensity resulted in Bhakti , that still in a drawer lies a once prized portrait.

This doesn't sound right to me Flipper. Dadi Gulzar is the medium for Bapdada, (the Supreme soul and Brahmababa combined). Is this who you consider to be the ghost or is it the late Brahmababa alone?

It worries me that you were encouraged to focus so much on Brahmababa's photo. This is certainly not good because it is nothing more than bhakti. No wonder you have a hang up about gurus! Shocked

I was told that way it was easier
Can you tell me, what exactly was expected to be easier, fixing a link to God? Confused

with love
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