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End of the World?
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Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:37 pm    Post subject: End of The World?

My felings are that there can never ever be a total destruction of the Earth. There are too many metaphysical forces, call them the GAIA FACTOR, which will prevent a total destruction. However, a transformation will be taking place soon, in the next decade or two. The transformation is intricately connected to the dwindling petroleum reserves. One reason for 9/11 was the initiation of a global scheme by the neocons to secure and control ALL of the remaining natural crude oil resources around the world. The neocons (part of the Yadavs) knew more than 20 years ago that by 2015 or so, there may be no or little cride oil.
9/11 was, however, a very close call. Airforce 1 was almost shot down with the leader of the free world!
The sure sign of the transformation is close to completion will be infrastructural changes consistent with the GA or the invention of machines which are GA in nature.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

Joined: 16 Aug 2004
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Location: UK

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:34 pm    Post subject:

Dear ex London

Presuming that your are previously of GCH, you will know that Sister Jayanti has the reputation of believing destruction is 2 years away - always - apparently since the early '70s!! I must say I can't blame her; I would wish for destruction if I had to do her job.

The thread on 1976 (link given a couple of posts ago) deals with many points and I will add there another post that's better in that thread.

Regarding lokik ideas on destruction, I have collected a few books on the subject.

"Our Final Century" - Martin Rees (A Cambridge professor)
"Our Final Hour" - also by Sir Martin Rees
"A Guide to the End of the World" (Professor at UCL)
"The Party's Over" - Richard Heinberg

There's another one called something like "The 2030 Spike".

They all have their own angle from a plain commodity crises (of water, food, oil) to global warming through to more esoteric reason.

The "2030 Spike" book reckons many of the factors come together in that decade causing, if not the "end of the world", then the end of the world as we know it.

There was an Observer newspaper article as Sister from USA showed me a few years ago in Madhuban reporting a Pentagon paper about the main threats to US security and likely scenarios for use of nuclear weapons. As I recall the article spoke of a 20-40 yr timescale with the US / 1st world nuc-ing refugees deserting flooded countries after a sea level rise due to Global warming. I can't find link to the original rteprot which was on the web but I have copy which I can email if you like.

There is also the Mayans who reckone the end of the 5th Sun would come in 2012 (Dec 23rd if I remember))

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