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Do BKs cling on to those who leave?
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Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:29 am    Post subject: Do BK Cling To Those Who Leave?


You are absolutely on the button.
My question to those in the establishment or Global Market has been: What about Chaos Theory?
We all underestimate the power of our thoughts, until that day when we are witnesses of our thoughts creating good or bad circumstances.
Some mystics claim that the good thoughts from the many individuals on Earth are playing the role of slowing the degradation of the Universe.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:38 am    Post subject:


That stuff about megalomania, normal/abnormal and the Devil is pretty heavy duty judgment, dude.

didn't I just say that we all judge?
and what about the devil? do you think I am talking about some kind of entity? it just doesn't matter


In my opinion, neither of you realizes that the Global Resource Machine cares nothing for your views as long as you continue to work and drive and shop

waw, you are so smart
really, what a stupid remark is that
I could say that on every post on anything on any forum

so the talk.origin crew have seduced you Razz (they're the devil i tell you Laughing)
I'd say they have a lot of bad scientists in their group
For one, they make many mistakes because they counter creationists arguments ... that's not the good way to do science but that's how it orginated (as a response against creationism). I think that in the mean time a lot of intelligent people have realised that evolutionism is really incomplete, not coherent as a theory and more something like 'it's the only thing we've got'

Joined: 19 Apr 2004
Posts: 66

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:44 am    Post subject:

Can we quit the back and forth? Everyone is different and has their own ideas and opinions.

Joined: 22 Feb 2004
Posts: 167

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:56 pm    Post subject:

Hey Kyra, the "back and forth" can be pretty stimulating and is healthy conflict. For too long we were bred on "Ha ji". Like Admin says in the mission statement: "Let a thousand views contend" Smile Gotta run. Take care.

"Those were the days my friend ...."

Joined: 09 Nov 2004
Posts: 102

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:08 pm    Post subject: Language of peers vs. language of authority

Kevin wrote:

Joel wrote:

That stuff about megalomania, normal/abnormal and the Devil is pretty heavy duty judgment, dude.

didn't I just say that we all judge?
and what about the devil? do you think I am talking about some kind
of entity? it just doesn't matter

Are you saying that using loaded words doesn't matter? Or the fact that all of us make certain mental distinctions and categorizations is justification to casually tell someone casually they are an abnormal (as opposed to 'normal') devil-dealing megalomaniac?

(The 'abnormal' part is interesting; it seems the notion of normal/abnormal is emphasized by our schooling system with its uniformity and grading system. I refer you to The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto for insight into the cultlike aspects of typical schooling.
http://johntaylorgatto.com/chapters/index.htm )

Kevin wrote:

Joel wrote:

In my opinion, neither of you realizes that the Global Resource Machine cares nothing for your views as long as you continue to work and drive and shop

waw, you are so smart
really, what a stupid remark is that
I could say that on every post on anything on any forum

Well, do you think any amount of meditation will make a difference in people's driving habits or the melting of the Artic and Antarctic ice caps?

BKs believe that the world will be magically renewed in 100 years. I don't see how the disappeared species will somehow reappear.

And does the reality that this physical dimension of human existence so overwhelms the spiritual; is this such a common thing that to mention it is stupid? I find it a profound thing to realize that fire trumps all, and that with technology and computers we need fewer and fewer people to stoke those fires. Why have we of the rich Internet-infested nations been so unsuccessful in helping the poorer nations (or the poor in our own countries)? One can answer that it's because the dominant interest groups in each nation direct resources to industry, or because of corrupt leadership, but it seems powerfully simplifying to see that we are biased toward supporting energy-intensive activities (think bulldozer, factory) than to feeding some starving people. In fact, to feed the starving we first need to pay for ships, trucks, guns and administration so it's clear to me we are in a vicious circle.

(Reminds me of a joke.
Q: What is ODA (overseas development assistance)?
A: Taking money from poor people in rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries.)

I post because I find this view of social bias profound and can only apologize if you find it all below you or too obvious to state. I don't mean to minimize the tremendous possibilities available to the individual.

Kevin wrote:

so the talk.origin crew have seduced you Razz (they're the devil i tell you Laughing)
I'd say they have a lot of bad scientists in their group
For one, they make many mistakes because they counter creationists arguments ... that's not the good way to do science but that's how it orginated (as a response against creationism). I think that in the mean time a lot of intelligent people have realised that evolutionism is really incomplete, not coherent as a theory and more something like 'it's the only thing we've got'

I don't know if we're talking about the same people. I posed my questions about ten years ago--more memory lane stuff. The replies I got at the time were careful and polite. And I tell you, Kevin, there is nothing more powerful than losing and transforming,... uhhh... unless maybe it's winning and conquering. Laughing

So in sum, I have some problems with your style, but hey, at least you're posting.

Kyra, (if you're still reading!)

Sorry for all the ruckus. Maybe we should post a sign: Testosterone at Work. Give the BKs credit for putting women on top.

Joined: 19 Apr 2004
Posts: 66

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:52 am    Post subject:

Hi guys,

To clarify - its not that I want to stick my head in the sand, or anyone else’s, but I really feel that comments in this thread are getting really personal and that’s not the point of this forum. Leave that to the other flame throwing forums out there.

I think you are all really cool, from one end of the spectrum to the other pbk, bk, xbk, I can respect you for your points of view as long as you don't ram them down my throat. Healthy debate is exactly that, not burying your head in the sand when someone brings something up that clashes with your view of the world, and if it does and you can't handle that, then don't post back Very Happy

I'm just sprouting my view not because anyone needs protection or someone to stand up for them (as I am quite sure by now everyone can see you are all strong people). But that I don't want this board to digress into a slanging match.

Kind regards,

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:24 am    Post subject: Do The BKs Cling To Those Who Leave?

Whether the person leaves on her/his own or is banished, I feel that there are great incognito benefits to the separation. The more that the person is able to 'see' those benefits or opportunities and make them real, the better for that person.
Also, the BKs should simply be good yogis and send good thoughts in the direction of the person making the exit.
It seems that the detached attitude for the BKs toeards those who leave, frees them of any obligations, including legal and social consequences.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 8:09 am    Post subject:

So in sum, I have some problems with your style

i don't like your style either

I said what I wanted to say on hanuman (and only for the best) but all the rest that's following is not even interesting. We could go on and on about why I find it abnormal behaviour, but I don't sense constructive debate here. Give it some more time. Obviously, you don't know me very well and the opposite is probably true as well.

Joined: 20 Jan 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Paramdham

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:45 pm    Post subject: Re: Do BKs cling on to those who leave?

Atma wrote:

Reading that cached forum page, here are some of the things that struck me:

The administrator for that subforum goes by the name "Mike" and is from the UK. He wrote (at the time) that he has been practicing RY for 9 years. Kevin, do you know this dude? I know that you also were once co-admin of a BK forum.

* Notice how smoothly he handles queries about BK meditation classes etc. It all seems so pleasant and innocuous Smile In fact, the person who is asking the questions (SarahReflex) tells him he's a good salesman Smile Now, surely, someone who has been around the BKs for 9 years would know the underbelly of the beast. But Mike says nada....the game goes on Smile

Dear Atma,

I don't agree that

Atma wrote:
surely, someone who has been around the BKs for 9 years would know the underbelly of the beast.

I know western brahmins of 9 years and more who are entirely innocent of XBK issues other than maya ie they are not aware of any significant problems with BKWSU. This is not to say that they think that BKWSU is perfect, but they would say that any problems are minor and don't affect the big picture. I am not able to see their position, and they are not able to see mine - it's a karmic thing. Were they aware of XBKChat, they would not be interested in looking at it. In some cases there may be some internal repression going on ie there is some awareness of problems but this is buried. In other cases though, there is no awareness at all. One's karma whether BK, XBK, PBK or whatever unfolds in its own way. If someone doesn't have XBK karma, then XBK issues are not going to arise after 9 years or 90 years. Anyway my point is that I don't at all think that all BK's I have left behind are repressed, although many are. Some of them (not the repressed ones!) I really admire.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:54 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti!

Yes, each actor has a different role to play.

This is very interesting to understand.

Take Care,

Joined: 13 Apr 2004
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:53 pm    Post subject:



Joined: 13 Apr 2004
Posts: 10

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:02 pm    Post subject:

sorry just read first page and felt the need to say it so I did but now I feel I must say it is for Kevin who has posted as guest
Mr Green

Joined: 08 Sep 2005
Posts: 41

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:23 pm    Post subject:

I know who this mike is, in fact I knew him well............don't know it's right to so who he is on here

Joined: 18 Feb 2006
Posts: 47

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 1:29 pm    Post subject: BKs contacting XBKs

Yes, I have experienced being contacted by BKs after leaving the institution, but not in a negative way. The BKs believe that “once a brahmin, always a brahmin”, and that Ex BKs will return to gyan before the end of the cycle. If you have recognised the knowledge, the family, and the spiritual home sufficiently to become a pukka BK, then you must be a golden age soul is the reasoning, As such they feel they are being helpful to a soul who is in effect an estranged family member. This may have a sub-plot in that the person contacting the XBK could be a compulsive rescuer of other people, but that is their problem. Often, when I think of BKs I have known, I realise that they themselves were rescued from a difficult life situation by their joining of the BKWSU. ( I don’t deny some part of this applying to me, I felt saved from depression by finding baba). The rescued then becomes the rescuer. I have only experienced friendly invitations to come and take part in the BK life once more, and it has not felt intrusive or difficult. Of course, I acknowledge that the experience of other XBKs may have been different in quality from mine, and appreciate hearing all sides of the story.

Joined: 08 Nov 2005
Posts: 84

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:02 pm    Post subject:

This comes down to the clearing of karmic accounts.
Although a XBK has left the group, a BK(s) may still have the karmic account with you and hasn't been cleared by them.
This kind of effect doesn't just occur within BKs. It will happen when, say, someone you know or something you have done returns back to you when it/they have left.
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