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Cult Conference in Denver...June 2006

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Joined: 13 Mar 2004
Posts: 72

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 9:17 am    Post subject: Cult Conference in Denver...June 2006

Someone brought this to my attention and I thought I'd post it here, for those who may be interested or think they can benefit from this. I have NO connection with the organizers and presenters at this conference, but I think it may be a good thing.



ICSA Denver Conference - Early Registration Discounts Now Available
Psychological Manipulation, Cultic Groups, and Other Alternative Movements
June 22-24, 2006

Sheraton Denver West, Lakewood, Colorado

We look forward to seeing you at the conference. Please register soon.
Go to the following URL and follow the hyperlinks listed there: http://cultinfobooks.com/infoserv_events/2006/2006_denver_conf_home.htm

About the Conference
The audience for this conference consists of former group members, families of group-involved persons, helping professionals, researchers, and others. The sessions are organized into three "tracks" or theme areas: (1) assistance, (2) research, (3) other topics.

On Thursday, June 22nd there will be preconference workshops for families, mental health professionals, and ex-members, including a special evening session for those born or raised in groups (“second generation” ex-members).

We have obtained an excellent sleeping room rate from the hotel of $75/night (1-2 persons, $10 additional persons). Meals are also quite reasonable.

Conference sessions will end at 5:30. Evenings will be free for supplemental activities, such as the arts exhibit described below, for informal socializing, and for hikes and other recreation in the Denver area (we will post specifics on our Web site as they are identified).

Selected sessions are listed at the end of this message.

Please keep in mind that fees are much lower than costs, especially considering that speakers come at their own expense and that hundreds of staff-hours are devoted to planning and preparing for the conference. Please consider making a donation to help us continue our work. Thank you.

Conference Arts Exhibit
Those who have been members of high-demand organizations are invited to submit proposals for an Arts Exhibit, tentatively called The Phoenix Project, to be presented at the June, 2006, International Cultic Studies Association conference in Denver.

It is suggested that submitted artwork show the world of ex-members, their healing or recovery, or their time of transition from their high-demand organization.

Creations may be in any art form, including but not limited to: literary (such as poetry, drama, or other writings), music of any kind, dance, and the visual arts (such as paintings, drawings, collage, sculpture, fiber arts, photography, film, video, multi-media).

If desired, this work may be presented anonymously.

We expect that this exhibit will illuminate the reality of life in a high-demand organization and its effects on individuals, as well as provide an empowering experience for participating artists, who will have the chance to tell their own stories in their own ways.

For more information, please e-mail Diana Pletts at: exmemberartwork@yahoo.com

We look forward to considering your artwork for this event, and hope that you will join with us in making this exhibit a success.

Please pass this announcement on. Thank you.

Selected Presentations (subject to change)
Assistance (Selected Sessions)

Psychopathology of Cultic Group Leaders: Implications for Members and Ex-Members (John Burke, Ph.D.; Lorna Goldberg, M.S.W.; Lois Svoboda, M.D.

Personal Change in an Eastern Group (Gina Catena; Joseph Kelly; Patrick Ryan)

Coming Back to Religion and Spirituality After Spiritual Abuse (Elliot Benjamin, Ph.D.; Nancy Miquelon, M.A., L.P.C.; Nori Muster)

Spiritual and Psychological Abuse: An Evangelical Perspective (Patrick Knapp; Dr. Sharon Hilderbrant

The Power of Telling Your Story (Steven Gelberg, M.A.; Lorna Goldberg, M.S.W.; Nori Muster)

Safe Passage Foundation: Who We Are (Julia McNeil; Lauren Stevens)

26 Years of Helping Families and Ex-members: Lessons from the JBFCS Cult Hot-line and Clinic (Arnold Markowitz, C.S.W.)

Research (Selected Sessions)

Research Update from Spain (Carmen Almendros & José Carrobles, Ph.D.)

Conflict in the Lives of Gay and Lesbian Jehovah’s Witnesses (Janja Lalich, Ph.D.)

Child Abuse and Child Protective Work in Two Isolated Authoritarian Groups (Livia Bardin, M.S.W.)

Aum Shinrikyo and Weapons of Mass Destruction (Masaki Kito; Takashi Yamaguchi)

The Conflict Between Aum Critics and Human Rights Advocates (Sakurai Yoshihide, Ph.D.)

Rajneesh and Bioterrorism (Edward Lottick, M.D.)

Research from Wellspring (Rod Dubrow-Marshall, Ph.D.; Paul Martin, Ph.D.)

Rhetoric and Domestic Violence in the Unification Church (Mary Jo Downey)

The Challenges of Integrating into Society for Those who Were Born or Raised into a Sectarian Group (Lorraine Derocher)

Sects and Politics in the U.S. (Chip Berlet; Janja Lalich, Ph.D.; Alexandra Stein, M.L.S.)

Making Sense of Gender, Sex, and Family Experiences in a Cult (Marybeth Ayella, Ph.D.)

Other Topics (Selected Sessions)

Tough Love and Coercive Persuasion (Philip Elberg, Esq.; Maia Szalavitz; Alan Scheflin, J.D., LL.M.)

Child Abuse Issues in Cultic Groups (Kimberlee Norris, Esq.)

Child Abuse in the Jehovah’s Witnesses (William Bowen; Kimberlee Norris, Esq.)

If Mom and Dad are Getting Divorced (Carolle Tremblay, Esq.)

Polygamy (Andrea Moore Emmett, Coordinator; Kristin Brewer; Laura Chapman; Curtis Giles; Mike Kropveld; Sylvia Mahr; Nancy Miquelon; Vicki Prunty; Robbie Sweeten)

Experts in Cult Cases (Alan Scheflin, J.D., LL.M.; Philip Elberg, Esq.)

Attempted Censorship and Suppression of Information by Controversial Religious Movements (Paul Carden; Jorge Erdely, Ph.D.; Eric Pement)

Update on Hate Groups (Hal Mansfield)

Distinguishing between Ethical and Unethical Proselytizing (Elmer Thiessen, Ph.D.)

The Human Rights Dimension of Cultic Studies (Jorge Erdely, Ph.D.)

Cultism, Terrorism, and Homeland Security (Stephen Mutch, LL.B., Ph.D.)
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