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Can anyone make sense of this?

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Joined: 18 Jul 2005
Posts: 131

PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 7:34 am    Post subject: Can anyone make sense of this?

Interesting, the edit war on the BKWSU page warms up with the same contributor working their regular revisions, but can anyone make sense of this addition?

I put in bold their addition to the link to this forum that they had previously removed ;

" * http://www.xbkchat.com - an open discussion forum mainly for ex-members of the Brahma Kumaris but also B.K.s, P.B.K.s and friends and family of B.K.s by invitation. They will not accept some BKs (discriminatory practices) even though they complete their "questionaire."

Is this a B.K. that was refused membership being a little bitter?


Joined: 22 Feb 2004
Posts: 167

PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:01 am    Post subject:

They will not accept some BKs (discriminatory practices) even though they complete their "questionaire."

Ex-L: I haven't been able to follow closely this controversy but from reading your brief insertion here it would seem to me that this site makes it quite clear that it is essentially "A meeting place for past members of Brahma Kumaris" .

As far as I am aware, BKs are accommodated in a special forum for dialogue with xbks if they are prepared to be open minded - hence Admin's retention of a prerogative to select those BKs - such as Bkry - who can be admitted. I would think that if the BKs applying seem to be revisionist - as opposed to fundamentalist - in character, then they might stand a chance of being admitted, otherwise we'd be swamped with the usual prosyletyzing of the organization - the exact trend we experienced with the PBKs which let to the closure of their forum.

Hence, admitting traditional views of BKs who remain bound to inflexible positions by virtue of their fundamental faith is to defeat the whole purpose of establishing the site. We know their medicine well enough to take it if we wished. Our point is that it has not worked for us and many of us were practising "doctors" who administered the same medicine to others! Surely even they can understand this Exclamation

"Those were the days my friend ...."
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