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Joined: 26 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:09 pm    Post subject: Karakkaravanhar, Third Eye, and Double Foreigner?

Can someone explain the meaning of: Karakkaravanhar and (the meaning in BK philosophy ) "Third Eye"? Is "Double Foreigner " a positive term? Confused



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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:50 pm    Post subject:


Means does the work and does the work through others. In the sense that God can't achieve anything on his own, he needs the help of his children,

Is "Double Foreigner " a positive term?

It means BKs who don't live in India. In India(Bharat) you are foreign from Paramdham. if you are outside India(Bharat) and Paramdham you are a double foreigner.
Baba is making us aware of this world being a foreign place to us because our original home is paramdham
Baba always has good things to say about double foreigners so can't be bad Wink

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:29 pm    Post subject: 15% added value

John wrote:
Baba always has good things to say about double foreigners so can't be bad Wink

He / they / it / the Seniors Sisters / whatever also used to say that the " double foreigners " also got an extra 15% help on their Karma because they were so disadvantaged / missing out due to the language barrier.

Now just how that was worked out, don't ask me. I just state it for the sake of completion. its the kind of thing they said to encourage folk along.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:39 pm    Post subject:

Ok, well I shan't complain for an extra 15%. Make sure we bring it up at Daramraj though Wink

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:49 pm    Post subject:


Just to put things straight.......I think that the above was copied and pasted from one of my postings...............incorrect spelling included!
Should be Karankaravanhar. Embarassed

with love
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:32 am    Post subject:

The following two posts were made by howiemac, under different topics. At the request of one of our members, we have copied them over to this BK Dictionary. The original posts remain where they were made.


howiemac wrote:
bansy wrote:
What is the meaning of giving drishti ?

spiritual vision - the donation of spiritual power soul to soul via the third eye

Where and what are you looking at/for ?

the third eye of another soul, or several other souls, one after the other

Can contacts/glasses get in the way ? (contacts will dry up whilst glasses reflect )

no - but they can be offputting for the beginner...

Can you give drishti to a blind man/someone wearing sunglasses ?


Is it difficult to give drishti if you have hayfever/ slight cold ?

in theory no, but some may find being unwell makes it more difficult to achieve the required spiritual state, as the body keeps dragging at their attention.

Do you blink ?

yes - but not so often as when in normal consciousness

Last edited by administrator on Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:44 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:35 am    Post subject:

howiemac wrote:
Tete wrote:
What is the meaning of a third eye or experience in the BK spiritual realm?

From general (ie non-BK) spiritual teachings: the "third eye" is located on the forehead, just above the centre point between the eyebrows. It is associated with the sixth chakra (the brow, or 'ajna', or 'third eye' chakra), which in turn is associated with the souls and with spiritual willpower and spiritual vision (drishti per BK-speak). It is the energy channel used when donating spiritual energy to others.

The BKs teach that the soul is seated at the pituitary gland which is in the centre of the head behind the third eye. The awakening of soul consciousness is often referred to as the opening of the third eye, and this ties into Hindu mythology (like most BK beliefs and teachings). "The end of the world comes when Shankar opens his third eye": BKs teach that this refers to the destruction/transformation that follows the spiritual awakening of the BK souls.

The murlis often talk of a light on the forehead of those who are in a high spiritual state - this light is the third eye. BK meditation practice is focused on the third eye, ie on spiritual power, and will. Many other spiritual paths base their meditation on the heart chakra (fourth chakra) located in the centre of the chest - this is associated with spiritual love. The BKs believe (and the murlis teach) that their knowledge leads to the opening of the third eye, and that the 'path of knowledge' is higher than the 'path of devotion'. They say that both power (third eye) and love (heart) are required, not just love.

My own BK experience of the third eye includes a 'fluttering' feeling in the centre of the forehead when giving drishti - I assume this is the "opening of the third eye".

I hope this helps you Tete.



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Posts: 169

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:54 pm    Post subject: Paramdham? Vinash?


Can some one explain the three BK spiritual states? I was told this one (Paramdham) was like the highest..etc, and that there were other states (two?) lower I think?



Joel, NBK = None BK, people like me! Embarassed Thanks for giving a term to us poor souls out here. Very Happy
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Joined: 15 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:18 pm    Post subject:

howiemac made this post, in response to a request by tete, under the topic "Hopefully objective with the passage of time". We are copying it to this "BK dictionary" tread as it adds to the dictionary.



Baba's room is any BK meditation room - ie a room that is used for meditation ONLY. Typically there is either a lit picture of Brahma Baba (ie Lehkraj the founder) and a representation of Shiv Baba (God - point of light, or egg shaped orange/red being of light conatining this point of light - same form as we all have in the sould world) or a 'translight' which is simply a box lit form inside with the pictures on the front of it on glass, so that the light shines through the picture (rather than being externally lit) 'translight' means "light through" and has nothing to do with trances. The original Baba's room is in Pandav Bhawan (see below) in Madhuban, and is the room where Brahma Baba lived for the last several years of his life, now a meditation room (but still, oddly, with his bed in it)

dadis room is whatever room a Dadi is staying in - may be a private living room or bedroom - where she will receive guests.

little Mohiniben one of the main Madhuban elder 'senior' sisters (ben is Hindi for sister, and her name is Mohini), who has (for reasons unknown to me) never become a 'dadi' - maybe she doesn't want this title, but i have found her very inspiring spiritually.

Kumarka and Prakash Mani are alternative names for the same dadi, also known as dadiji or eldest sister - Kumarka is her given name, Prakash Mani was a spiritual name given to her by BB (like his own spiritual name 'Brahma Baba') - many of the older BKs have these dual identities - she is the top of the tree in the BK (excluding those like BB who have lefte the body). She and Dadi Janki rule the show, though dadiji is getting frail and much of what used to be her work is now done by Dadi Gulzar (the medium through whom BapDada speaks every month in the winter at Madhuban).

Pandav Bhawan is the original complex of buildings at Madhuban (on the top of Mount Abu) where BB and the original BKs lived for many years - until recently the whole BK organisation was run from here, but now it is run from a huge complex at the foot of the mountain ("Shantivan").

BapDada this is the name for the combined form of Brahma Baba (Dada or elder brother - ie Lehkraj Kripalani) and God (Bap aka Shiva or Shiv Baba) - supposedly the speaker of the murlis - ie the soul Shiva combines with the soul Brahma, and Shiva(Bap) 'speaks' through Brahma's(Dada's) mouth. These days because Lehkraj is dead, BapDada speaks through Dadi Gulzar who goes into trance and is unaware of what 'she' is saying - so Shiva inspires Brahma to speak through the body of Gulzar - simple eh? Razz

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:04 pm    Post subject: The Three Worlds

Tete wrote:
Can some one explain the three BK spiritual states?

BKs talk about Three Worlds - these are:

1) Physical World - this familiar world (and universe) we live in...

2) Subtle World - a subtle dimension beyond time and space, where the soul has a subtle body - this is very like a dream body, you can walk through walls etc., and through each other (but you don't as it is bad manners and this is a very spiritual realm). There is no sound, and communication is by telepathy. Actually, to complicate the issue, BKs refer to three subtle realms:

a) region of white light - this is the angelic domain of Brahma and the other angels - they hang out here in their subtle angelic bodies - these bodies look like the physical bodies the people had in their prime. Everything is white, and everyone is in white.. Here Brahma conjures up all sorts of illusions to entertain visitors. BKs visit here in their sleep, some in visions whilst awake (i have had one) and some in Madhuban go specially into trance to visit here and get messages from BapDada. This region is frequently referred to in murlis, and generally when BKs refer to the "Subtle World" or "subtle regions", they are referring to this white angelic region. Note - the angels here don't have wings - the wings are metaphorical - they can fly spiritually.

b) region of golden light - here some lucky BKs can experience what the golden age is like - this region is in full colour and everything is bathed in a golden light - it is very beautiful - i have been there once consciously, many years before i became a BK, and was blown away by the experience... i thought i was in the Garden of Eden, but it was just a taster... This region is symbolised by Vishnu, who in turn symbolises Lakshmi and Narayan or any golden aged couple (or, if you like, Adam and Eve - same thing, different names)

c) region of red light - this is the domain of Shankar, who (for BKs) symbolises tapasya, or intense Raja Yoga. This is a region of red light with nothing else in it but red light - you get here through intense meditation, the 'fire of yoga' and the red light burns away your bad karma and purifies you - this may sound wacky but it is for real. I guess this is why BKs use red lights in their meditation rooms - the red light is associated with intense yoga.

3) Soul World a.k.a. paramdham - another, again beyond time and space, and completely silent, where there is nothing but a coral pink liquidy element and souls floating around in the form of egg-shaped beings of light - all the souls look the same and they each have a point of light in the centre of them which radiates powerful golden spiritual light all around - this golden light floods through the pink stuff creating various shades of golden and orange/red light - the effect looks not unlike a lit world of baked beans floating in an ocean of tomato sauce (!) - the experience however is of absolute bliss and comfort - see my post on The Orange World for more details.. . This Soul World is the "home" of souls when they don't have any body (even a subtle body). This will be the 'nirvana' that buddhists talk about. The BK logo symbolises the egg shape being of light, as experienced in the soul world, and the BKs generally depict Shiva in this way. I have not encountered any other description of the soul world within or outwith BK-land, so have no back up for my (very real) experience of that. I suspect some non-English-speaking Indian BKs would have information..

So thats it- the Three Worlds of the BKs - I assume that non-BKs can get to these places too, but can't say for sure.... information on this stuff is very sketchy even within the BKs, but people who have had near death experiences tend to describe scenarios similar to the white and golden subtle regions, and my experiences of both of these came in a near death experience.. Christians would meet Jesus, but I met Brahma Baba (12 years before i knew who he was....)

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:26 am    Post subject: Pukka

Gyaniwasi or Howiemac,

Can you explain the word Pukka and Pukka Brahmin.

Thanks, Smile

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:08 am    Post subject:

Pukka means 'firm' - a Pukka Brahmin is a firm or 'true' Brahmin, in theory taken by BKs to mean a BK who follows all the BK 'maryadas' (ie code of conduct - rules and regulations) and BK 'shrimat' (divine dicates of BapDada in the murlis) - in practice you won't be considered 'pukka' unless you also dress immaculately in white clothes, speak only the party line and a host of other dogma...... you probably have to be Indian, Hindu, Brahmin caste, and female as well..... Confused

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:38 pm    Post subject: Dristi in taking toli & Tying rahki

Can some one explain these two. I found these in Joel's post in Paul's the Bottom Line.

1. drishti in taking toli Q: Do these have a meaning together...special holiday/practice?
2. tying rahki Q: Is this a string or a band?



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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Dristi in taking toli & Tying rahki

Tete - one of the BK rituals is to always give drishti whenever handing out toli (sweets) or any other gift. This toli giving happens at very BK 'programme' ie public event and at most classes ie private BK lectures, including 'morning class' murli reading every morning. Often they also hand out 'blessings' (written spiritual complements) on little cards. Drishti is always given (or is meant to be - some BKs are too shy)

Rakhi is a golden string.

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Posts: 169

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:42 pm    Post subject: 'Brahma Bhagat'

What does
'Brahma Bhagat'
mean? Confused

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