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After Raj Yoga, can there be ANY faith?
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Joined: 26 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:17 am    Post subject:

Is this the difference between the renunciate path and the household path

Joined: 22 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 8:41 pm    Post subject:

No John. At least not in the sense you might have learnt in RY. Here I'm referring to closed and open thinking - closed meaning locked in one paradigm or pattern of understanding; open meaning willing to explore other ways of thinking or seeing. That was one of the great themes of Hesse's novel.

"Those were the days my friend ...."

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:56 am    Post subject: After Raj Yoga Can There Be Any Faith?

I would say, YES Exclamation
One of the most important faiths is THE FAITH IN THE SELF.
There will always be challenges to the faith of a soul. When I was banished from BKWSU, I could have allowed myself to reach the deep ends of depression.
Instead, I experienced a great magic being worked before my mind's eye by the Great Alchemist. The negative energy of rejection was transmuted to positive energy and my faith was fortified. Faith in myself and faith in the Great Alchemist. I was convinced beyond any doubt that the Supreme was not owned by Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidalaya Exclamation
We must never forget the faith of the self.
I still have faith in the TRANSFORMATION. However, the agents for complete transformation will not be the BKs and BKs only.
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 6:12 pm    Post subject:

ex-london wrote :

My deepest and most personal and saddest response is that since being indoctrinated by the Brahma Kumaris I have pretty much been unable to follow or practise any other spiritual form, never mind religious path. This strives from what I would define as a persistent psychic experience I started to have whilst practising Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga that I have been unable to have externally or objectively defined.

As soon as I try other spiritual or meditationary forms, this experience or these related experiences return so strongly that it makes any other form of practise impossible. And, of course, my mind has been so prejudiced into a state of superiority over non-practioners that I do not know of anyone or any group with which to turn to for bona fide assistance.

This touched me, as I had the same experience - BUT it could be that you don't really believe in your heart that another path can take you any further (rather than this being due to indoctrination, which is reversible by simple techniques).

The "persistent psychic experience" is really another matter though. It reminds me a little of how neurologists describe the effect in the brain of chemical addiction or addictive behaviour - certain pathways are forged which cannot be undone - and the certainty is that these pathways will be "re-fired" in certain circumstances. For example, heroin addicts put in prison sometimes experience no withdrawal symptoms, but when they return to previous haunts, the compulsion to seek out the drug returns. Sitting for hours in meditation is bound to create specific neural pathways which will be retriggered in similar situations.

I guess that a non-meditative spiritual path could be possible Confused

Or maybe the BK experience really did open the third eye? Confused Confused
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect" - Mark Twain

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 8:01 pm    Post subject: Third eye?


Life is funny I am writing a prisoner and getting fan mail I don't want from prisoners. I hope this is a sign that you can answer my question since I see you wrote about it. What is this third eye everyone speaks of? Is it an experience, a state of being, an acquired enlightenment, believe or an illusive state (attained for short periods like a high from drugs)? What is the meaning of a third eye or experience in the BK spiritual realm?

[quote] I guess that a non-meditative spiritual path could be possible

Or maybe the BK experience really did open the third eye?



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Posts: 169

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:29 pm    Post subject: vanilla edition


One of the common themes I found in interacting with XBKs is that they were loving souls, very committed to their journey and once out they seemed to miss the community (I noticed that was a great loss). Some times they would gather together, talk (I didn't partake as I didn't have any clue) and comfort one another. I remember after these talks they would smile and seem quite happy to have seen each other.

Since they seemed so happy I never thought to ask? Over the years as they settled into their lives, moved farther away the contact has been sparse. The ones that are active have never interacted with me, nor I with them. The only one that seemed to make an effort to be friendly was the senior N (Don't know how to spell his name), he seemed to remember EB and they had a moment (Looked at each other for quite some time smiling, looking into each others eyes, not saying a word until later on when we went outside.) like long lost friends.

I never realized that they (BKs) really don't care for folks from other religions. I am more amazed as I learn and begin to understand the why's of my life.

So, yes I am requesting a Vanilla report please (On this thread earlier).

For concerned families and friends of current practicing B.K.s ; I can provide a simple vanilla edition of what I am trying to write in plain English on request.[quote]


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PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:43 am    Post subject: Re: Third eye?

Tete wrote:
What is the meaning of a third eye or experience in the BK spiritual realm?

From general (ie non-BK) spiritual teachings: the "third eye" is located on the forehead, just above the centre point between the eyebrows. It is associated with the sixth chakra (the brow, or 'ajna', or 'third eye' chakra), which in turn is associated with the souls and with spiritual willpower and spiritual vision (drishti per BK-speak). It is the energy channel used when donating spiritual energy to others.

The BKs teach that the soul is seated at the pituitary gland which is in the centre of the head behind the third eye. The awakening of soul consciousness is often referred to as the opening of the third eye, and this ties into Hindu mythology (like most BK beliefs and teachings). "The end of the world comes when Shankar opens his third eye": BKs teach that this refers to the destruction/transformation that follows the spiritual awakening of the BK souls.

The murlis often talk of a light on the forehead of those who are in a high spiritual state - this light is the third eye. BK meditation practice is focused on the third eye, ie on spiritual power, and will. Many other spiritual paths base their meditation on the heart chakra (fourth chakra) located in the centre of the chest - this is associated with spiritual love. The BKs believe (and the murlis teach) that their knowledge leads to the opening of the third eye, and that the 'path of knowledge' is higher than the 'path of devotion'. They say that both power (third eye) and love (heart) are required, not just love.

My own BK experience of the third eye includes a 'fluttering' feeling in the centre of the forehead when giving drishti - I assume this is the "opening of the third eye".

I hope this helps you Tete.



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PostPosted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:53 am    Post subject:

Joel wrote:

Two of the earliest western BKs used to run a center in Frankfurt: Suman Bakshi and Stephan Nagel (also called Surya). That began some 20 before 1993, which was when I got to know them better and all of us were discovering our own identities distinct from the organization we gave many years of our life serving.

Stephan wrote an early book about Raj Yoga that was translated into several languages. More recently he did a PhD thesis in Religious Studies on the Brahma Kumaris that reached several hundred pages. He also taught himself western astrology, and on a visit to Japan piqued my interest in the subject.

Suman is a brilliant charismatic woman who gave wonderful lectures in English, German and Hindi; I thoroughly enjoyed her visit to the center I had opened in Osaka.

What were their stories and why did they leave?

Hi Joel,

Stephan Nagel and Suman run an internetshop/cafe in Burgel near Offenbach/Germany. Why they left BK, I do not know exactly, but I am sure he told me. I forgot. I met him in 2000, at the opening of the new Frankfurt centre.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:52 am    Post subject:

My own BK experience of the third eye includes a 'fluttering' feeling in the centre of the forehead when giving drishti - I assume this is the "opening of the third eye".

I was never sure if this was my imagination.............it still happens to me during meditation. Smile
om shanti
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