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Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 2:07 pm    Post subject: A N O M A L I E S AND I N C O N S I S T E N C I E S


I found this question and the answers on this search engine (paid search). The name is odd, so please look on the second post for the information and links. Has anyone heard of Mr. Smith? Is any of this true? I know the financial ones have some merit but the others require someone like you two. I have seen the confession one before on other sites. Does it have any merit or is this urban myth about the BKs? Confused

I will look forward to seeing what you think about the allegation made on this site about the BKs.



Joined: 10 Apr 2004
Posts: 86

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:11 pm    Post subject:

(c) “The unfounded claims that it operates under the UN (United
Nations Organization). The truth is that the cult has only rented some
assembly rooms that belong to the UN, to organize seminars. While the
UN has forbidden to the cult to claim that it operates under its
auspices, Brahma Kumaris insists on misleading people in this way.”

AFAIK from what others on here have said previously, this is true Confused

Joined: 26 Jan 2005
Posts: 169

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:27 pm    Post subject: A N O M A L I E S AND I N C O N S I S T E N C I E S


Did you go to the links where Mr. Smith has posted his opinion? Is the confessions part true? How about the Para amour assertions? : Embarassed I did see one story where they (BKs) were being monitored by law enforcement under similar assertions like the ones Mr. Smith speaks of. I assumed they were just lumped in with all the other organization and that it didn't have any merit. Shocked

Thanks for looking considering the name of the search engine. I didn't want to put the name here as I didn't want a reprimand.

Hopefully Ex-London will comment. He seems to have deep insight and passion for these things (exposing them).


Site Admin

Joined: 15 Nov 2003
Posts: 48

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 10:22 pm    Post subject:

We direct the attention of ALL our members to this part of our mission statement.

We draw the line at libelous and unsubstantiated allegations, and racist, obscene or malicious writings.

XBKchat is open to criticism of the BK institution, its philosophy and actions. However, we do not believe that our interests are served or objectives achieved by writings which make outrageous claims, hit below the belt, indulge in name calling and perverse mud slinging. We do have minimum standards...and an eye for fairness. There is an infinity of what can be discussed, without getting into those dubious areas.

Tete, NONE of this applies to you. We are simply putting our members on guard here. Please be guided accordingly.

jim brady

Joined: 13 Jul 2005
Posts: 19

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:38 am    Post subject:

Just to put it on record. Dadi Janki has always been touted by the BKWSU as one of the greatest minds on the planet. One thing that always puzzled me was why after having lived in the West for 30/40 years she always spoke in Hindi. Laborious translations doubled the length of her monologues and dialogues. Why did she not bother to learn English and save us all a whole heap of time? Surely that wouldn't be too difficult for someone with such an amazing intellect?

Can anyone throw some light?

Jim Brady

Joined: 26 Sep 2005
Posts: 157
Location: UK

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:58 am    Post subject:

The only thing I heard was that she could learn if she wanted, but that would take away from her remembrance time.

When I was in Madhuban, she had a morning class around 10 or 11. A lot of BKs, mainly double foreign asked to not have the class because, well to be frank we needed a bit of a breather. Her response was that we were all full of ego for not wanting the classes Confused
jim brady

Joined: 13 Jul 2005
Posts: 19

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:14 am    Post subject:

I remember having to sit through a 3 to 4 hour class once with Dadi Janki. Due to weather conditions I couldn't escape. It took days for me to recover, my head was spinning so much, the rambling soliloquy and the lengthy translations just went on and on, I thought it would never end. My faith took a hammering that day.

Jim Brady
jim brady

Joined: 13 Jul 2005
Posts: 19

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:24 am    Post subject:

Question for ex bk's

Is it true that double foreigners were given preferential treatment in Madhuban? I remember queuing up to get a personal meeting with "Baba" and seeing hordes of what seemed like poor Indians having to make do with just a group meeting. I never fully followed up on it. the only answer given, as far as I can remember, was that since we had travelled from so far away we were therefore more deserving, or something like that. A rather poor answer. Stupidly I let it go.

Jim Brady
jim brady

Joined: 13 Jul 2005
Posts: 19

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:35 am    Post subject:

Came across an article recently about “Phineas Gage” a construction foreman who in 1848 suffered a serious head injury when a 3-foot iron rod went right though his brain. Despite the massive injuries Gage was still conscious and expressed concern that he might have to miss work for a couple of days. When the bar was removed it left behind a hole 3½ inches in diameter. Ten weeks later Gage appeared to have made almost a full recovery. According to BK literature (I think it was Jagdish): “It is recorded that (Gage) remained sensible and rational until recovery and lived normally afterwards for many years…..From a study of such cases, it is clear that the simplistic notion that brain mechanisms alone are responsible for our powers of thinking, remembering, creating, learning and reasoning, cannot account for the documented facts. If a specific system were truly responsible for thinking, then damage to that system should lead to diminished performance of the thinking process. In practice this does not occur.”

What Jagdish failed to mention is that Gage’s personality and behaviour changed significantly after the accident. Where before he was likeable, responsible and socially adept, afterwards he became crude, vulgar, unreliable and insensitive. He lost all idea of monetary value and became obsessed with telling fantastic lies about his past experiences.

“Initially Gage was used to show there isn’t any localisation of the brain,” says Dr. Richard Tyler of Harvard University. “But many years later when they realised he had this personality change, he was used as an example for localisation.”

Jim Brady

Joined: 09 Nov 2004
Posts: 102

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 9:22 am    Post subject:

jim brady wrote:
Question for ex bk's

Is it true that double foreigners were given preferential treatment in Madhuban? I remember queuing up to get a personal meeting with "Baba" and seeing hordes of what seemed like poor Indians having to make do with just a group meeting. I never fully followed up on it. the only answer given, as far as I can remember, was that since we had travelled from so far away we were therefore more deserving, or something like that. A rather poor answer. Stupidly I let it go.

Jim Brady

In my time, prior to 1994, Bharatwasis (to use the BK jargon) got only a couple days in Madhuban, and that every couple of years or so. We foreigners stayed for weeks, and were welcome to come every year.

Why is this interesting to you?

Joined: 26 Sep 2005
Posts: 157
Location: UK

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:18 am    Post subject:

wasn't it seasonal. i.e. a Double foreigner season and another season for Bharatwasis. Maybe because they came not at there alloted dates/time they just had group meetings, then in there own season they could have personnal meetings. Being closer to madhuban they could have gone more often.

Joined: 13 Mar 2004
Posts: 72

PostPosted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:17 am    Post subject:

jim brady wrote:
Question for ex bk's

Is it true that double foreigners were given preferential treatment in Madhuban?


You will find some discussion on this issue under a topic I started some time ago: "Experience and treatment of black BKs". Here is the link:


Joined: 19 Apr 2004
Posts: 66

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:33 pm    Post subject:

hi jim. many great posts and points you have raised. was like reading my own thoughts. kyra
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