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5,500,000,000 OR WHATEVER YOU LIKE!!
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:39 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti Jim Bhai!

Best of luck on your journey.

Wishing you peace and happiness.

Take Care,

Joined: 22 Feb 2004
Posts: 167

PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:55 pm    Post subject:

Hanuman wrote:

If we were to read any scholarly journals on the world population, 6.4 E9 will be regarded as an estimate. As a estimate it will have a +/- error value. The question should be: How close is the absolute value when the errors are accounted for, to the 5.5 E9 documented by the BKs?

The BK statistic may be based on a count of human souls, incorporeal or corporeal, who are currently on the Earth.
The statistic of the World Population Council is based on estimates of souls in corporeal bodies. There are multiple sources of errors in the estimation of populations.
The BKs should specifically state that at a specific time there are 5.5 E9 souls on the Earth, many corporeal and some incorporeal.

The statistic of 5.5 E9 souls is distinctly different from 5.5 E9 living humans or 6.4 E 9 living humans.

Errol buddy, let us not "kufuffle" this simple issue Rolling Eyes You and I both know that from our inception when we joined the path in the mid seventies there was absolutely no ambiguity about most "facts" of the knowledge. The only major ambiguities were the length of the Confluence Age (60-100 years) and the numberwise place of the souls with the exception of Brahma & Saraswattie. We were told that the population of the Soul World is 5.5 billion - the precision of the decimal point always impressed me - and that they descend numberwise "to play their role on this world stage." We were also taught that "this drama is accurate" - a favourite quote for our dear and deceased brother Wally (remember Sad ). Human souls come from the Soul World and if they exceed 5.5 billion by over 16% [(6.4-5.5)/5.5 %] then this is way outside of a 5% error usually acknowledged in standard statistics.
We were not taught the doctrine of transmigration on this path, so there is no question of the souls of animals becoming humans etc. as some may wish to infer - and if souls were ever referred to as being like flies and mosquitoes then, in the context of the original Knowledge taught by the BKs, the meaning is clearly metaphorical Exclamation

To attempt to justify the incongruence of the original BK version brought to the Western Hemisphere and subsequently proven false by empirical evidence is to practise intellectual dishonesty. Jim's concept of a cartoon of communication between "God" and "Brahma" is funny but it's an accurate description of what BKs and PBKs are doing today.

Let's face it Errol, you cannot rectify the inadequacies of the knowledge on the basis of your personal faith. GOD is greater than any path or doctrine we have faith in; "HE" meets us according to the purity of our heart.

Your brother from our beginning,
"Those were the days my friend ...."

Joined: 23 Jun 2004
Posts: 174

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:53 am    Post subject: 5,500,000,0000


Great response. The last sentences are most interesting. I must agree with you that God transcends spiritual pathways.
I must assure you, however, that I have no intentions of rectifying errors in gyan. I was simply pointing out some simple statistical issues.
Today I was thinking from a scientific view that the BK philosophy has many interesting models. I often question the content validity and construct validity of many of those models.
I cannot and have no intentions of rectifying the inconsistencies of the content and constructs of the BK philosophy. However, based on intuition, science and my practice of Raj yog philosophy, I can clarify some areas of gyan which are still in the "black box".
I am not pro-Bk, though I may seem that way. Many of the BK models, though meta-physical, and are supposed to be limitless, have their limitations. These limitations include practicality as well as replicability. Smile [/quote]
Om Shanti,
To my brothers and sisters.

Love to you all,
Errol bhai
   Yahoo Messenger
jim brady

Joined: 13 Jul 2005
Posts: 19

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 11:57 am    Post subject:

Excellent post. You could have been a daddy LOL

Joined: 09 Jan 2005
Posts: 11
Location: uk

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 2:30 pm    Post subject: 5.5 billion souls?

Just a few points to consider in the calculation of human souls.

Souls can only be counted in the corporeal. In the soul world even God cannot count.

In my understanding' living soul' refers to a soul who is aware of its true identity and that of the supreme soul. Perhaps only 5.5 billion souls accept the supreme soul and themselves as a child of God.

Any corporeal body is capable of hosting multiple souls.

How many are born, how many leave the physical body each and every second? It is beyond the means of any human being to calculate this number.
the universe... a hall of mirrors....reflecting, inner beauty..

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:02 pm    Post subject:

Hi All

Just want to post my view on this issue. As a believer of BK I analyse the facts in accordance with that, because I strongly believe shivababa is supreme soul. PBKs might have given different reply but I dont agree in that however, as human being is human being whether he realise God or not.
However if shivababa has said the world population is 550 crores , then it must be true. I can justify this counting.. It is fact the population counting in developed countries cannot be wrong. But I have seen with my own eyes how the counting goes on in developing countries. Government just do the population survey by counting that in area wise. And all the figure they merely estimate rather than actual figure. Like say if there are 3 brothers, all three include their parents in counting.And definitely some are still alive in govt records even though they died. So if counting goes like this rather than keeping actual record of individual person then there would be definitely a big blunder. And one can note developing and poor countries are more in world. In such big number 550 crores occuring error of 150 crores more can happen if counting goes that way. Question
with love
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