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what is the meaning of xbk?

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 10:04 pm    Post subject: what is the meaning of xbk?

i understand bk and pbk but not understand the xbk please clear it

bk means brahmakumar and brahmakumaris

and pbk means prajapita brahmakumar and prajapita brahmakumaris

Joined: 13 Mar 2004
Posts: 72

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 12:17 pm    Post subject:


My understanding is that an XBK is someone who was a BK at one time, but no longer is. And even though the person has left the BKs, he or she has not gone on to become a PBK. In other words, in the classification used by this website, PBKs are not considered to be XBKs. The 'X' before 'BK' stands for 'Ex'. In other words, an Ex-Brahma Kumar or Kumari - a former member or follower of the BK movement. Of course, even among XBKs, there are differences of experience, outlook and opinion.

I hope this helps.

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 2:02 pm    Post subject: what is a xbk?

To the Administrator:

Do you consider xbk one who does not believe in Baba anymore, or someone who disliked the behaviour of bk leaders?


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PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2005 4:50 pm    Post subject: what is the meaning of xbk?

personally its taken years to distangle, quietly within my mind I kept a thread that I hoped would one day bring me back, although my lifestyle was totally unbrahmin, I would be living on the fringe !
Now I have more clarity, I had allowed myself to be brainwashed, used the BK web to support my weaknesses albiet on a subtle level, ie celibacy, because of poor body image. A pure diet because, I had a longterm eating disorder liked to control to much of what I ate. Being superior the chosen few, because I guess I was a snob and had an inferiority complex, able to distance myself quickly from "lokiks" because came from a disfunctional family & was a bit of a social misfit anyway. The lure of the Goldenage, surely life gets better on this planet.
On meeting Bapdada in madubhan, I secretly felt this is not god,
for me it was a holy ghost,Dada Lekhraj returning to meet all his obediant children, on returning to Slough my path changed however I was still caught up in it for 15 years! although not practicing it was still inside my head. I still feel new in comming out!
I feel to confrount the "family" in slough, have yet to hand back my ring and still have a framed photo of bhramababa, I guess there may still be a lurking fear that Ive got it all wrong! and on entering the centre I'll feel home again!
This is a great forum and having recently discovered it feel its a valuable tool in my process in being truelly an exbk.

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PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 10:53 am    Post subject: Re: what is the meaning of xbk?

flipper wrote:

On meeting Bapdada in madubhan, I secretly felt this is not god,
for me it was a holy ghost,Dada Lekhraj returning to meet all his obediant children

Dear Flipper,

I never made it to Madhuban so I would like to hear more about your experience if you would like to share. In fact this applies to anyone - I'm sure there is stuff about Madhuban here and there on the forum but it would be nice to have a Madhuban thread Very Happy

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Location: england

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2005 3:33 pm    Post subject:

Hi Uddhava
regarding your interest in experiences in madubhan, mine was very good.
I had worked hard all year and felt Id deserved to have a good time.
It was my first experience of India, although a short trip lasting 3 weeks
about ten days at Madubhan. I went with the mission to meet God.
What I did experience was incrediable,March 15th 1991, Dadi Gulzar finally went into trance which had seemed ages I was sat on the floor 15ft from the stage.
I experienced very powerfull dristi it appeared in a wave like form and I remember feeling so much love, jubilent, the atmosphere was amazing.There was lots of Bhakti gong on up on the stage, I thought then this is not God but I was not dissapointed.
I was wearing headphones but at the time was really going with the feeling and didnt take much in as to what was being spoken. I remember I was wearing a sari for the first time( a mistake) and had tripped up whilst trying to appear a holy swan ascending the steps at Om Shanti bhavan.
It was mega-fluffy! I enjoyed playing being a child in the Peace park.
There felt alot of naturel warmth between the family. I had a brief stay in a hospital bed by the courtyard,"Delhi Belly" and had a bit of mira, when a sister with a very thick and bent needle gave me an injection. I remember experiencing trying to put it into words, I had met an Angel, and recognized that this is whom Ive been having yoga with.
Happily I wrote a letter to myself signed from Bapdada it arrived a month after I had returned and was to appear a great yukti in rememberence of
my Angel, my stage and Madubhan.
I would like to read of others experience to from the XBK's.

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Posts: 100

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2005 2:30 am    Post subject:

Dear Flipper

It is very nice to hear your Madhuban experience.However I would like to know, if you can tell me that what actually you mean by this following line..

There was lots of Bhakti going on up on the stage, I thought then this is not God but I was not dissapointed.

What sort of Bhakthi that was happening and Why you came to decision that it cannot be God? Atlast , you mean to say that you never believed the existence of supreme soul as said by BKs?
with love

Joined: 03 May 2005
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Location: england

PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 2:42 pm    Post subject:

Dear Satish
To answer your question what sort of bhakti?
well giving food, does Shiva eat? or is it Dadi Gulzar body benefiting from this? I can understand rewarding her body in this way, and maybe by offering food and flowers or whatever brothers and sisters desired to give
was their action bhakti? It was lovely expression of unity amongst the brahmin family, there was brahma baba surrounded by his children albiet numberwize . I did not feel disappointed. Brahma Baba {a holy ghost}enters Dadi Gulzar at convenient times this is all prearranged, Brahma Baba is a pure soul with a lot of love. I benefited from making a link with him, I felt that by meeting him at Madubhan this was as close as one could get to meeting Shiva, As whilst Brahma Baba comes down and enters Dadi Gulzar and engages with his family he is in remembrance and so connected with the supreme. It was a great show.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 7:16 pm    Post subject:

om shanti

Dear Flipper,
Brahma Baba {a holy ghost}enters Dadi Gulzar at convenient times this is all prearranged,

I was a little surprised to read this Flipper. It is not just Brahmababa who enters Dadi Gulzar, it is Bapdada. Bapdada is the combined form of Brahmababa and God (Shivbaba). God speaks.

This is the BK understanding, but, no doubt, there will be a PBK response that contradicts this. Wink

om shanti

with love,

Joined: 28 Nov 2004
Posts: 100

PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 6:09 pm    Post subject:

Dear Flipper

From your post I understood that you enjoyed the brahmin life for a short time. As far as I know people who were BKs would definitely enjoy the Bk world for a while. And later it depends on situation probably.
Other thing it looks that you dont look to believe on Shivababa. Similarly it looks you didn't believe him earlier while with BK. Was that so?
When you have so much respect on Brahmababa and believe him as holy pure soul, if he is really so, then can it be possible that his words about Shivbaba, supreme soul are untrue?

with love
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