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PBK ARCHIVE - What is Advance Party
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:37 am    Post subject: PBK ARCHIVE - What is Advance Party

In the 5000 years old human world drama cycle consisting of four ages, the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva enters into an ordinary human being in the smallest but highest age, i.e. Purushottam Sangamyug (Confluence Age) and establishes a unique Godly University. First of all, the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva enters into the body of Sevakram, the business partner of Dada Lekhraj, the founder of Brahmakumaris Institution in Calcutta in 1936-37 and who explained the meaning of the divine visions caused to Dada Lekhraj and establishes a Godly family, in which Spiritual Mother-Father and spiritual children are included. The task of this Godly family (called Om Mandali) shifts to Sindh, Pakistan, where it expands and gets publicized. Here, after a few years' work, Dada Lekhraj's partner, the spiritual mother and many members of the above mentioned Godly family expired. Then, this Godly family shifts its base to Mt.Abu, Rajasthan.

The Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva plays the role of a mother through Dada Lekhraj at Mt.Abu, and establishes the Brahmakumari Vidyalaya to give the basic knowledge of the soul, supreme soul and the beginning, middle and end of the world drama wheel in the same way as any mother in the world gives the basic knowledge to her child before sending him/her to school for formal education. But just as a child who receives only the pampering of a mother, may also get spoilt, similarly the mother's role played through Dada Lekhraj (alias Brahma) led to many of the Brahmakumar-kumari-like Godly children getting spoilt. Then, after the death of Dada Lekhraj in 1969, the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva changed his place as well as form. The Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva was revealed in Delhi in 1976 through the new body of the soul of the partner, through whom He commenced the role of a disciplinarian father. In order to guide the Brahmakumar-kumaris, who have strayed from their objectives, to narrate the advanced and deepest spiritual knowledge and to accomplish the unfinished task of world transformation the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva established the Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwavidyalay (Spiritual Godly University), whose Headquarters are located in Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh.

Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwavidyalay is called Advance Party because the spiritual mother and father and other members of the Om Mandali who left their mortal bodies or the Godly family between 1936-37 and 1948 or those who received the Godly message in the Sindh area, become members of the Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwavidyalay established by Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva in 1982-83 to complete their unfinished spiritual quest or efforts with the same body or by taking rebirth with different names and forms. Since these souls separate from the Godly family established in the Confluence Age in advance, i.e. very early and then take rebirth and make very advanced, i.e. high quality efforts through a new body, and listen to the advanced (i.e.highest and deepest) knowledge face to face from Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva. That is why the group of these souls is called Advance Party or Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya. Since these souls make efforts to live like a lotus not in a pure atmosphere of a hermitage but amidst puddle-like households; since they, in spite of being vicious like the monkeys, side with the Supreme Soul Ram, who is in an ordinary body-like costume; and since these Souls recognize the Murlidhar (beholder of flute) Supreme Soul, who plays the wonderful flute of knowledge in spite of being banished from the Brahmakumari Ashrams like the Pandavas, they are praised in the mythological scriptures written from Copper Age onwards as the Ram's Army of monkeys or the Pandava Army of Geeta Sermonizer God (unknown non-violent warriors).

There are direct or indirect references of the Advance Party in the flutes of knowledge (muralis) narrated by the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva through Dada Lekhraj from 1951 to 1969 and in the Avyakta Vanis narrated by the soul of Dada Lekhraj through the body of B.K.Gulzar Dadi since 1969, through which one can recognize the wonderful and beneficial role of the Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva and obtain the inheritance of Godly knowledge, virtues and powers.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:30 pm    Post subject:

Omshanti to everyone.

Along with the last Avykata Vani of the season narrated through BK Gulzar Dadi, a letter containing the news of the sad demise of Sister BK Lata of Surat sub-zone of Gujarat zone and BK Manjula mata of Maninagar Centre in Ahmedabad has also been appended. In that letter the last line says that the knowledgeful, yogi souls, who have faith in Baba are going into the advance party at a fast rate.

According to the BKs, the souls of those BKs who are leaving their bodies in this confluence age, take rebirth somewhere in the world and when the destruction takes place in the near future, they will give birth to deities like Radha and Krishna after the destruction. Such souls constitute the Advance Party according to the BKs.

As per the theory of BKs as well as the PBKs, heaven on Earth should be established by 2036, i.e. Krishna and Radha, who will take birth after the destruction should grow up and assume the title of Lakshmi-Narayan by 2036. The new era, i.e. 01.01.01 is supposed to begin by 2036. And when Radha and Krishna become Lakshmi Narayan, their age should at least be 18 years, i.e. the age of attaining majority by the present standards. This means that they should take birth by 2018. It also means that those who give birth to deities like Radha and Krishna should also be in an age in which they are capable of reproduction by 2018.

If we consider the theory of the BKs to be correct then the above mentioned sister and mother, who have left their body will take rebirth in this sinful world in a sinful manner (i.e. through sex-lust). By the year 2018 they would have attained the age of only 13 years, at which they will most probably be unable to reproduce, even through the power of yoga.

The theory of BKs / PBKs also says that the population of deities at the time of coronation of Lakshmi Narayan, i.e. in 2036 should be 9 lakhs. So we should have enough number of parents to give birth to at least half of the 9 lakh deities if not all. Even if 4.5 lakh deities are to take birth, then we need at least 2.25 lakh couples, who give birth to another 2.25 lakh twins or children. If that takes place then the population by the year 2036 would be 9 lakh deities.

But if we once again consider the theory of BKs, they say that only those souls who were strong in knowledge and yoga, and have left their bodies and taken rebirth will give birth to the Golden-aged deities. The total population of the BKs itself has not crossed 9 lakh souls even after almost 70 years of incarnation of God. And among them those who have made highest grade of efforts is a very small percentage and among those few, those who have left their bodies is a miniscule number till now, may be a few hundreds or even lesser. Among these few hundreds, how many will attain the age of reproduction by 2018 (even if we think that there are some more years for destruction)? That will be only some handful of souls.

So just think whether these handful of souls (considered to be advance party by the BKs) be able to give birth to 4.5 to 9 lakh deity children? It is impossible.

Now what does the theory of PBKs or Advance Party say? After the destruction around 2.25 lakh couples, who would have attained karmateet stage will remain alive through this body itself. They will give birth to another 2.25 lakh twins by 2018. By 2036, the 2.25 lakh parents and 2.25 lakh twins will together constitute around 9 lakh deities, which Baba repeatedly refers to in the murlis.

Now it is upto you to decide which method of attainment of 9 lakh deities population by 2036 is more feasible or practicable? Please think and churn. The time is running out.

With regards,
On Godly service,

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 6:42 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti Bhai!

For the non-hindi souls.

What is lakh mean in English?

How will the couples be chosen?

Take Care,

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:06 am    Post subject:

Dear Papaya,
Omshanti. 'Lakh' is an English word only and is a numerical unit equal to one hundred thousands (i.e. 1,00,000).
The population at the beginning of the GA would be 9,00,000.

As regards the choosing of couples, as far as I know Baba has said in the advance party that each of the couple will be a combination of a soul from the Rudra mala (Advance Party, i.e. PBKs) and a soul from the Vijay Mala (Basic Party, i.e. BKs). Each couple will have equal level of sanskars (resolves) or characters or stage. Exact procedure of choosing the couples is not known to me. May be Baba will clarify these things when the appropriate time comes. Now we must enjoy the combined form with Baba, as he has directed children through the Avyakta Vani dated 25.03.05 narrated through Gulzar Dadi on the eve of Holi.

With regards,

Joined: 16 Aug 2004
Posts: 9
Location: UK

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:16 am    Post subject:

Dear Arjuna

You state that the the 4.5 lakh will have given birth to another 4.5 lakh by 2018.

My understanding from one of the versions of a 7 day course transcripts (I presume from a class by Baba) is that the birthing process will commence from about 2018 - first born will be Radhe and Krishna, so that they at least will be 18 yrs old by 2036. So long as the last of the parents returns from the paramdham stage before approx 9 months of 2036, then the full 9 lakh can be present for the start of the Satyug.

Does this contradict your understanding what Baba has clarified?

Om shanti

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:25 am    Post subject:

Dear Jim bhai,
Omshanti. Thanks for pointing out the correction. I shall get this doubt clarified by the nimit sisters and let everyone know the correct position. Thanks for your involvement in this discussion.
With regards,

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:32 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti Bhai!

Will the first births take place after complete worldly tranformation?

Take Care,

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:48 am    Post subject:

Dear Jim bhai,
Omshanti. I have talked to the nimit sisters and got the confirmation that the process of giving birth to the 9 lakh deities of Golden Age beginning with the birth of Radha and Krishna will commence from 2018 and this process is expected to be completed approximately by 2036-37.
As regards your querry that the last pair of parents should descend on the Earth around 9 months before 2036, this point will be clarified by the sisters after consultation with Baba.
With regards,
On Godly service,

Joined: 16 Aug 2004
Posts: 9
Location: UK

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:34 am    Post subject:

Dear Arjuna
Thanks for looking into this. At the risk of being pedantic, should the "9 lakh" you mention in the 1st line of your reply be 4.5 lakh?



PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:13 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti Bhai!

What are nimit sisters?

Take Care,

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:47 am    Post subject:

Dear brother Jim,
Omshanti. You are right in pointing out the correction. Actually, what I meant to say was that the process of giving birth to 4.5 lakh children by the 2.25 lakh couples would commence in 2018 with the birth of Radha and Krishna and would end approximately by 2036-37, when Radha and Krishna are coronated. So by 2036-37 the total population is around 9 lakhs.

As regards the second part of your original question, i.e. "So long as the last of the parents returns from the paramdham stage before approx 9 months of 2036, then the full 9 lakh can be present for the start of the Satyug." is concerned, I have received the following reply from the nimit sisters,
"The confluence Age is of 100 years duration, but it is not the case or there is no such calculation that a particular soul will descend from the soul world 9 months or 1 year earlier."

With regards,

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:54 am    Post subject:

Dear Papaya,
Omshanti. The word "nimit" means instrumental. Baba gives the example of a trustee to explain the meaning of "nimit". Just as a trustee of any trust is not the owner of the properties or funds of the trust, but only runs the trust on its behalf, without any personal motives or selfishness.
Similarly, we must consider ourselves to be 'nimit', i.e. instrumental or trustee, whether we are leading a family life or living at the spiritual centres. Shivbaba himself says that He is our obedient servant. Such a great authority and such a humility.
But sadly many of the souls living at the H.Qs./ Centres, who are supposed to be just "nimit" or instrumental/trustee, have assumed several designations like, Chief Administrative Head, Additional Administrative Head, Directors, Zonal incharge etc.
With malice towards none,

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:35 pm    Post subject:

OM shanti Bhai!

What I have really appreicated is Baba's importance given to woman.

This I like very much. In India and other parts of the world they are abused verbally and physically.

Take Care,

PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:53 am    Post subject:

Dear Papaya,
Omshanti. In the advance party, Baba gives more importance to women because they have been subjected to physical, verbal, religious and financial abuse for centuries since the beginning of Copper Age. Even among the women, Baba gives more importance to mothers than the unmarried sisters, because unmarried sisters develop a kind of subtle ego about their physical purity, whereas the mothers are pure from their heart, and are not egoistic since they have already witnessed downfall in their life, they have already experienced both good and bad, purity and impurity. So based on their experience they are more likely to extend more and since cooperation for a longer period than the spinsters. That is the reason why Baba has declared several times in the murlis "Vande Mataram", i.e. I bow to you O mothers. This was the slogan of the Indian freedom struggle also.
With regards,
On Godly service,

Joined: 20 Jan 2005
Posts: 142
Location: Paramdham

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 11:08 am    Post subject:

arjuna wrote:

As per the theory of BKs as well as the PBKs, heaven on Earth should be stablished by 2036, i.e. Krishna and Radha, who will take birth after the destruction should grow up and assume the title of Lakshmi-Narayan by 2036. The new era, i.e. 01.01.01 is supposed to begin by 2036.

Dear Arjuna,

Om shanti. Where does this come from, do you have murli quotes for this?
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