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PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:27 pm    Post subject:

Om shanti Bhai!

I have seen this often.

In which souls wish Baba to be like this or that.

It is our Ego and attachment to what we think things should be like.

Baba has so much patience, tolerance and love.

Take Care,

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:56 am    Post subject:

Dear 0791.

I agree with your views----instead of discussing the knowledge points we are discussing the likes and dislikes----this we should keep to ourselves and just exchange views on various topics and important murli points.

For eg. when Baba puts woman before men---what is the real meaning of this ---in the beginning of the yagya all the women(if you see the body) whom he gave visions and established the yagya are no longer the same in the eyes of Baba and they will turn out to be dharm gurus who are misleading the bk students at present----and if you now take the pbks mata and kanyas then they are also not mata in reality but they are purush quality souls(future kings) and so they also cannot be called matas whom Baba puts before men------so who are the real matas whom Baba will put before men when the time comes to establish heaven---Is it not the vijayamala souls??? (who are the real shivshaktis and gopis).

Everything has to be seen in the behad and not hadh.

Readers views are awaited.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 2:41 am    Post subject:

om shanti----shivsena,

I acquiesce your views that Baba places the vijaymala souls before men.

Does Baba prefer women to men or is it because of purity that they are placed accordingly?

The women ( vijaymala souls/queen souls), who have abundance of purity, are placed before men as it is mentioned as Laxmi Narayan, Sita Ram and Radhe Krishna.

Can any pbk give your views as to why the vijaymala souls have abundance of purity compared to the rudrabeads?

om shanti---peeu

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 8:48 am    Post subject: why.

Dear soul peeu.

Thanks for yor views.

Can any pbk give your views as to why the vijaymala souls have abundance of purity compared to the rudrabeads?

--Vijaymala souls are janam janam ki ranis and they have not done any vyabhichar in their 63 births and they have remained monogamous and so in sangamyug also they can remain in yaad of one shivbaba--"mera toh ek shivbaba doosra no koi"----------while the rudramala souls are janam janam ke raja and they have been vyabhichari in most of their 63 births and so they cannot attain the same purity as queens in sangamyug and they cannot remain faithful to one rememberence of shivbaba alone.

ok om shanti.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 10:41 am    Post subject:

Brother Peeu,

For everything there should a role model or an example for the people to believe. That's why Baba has given the task to vijayamala souls to show what purity is to the world.


PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 11:50 pm    Post subject:

omshanti. Uddhava has requested for the murli proofs for the following statement made by me:
"As per the theory of BKs as well as the PBKs, heaven on Earth should be stablished by 2036, i.e. Krishna and Radha, who will take birth after the destruction should grow up and assume the title of Lakshmi-Narayan by 2036. The new era, i.e. 01.01.01 is supposed to begin by 2036."

In this connection I would like to say that the maximum age for sangamyug mentioned in the murlis is 100 years. So if we consider the yagya to have begun in 1936-37 then the confluence age should end by 2036 and the era of Golden aged Lakshmi Narayan should begin.
There are murli proofs for this as well as the birth of Radha and Krishna, but due to some compulsions i cannot quote the murli points immediately. i can do it after a few days. meanwhile if any other pbk can quote any relevant murli point then it would be nice.

With regards,
on Godly service,

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:25 am    Post subject:

om shanti---shivsena

I agree with your views.

Vijaymala souls have abundance of purity due having monogamous relationship with the rudrabead souls in most of their births fr. copper age onwards.

"Baba has mentioned that there is one maharani only." This maharani is vedenthi behen and she is the only personality who have monogamous relationship to the same rudrabead throughout her 84 births. If at all, she couldn't marry her soul-mate in one particular birth, then she remains a spinster in that birth. The rest of the vijaymala souls' come numberwise in their percentage of purity based on the number of births they have monogamous relationship with their soul-mate fr. copper age onwards.

om shanti------peeu

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:34 am    Post subject:

om shanti---sister dharani

You wrote--- "For everything there should a role model or an example for the people to believe. That's why Baba has given the task to vijayamala souls to show what purity is to the world."

For people to believe, then there should be a logical explaination.

For Baba to give the vijaymala souls the task of defining purity, then there should be a perfect reason for Baba to choose them.

om shanti---peeu

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:32 pm    Post subject:

Brother Peeu,

I should have written like this. “For everything there should be a role model or an example then it will be easy for the people to follow”.

Yes. Vedanthi behan is the role model for the Bk’s to follow purity.

For ex: Suppose in a class room there are 20 students or so. The teacher of that class room knows the abilities of all the students in the class. Based on their ability of the student the teacher will assign the task of the project to do. Then the student can easily complete the work that is assigned to him.

2nd ex: In the household also mother knows the abilities of all of her children. According to their abilities she will divide the jobs of the house to everyone to do. The same way Baba knows the ability of his children accordingly he gives the task to do.

For Baba to give the vijaymala souls the task of defining purity, then there should be a perfect reason for Baba to choose them. ----- In my view Baba knows the ability of vijayamala souls about their ability to maintain purity.

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